• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
It's only revenge porn when the first person involved leaks it. After that it's just porn that makes certain people mad and it's completely US legal. Know how much you care about "US legal", so I imagine my big brained argument has changed your mind about Josh in this particular regard
Josh is such a pervert, he said on a Kino Casino episode that revenge porn makes him want to eat torts. That's some sick shit!
"Weirdly"? Does joshy mean: That CDG went at the task of defending Commie Farms in a WEIRD WAY? Or does he mean "I cried, with snot streaming out of my nose "Oh puh-lease! Don't let the meanie trannies take my hugbox away!" Then fuck CDG off as soon as the site was up and ass pattin'.

Rhetorical Question
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"Weirdly"? Does joshy mean: That CDG went at the task of defending Commie Farms in a WEIRD WAY? Or does he mean "I cried, with snot streaming out of my nose "Oh puh-lease! Don't let the meanie trannies take my hugbox away!" Then fuck CDG off as soon as the site was up and ass pattin'.

Rhetorical Question
Context: CDG is CommieDickGirl.

She’s an assmad weirdo like Josh.
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Borschua is temporarily accepting gift cards from his most trusted paypigs only. Maybe ONAforums can pitch in and donate him Patrick's Adirondack
It didn't take long for the grifting to begin, and I should have known better than to be disgustingly optimistic. I suppose the bank needed to be robbed, didn't it, Josh? Some people just can't resist the urge to get their hands on other people's money, and it seems like no holiday season is sacred. I'm not surprised, but I am disappointed – again.
Someone far less lazy than me (and with more time than me right now) might wanna check Borschua's latest spat with one of his paypigs over money (starts here).
He's having quite a bit of a meltie in the thread right now bc paypigs are asking him for updates on the war chest and the Vinnie case in Australia.
Jokes aside, much as I think Josh's turned into a big fag, I kinda agree on the points he's making. It's just funny to see "low blood pressure" janny having yet another tardrage episode over basic questioning of his ultimate erverlard will.
and with more time than me right now
btw the links are just to the threads, from what I can see, and not to actual posts where an amount of money is mentioned


Paypig: Soooo... you've said you'd tell us where the money went... soooo... where did it go...?

joshy: WAAAAHHH! You're being mean to me, just because I've been disingenuous (at very best) about what the money is actually for, don't hold me to my word, and make me do the grown up thing.

That's basically it, broom was asked to do what he said he would do (financial break down of how much of Zhen's fine joshy paid). Pretty sure a couple of letters about copyright infringement doesn't cost 140k, maybe a couple of hundred.

I can imagine Hardin isn't keen on people knowing how much he's gouging the broom for, esp the IRS.
Josh gets in a slapfight with oldfag ForTheHoard who wants more litigation updates. He also seems irked that much of the fund has been going to Josh's retarded Australian friend who chose to not defend himself in court. Josh has previously conceded that a "large portion" of the fund will go to his Australian friend "Vinny." Josh has somehow convinced his users that overturning Vinny's case (that is in Australia and not the USA) will somehow help Kiwifarms. Josh claims that "we have not used a lot of the money..." and "Starting another lawsuit right now is not in our interest."


Does anyone else see the conflicting statements he's made?
1. "We have not used a lot of the money."
2. "A large portion of the litigation fund has been going towards helping Vinnie."
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Reminder that the website Josh created for the litigation fund has been down since July 2024. That's over half a year! Any updates in regards to money used from this fund should be posted in an easy to find place and documented on the fund's website. Why it's taking so long for Josh to bring the website back up is anyone's best guess. Surely he can't be "too busy" to get it back up an running given all his time and money spent traveling as well as buying a camera and taking pictures he's too afraid to even share with his users.
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