• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
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Brave alt-right male feminist James Gabriel Potter leaving his female Jewish mod to the wolves.
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Brave alt-right male feminist James Gabriel Potter leaving his female Jewish mod to the wolves.
If only they knew of her defense of vtubers and lolicon over on the paypig board.

Josh begs a user of his with Rumble stock to whine on his behalf. Sorry, Josh, but I don't think your users have enough money for Rumble to care. Just like with your own principles, it's all about the bottom line.
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Josh refers to Hector Martin as "...[the] troon most facilitating the Byuu drama against Kiwi Farms..." rather than what is accurate, "Byuu's friend who told the truth about him and whom I threatened to sue for years." You must remember that Josh knew of Byuu's confirmed suicide for over at least half a year, but sat on the information and kept it hidden from his audience while telling them he still wanted to sue Byuu.
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Josh refers to Hector Martin as "...[the] troon most facilitating the Byuu drama against Kiwi Farms..." rather than what is accurate, "Byuu's friend who told the truth about him and whom I threatened to sue for years." You must remember that Josh knew of Byuu's confirmed suicide for over at least half a year, but sat on the information and kept it hidden from his audience while telling them he still wanted to sue Byuu.
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While discussing Hector Martin on stream yesterday Josh attempts to brag that "KIWIFARMS ACTUALLY CONFIRMED BYUU'S DEATH" as if media outlets weren't already years ahead of him. He also hides the fact that he personally sat on the information in a desperate bid to somehow prove it wasn't 100% true.
I'm not sure how to describe this tweet so I'll let you decide. It's just awful and meandering. He could have had a salient point about credit card monopolies, but he goes and says unhinged shit like this:
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James Potter, conservatives are not being banned by credit card processors. You don't see Fox News or Daily Wire or even 4chan struggle with Mastercard or Visa. Rather, the sites that struggle with credit card processors, like 8chan and Kiwi Farms, are typically extremist white supremacist websites where users fedpost every five seconds and go on mass shooting sprees on a regular basis.

There are at least three mass shootings in the past two years that can be directly connected to Kiwi Farms users. The Christchurch manifesto and footage, which has inspired literally dozens of mass shooters and resulted in the deaths of hundreds of people, is exclusively hosted on your site. When the New Zealand government politely asked you to take down the Christchurch manifesto to prevent copycats, you responded "Fuck you and your shithole country". Even after Christchurch was linked to several mass murderers, you still refuse to remove the manifesto on your site and make it publicly available to users even without making an account. On top of these mass shooting, Kiwi Farms users regularly try to commit crimes against lolcows such as swattings, sim swaps, hacks, and even a few cases of attempted murder.

James Potter should consider himself lucky that the most punishment he receives is that a few payment processors refuse to do business with someone responsible for dozens of murders. The feds could easily arrest him, find him complicit in all these mass shootings, and force him to rot in prison for the rest of his life as Bubba rams him with his big black cock.

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Kiwi Farms is now mainstream.
LMAO, Kiwi Farms is not influential in the slightest. The site maxes out at 2,000 active users, and that's only when Josh decides to promote some brand new revenge porn or child porn on the front page for random passerbys to goon to.

Mainstream opinions on trans rights have shifted for a few reasons:

1. Trannies tend to be ugly, neckbearded freaks who don't shower and can't hold a job. Defending these types is not optical in the slightest.

2. Due to the economic downturn, corporations have to be more restrictive in terms of promotional funding. Companies are opting to spending money on price cuts to combat inflation, as opposed to spending money on woke PR campaigns.

3. The purpose of promoting wokeness was trying to pander to millennials when they were the core demographic. However, the core demographic is shifting towards zoomers, who are much more critical of trans acceptance compared to previous generations (particularly the men). Ironically, the leading influencers of this view, Andrew Tate and Nick Fuentes, are people that Null despises and constantly shit on. Meanwhile, millennials, which are Kiwi Farms' core demographic, are still as pro-tranny as ever. Those "based foids" that Null constantly simps for are also overwhelmingly pro-tranny.

James Potter has done absolutely nothing to promote anti-trannyism. If anything, his site has been a boon for the trans rights movement by acting like unhinged wignat schizos who swat anyone who disagrees with them.
James Potter, conservatives are not being banned by credit card processors. You don't see Fox News or Daily Wire or even 4chan struggle with Mastercard or Visa. Rather, the sites that struggle with credit card processors, like 8chan and Kiwi Farms, are typically extremist white supremacist websites where users fedpost every five seconds and go on mass shooting sprees on a regular basis.

There are at least three mass shootings in the past two years that can be directly connected to Kiwi Farms users. The Christchurch manifesto and footage, which has inspired literally dozens of mass shooters and resulted in the deaths of hundreds of people, is exclusively hosted on your site. When the New Zealand government politely asked you to take down the Christchurch manifesto to prevent copycats, you responded "Fuck you and your shithole country". Even after Christchurch was linked to several mass murderers, you still refuse to remove the manifesto on your site and make it publicly available to users even without making an account. On top of these mass shooting, Kiwi Farms users regularly try to commit crimes against lolcows such as swattings, sim swaps, hacks, and even a few cases of attempted murder.

