• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Cardboard Box is flying a little too close to the sun. All Ghost of Ted Kaczynski did was call Josh a fat, unmotivated retard. Josh is just letting Cardboard Box cockslap him across the face in front of the whole class like a bullied child. He's super close to crashing out.
What you do with the dox once you have it? Are you talking about dox such as a SSN, drivers license number? Yes this I'm going to draw the line on. Bank account numbers, credit card numbers? Stuff like this adds nothing to the thread on terms of enjoyment.

Now if you are just talking about an address, that's different.
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:Null And I'm closing the thread so you can't complain anymore! Fuck you I do what I want IT'S MY SITE!
Lidl Dick is ballwashing him in the thread but I CBA to unignore xem to look at whatever the fuck xey's posting.
He was definitely stalking that thread and seething impotently about everyone pissing in his cornflakes. He did the exact same shit with the cheese debacle. You love to see it.
:Null: I can't manage the forum because NiggerFaggot1488 keeps pestering me about getting Dumb ratings
Also :Null: I can't use muh own website because NiggerFaggot1488 keeps replying and having different opinions than me

He should just admit he hates the stickers because he wants to protect his harem of landwhales. Iirc the Sticker Crusades started right after LidlDick took an extended leave after someone hurt "her" feefees or something with stickers and DMs, which is when Joycelyn started throwing his tantrums about both these long-standing forum features.
View attachment 79166
:Null And I'm closing the thread so you can't complain anymore! Fuck you I do what I want IT'S MY SITE!
Lidl Dick is ballwashing him in the thread but I CBA to unignore xem to look at whatever the fuck xey's posting.
“You are using the site in the most retarded way if you track site activity by stickers.”

My lolcow in Christ, you designed it this way, same as this site. If you find it extremely retarded,…
what does that say about you?
1. Minced words? I think straight out lying about his connection to Russia (making other processors not wanting to deal with him) counts as "mincing"

2. He only recently backed down on asspats, you retarded baby raper. What a cock sucker (and baby raper).
View attachment 79166
:Null And I'm closing the thread so you can't complain anymore! Fuck you I do what I want IT'S MY SITE!
Lidl Dick is ballwashing him in the thread but I CBA to unignore xem to look at whatever the fuck xey's posting.
I just lurked, Lidl doesn't participate in the thread until Null starts getting negrates, then Zie comes in doling out "Agrees" and "Winners", but didn't go back to rate the previous posts made by Null...
That would be worse. "I'm going to censor your speech to avoid bringing further heat on myself, pound sand".
He already word filters out "touch the poop" so I don't see why this would be much different.

This middle-manager blogpost is some of the gayest bullshit I've read, followed closely by the "I guess it's not a le free speech site anymore sorry guys" post he made later in the thread.

It never was, faggot.

A Cardboard Box and draggs point out how Null is making the site less fun with Dyn attempting to defend him.
He's close, but the real reason Null hasn't passed the site onto someone else is because he's a megalomaniac who needs his dollhouse full of dolls to abuse and lord over. If he didn't have that he'd curl up and die immediately.
View attachment 79166
:Null And I'm closing the thread so you can't complain anymore! Fuck you I do what I want IT'S MY SITE!
Lidl Dick is ballwashing him in the thread but I CBA to unignore xem to look at whatever the fuck xey's posting.
Wont be the first time Meowsh does the niggery. Oh well...
He should just admit he hates the stickers because he wants to protect his harem of landwhales.
As far as I'm aware he can simply switch off stickers for any sub-forum he wish. But then, if he want to protect BB from muh negativity stickers, why not turn 'em off for whole sub and be done with it? Come on Josh...

In all honesty his recent endeavors reeks of tranny stench all around, which is not a good thing in a slightest.
I'm afraid he was either consent accident'd by no-dongula or, which is more likely, got pegged by lidl drip, whom is secretly keffals.



In all fairness, the sticker issue has been causing infighting and report waves for years so this isn't a new situation. Like with most site issues though, Null could have fixed it by not being lazy, actually moderating and not letting things get to the point where he's having to break the site to get rid of a feature most are fine with.
I think he underestimates, or fails to appreciate, how much reactions drive engagement.
He fails to understand... the kwiffar love asspats more than him. Meaning... if one has to go... it'll be him.
In all fairness, the sticker issue has been causing infighting and report waves for years so this isn't a new situation.
It's been pointed out, you can just make stickies neutral value. However, as gabbabozo234 is the kind of person who is so ruled by asspat scores, they actually spent the time to write script to undo joshys work of stopping people from knowing the EXACT score. Again, they care very much about it, because it's how they figure out "how high on the totem pole" they are.

Most of these faggots WILL run, boo hooing to the jannies if they get a neg to their pos hole, and you can't do anything about the problem, as the USERS are the problem.