Look what I found in my archive: an old Youtube comment where Null insisted that
"Lauren Southern became more feminist-y because her husband left her bro"
Actually Null, Lauren became more feminist-y because she was literally in bed with the "OmniLiberal" enemy while still with her husband. The reason she was in bed with the enemy is because she's an alt right whore who gets off on secretly having sex with the opposition while publicly trad-LARPing on the internet for her stupid pay pig simps.
Lauren Southern is a sexual sociopath who gets off on her ability to seduce a political opponent in the "OmniLiberal", who is himself a sexual sociopath as he was literally cheating on his wife with someone he would've previously termed "a Natsee" and loudly denounced before his left wing audience. Not only was Lauren Southern tripping on her ability to bed an enemy, I bet Destiny too thought he was finally manifesting the Big Dick Energy for bedding a right wing trad-LARPer.
I don't care if their "bipartisan cuckoldry" (LMAO) was consensual, it was still hypocritical, opportunistic, sociopathic, and I once again thank Brittany for finally confirming what Kiwis in the Destiny thread had long speculated about.

TLDR, stop making excuses for Lauren Southern, Null.
She's not a feminist, she's a grifter and a turn-coat opportunist who gets off on having sexual power over lefty cucks like Destiny.