James Potter should consider himself lucky that the most punishment he receives is that a few payment processors refuse to do business with someone responsible for dozens of murders. The feds could easily arrest him, find him complicit in all these mass shootings, and force him to rot in prison for the rest of his life as Bubba rams him with his big black cock.

LMAO, Kiwi Farms is not influential in the slightest. The site maxes out at 2,000 active users, and that's only when Josh decides to promote some brand new revenge porn or child porn on the front page for random passerbys to goon to.

Mainstream opinions on trans rights have shifted for a few reasons:

1. Trannies tend to be ugly, neckbearded freaks who don't shower and can't hold a job. Defending these types is not optical in the slightest.

2. Due to the economic downturn, corporations have to be more restrictive in terms of promotional funding. Companies are opting to spending money on price cuts to combat inflation, as opposed to spending money on woke PR campaigns.

3. The purpose of promoting wokeness was trying to pander to millennials when they were the core demographic. However, the core demographic is shifting towards zoomers, who are much more critical of trans acceptance compared to previous generations (particularly the men). Ironically, the leading influencers of this view, Andrew Tate and Nick Fuentes, are people that Null despises and constantly shit on. Meanwhile, millennials, which are Kiwi Farms' core demographic, are still as pro-tranny as ever. Those "based foids" that Null constantly simps for are also overwhelmingly pro-tranny.

James Potter has done absolutely nothing to promote anti-trannyism. If anything, his site has been a boon for the trans rights movement by acting like unhinged wignat schizos who swat anyone who disagrees with them.
Small corrections on this. The Christchurch shooting can be traced back to 8chan (now known as 8kun), not Kiwi Farms. So when it came to the Christchurch shooting, Brenton Tarrant (as far to my knowledge goes) was never a Kiwi Farms user (he only named PewDiePie and used Facebook and 8chan for his now infamous shooting spree). Kiwi Farms simply reported on the incident and to be fair the New Zealand government has always been cucked so Jersh (as ill-advised as it is) was in the right to give the New Zealand government the middle finger.

Also, Millennials did had their right-wing to far-right figures as well back in the day. If you remember how the political climate was back then, the Internet leaned more towards the Right until Big Tech decided to censor their own platforms. People and groups like Richard Spencer, Milo Yiannopoulos, Walt Bismark, Christopher Cantwell, Rebel News with people like Gavin McInnes, American Renaissance, Ann Coulter, Stefan Molyneux, Andrew Anglin, Baked Alaska, and many others comes to mind. Some of these individuals I just named are probably not even remembered anymore because as the Zoomers say "They Fell Off". They were pretty popular back when the Alt-Right were at their peak until the Alt-Right collapsed and many of those right-wing individuals faded into irrelevancy (groups like Rebel News was basically The Daily Wire of the 2010's before Rebel News imploded because of their own hubris).

The Extreme Right was popular back then until it suffered a major blow when the Alt-Right movement began to collapse. Nick Fuentes was part of the Alt-Right and he took it upon himself to try to revive the moment (which is now failing because everyone else on the Right find the Groypers to be annoying faggots). Andrew Tate isn't anything special either; the Tate brothers are just a shitty rehash of those old cringeworthy pickup artists that you would've saw on Youtube back in the early-2010's and they're currently being charged with serious crimes.

Most importantly, both Zoomers and Millennials are still statistically more prone to support more progressive causes. It's just that right-wingers tend to be better at making memes. Saying that Zoomers are more likely to support the far-right is like saying Eastern Europe is supporting communism again just because you find one or maybe two legit commies living in Eastern Europe (it's a confirmation bias).

People like Nick Fuentes and Andrew Tate are going to run their courses eventually in the same way how most Alt-Right figures that were once popular would become irrelevant.
He's only saying this because aparently one of the DOGE members either browses or is a kiwifarms user.
I seriously doubt Jersh has some direct connections with the American government for one reason alone. We've seen this before with QAnon.

If you remember the QAnon shitshow, allegedly a high level employee of the American federal government gave out cryptic messages on 4chan that Trump was going to pull a Napoleon Bonaparte and that a storm is "coming" where you need to Trust the Plan and you have to wait two more weeks. QAnon got its start on 4chan where the retarded /pol/acks thought that a high ranking official of the American government was promising that Trump would do a self-coup and save the world somehow.

The reality was at the time was that Trump could barely function during his first term in office and the Orange Man was laughably incompetent. Shit, if the Leftists were right and the Jan 6th riots were Trump's way of staging a coup then Trump is the most incompetent person ever to stage a coup because even third-world countries that often are the victims of a coup can organize one better than the Jan 6th rioters.

This is most likely just Jersh LARPing because if you remember QAnon, many started to question who Q actually is or if Q was even real and over the years people started to speculate that Q was not a rouge fed but most likely both Ron Watkins (aka CodeMonkeyz) and his father (who are currently the owners and administrators for 8kun) are Q and there was never a rouge government employee to begin with; it was just a LARP by the 8kun owners the entire time allegedly.

