"I wish the gloom within me would spread and turn everyone in the world into shit-crawling maggots."
Global Moderator
Reading anything posted by anyone but me from this thread would be redundant since people will have their own made up head canons on me based on things I've posted that 90 percent of the time are just shit posts and me not actually being serious, the only place I've really come to be myself is my own blog website, and now this thread. People will always write a narrative about somebody they don't like to paint them to be somebody they aren't, so it's nice to actually be able to just be forthcoming now and let people get to know me directly from the source, the real person. I don't even have anything bad to say about anybody whose commented this thread, even knowing some of the people and who they are behind the accounts I don't feel any resentment because I realize that gossip is just a fun pass time for some people.I'm sure you'll find your time to bloom
I've actually never read anything in your thread so I don't know anything about you.
So this is like meeting somebody new.