It's for this reason alone why I seriously doubt a member of DOGE has ties to Kiwi Farms because DOGE is suppose to assist the American federal government in seeing what government bloat they can cut off (especially since DOGE is a temporary committee and it's going to close its doors sometime next year); not browsing shitty websites like Kiwi Farms making cryptic shitposts like Q did. Then again, Jersh was once an 8chan mod so him deciding to do his own version of the QAnon LARP is not that far off.
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Kiwi Farms is now mainstream.
This is so laughable.

The sediments in regards to things like Transgenderism did not originate from Kiwi Farms, the sediments against Transgenderism, Feminism, and other things related to Progresive thought originated from places like 4chan's /pol/ and other similar corners of the Internet long before Kiwi Farms began hating on troons (the /pol/acks did the hate on troons thing long before it was cool). So Jersh does not deserve the credit in regards of how the political climate is now because those sediments where there long before Jersh and Kiwi Farms began to adopt them.

"Ah you think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding!"

Kiwi Farms is a forum that originally started out documenting Chris-Chan's life and laughing at lolcows. If Kiwi Farms did had a play in the role in changing the current culture as we know it, if that was the case then I guess Encyclopedia Dramatica is the reason why Trump got elected back in 2016 (it was totally ED and it wasn't 4chan that memed Trump into the White House back then; don't make me laugh Jersh).

Kiwi Farms was relevant when Keffals made a big stink about it and people haven't talked about Kiwi Farms and Jersh much after #DropKiwiFarms. By the time Trump finishes his second term in public office, Kiwi Farms will most likely become so irrelevant where it may either die a very slow and painful death like Encyclopedia Dramatica currently is or go out with a memorable bang where Jersh may find himself in a scandal that he can never recover from (whichever comes first). Jersh is suffering from Main Character Syndrome the way I see it.
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Is this where he's ONLY listening to a specific group of a few people and not the entire collective?

Because I'm pretty sure the majority of white people hate indians, especially after Musk and Vivek opened their mouths on Twitter/X
I mean he should know on kiwi farms the uproar over the this was ear deafening.
James Potter, conservatives are not being banned by credit card processors. You don't see Fox News or Daily Wire or even 4chan struggle with Mastercard or Visa. Rather, the sites that struggle with credit card processors, like 8chan and Kiwi Farms, are typically extremist white supremacist websites where users fedpost every five seconds and go on mass shooting sprees on a regular basis.
I struggle to defend Josh, especially given his site's link to two high school shooters and his indifference to reprehensible content. His attitude makes it hard to sympathize with him, particularly when dealing with predatory payment processors.
There are at least three mass shootings in the past two years that can be directly connected to Kiwi Farms users. The Christchurch manifesto and footage, which has inspired literally dozens of mass shooters and resulted in the deaths of hundreds of people, is exclusively hosted on your site. When the New Zealand government politely asked you to take down the Christchurch manifesto to prevent copycats, you responded "Fuck you and your shithole country". Even after Christchurch was linked to several mass murderers, you still refuse to remove the manifesto on your site and make it publicly available to users even without making an account. On top of these mass shooting, Kiwi Farms users regularly try to commit crimes against lolcows such as swattings, sim swaps, hacks, and even a few cases of attempted murder.
That's a completely valid point
Kiwi Farms' user base is notorious for extremism, and Josh actively enables and encourages this behavior, despite his claims to the contrary.
James Potter should consider himself lucky that the most punishment he receives is that a few payment processors refuse to do business with someone responsible for dozens of murders. The feds could easily arrest him, find him complicit in all these mass shootings, and force him to rot in prison for the rest of his life as Bubba rams him with his big black cock.
Josh could potentially face liability lawsuits, similar to Alex Jones' situation with the Sandy Hook shooting. Moreover, the feds may also target him for distributing CSAM and other illicit content, which could lead to severe consequences.
LMAO, Kiwi Farms is not influential in the slightest. The site maxes out at 2,000 active users, and that's only when Josh decides to promote some brand new revenge porn or child porn on the front page for random passerbys to goon to.
It's influential to a certain demographic.
Mainstream opinions on trans rights have shifted for a few reasons:

1. Trannies tend to be ugly, neckbearded freaks who don't shower and can't hold a job. Defending these types is not optical in the slightest.

2. Due to the economic downturn, corporations have to be more restrictive in terms of promotional funding. Companies are opting to spending money on price cuts to combat inflation, as opposed to spending money on woke PR campaigns.

3. The purpose of promoting wokeness was trying to pander to millennials when they were the core demographic. However, the core demographic is shifting towards zoomers, who are much more critical of trans acceptance compared to previous generations (particularly the men). Ironically, the leading influencers of this view, Andrew Tate and Nick Fuentes, are people that Null despises and constantly shit on. Meanwhile, millennials, which are Kiwi Farms' core demographic, are still as pro-tranny as ever. Those "based foids" that Null constantly simps for are also overwhelmingly pro-tranny.

James Potter has done absolutely nothing to promote anti-trannyism. If anything, his site has been a boon for the trans rights movement by acting like unhinged wignat schizos who swat anyone who disagrees with them