• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
> once back in the US, he will do more live streams, including AMSR coding streams and streams in the weekend
>AMSR coding
I'm asuming you meant "ASMR", in which case...
  1. That''s fucking gay.
  2. Knowing him he'll fail at it because he'll be cursing too much his listeners will be more agitated than relaxed.
For fuck sakes, he's just making the "Reddit-Farms" claims more valid by doing this kind of pussy shit.
>AMSR coding
I'm asuming you meant "ASMR", in which case...
  1. That''s fucking gay.
  2. Knowing him he'll fail at it because he'll be cursing too much his listeners will be more agitated than relaxed.
For fuck sakes, he's just making the "Reddit-Farms" claims more valid by doing this kind of pussy shit.
Yeah that’s what I meant, sorry, I was on my phone and in transit with internet not being stable and tried to write it up all quick before I forget what was said or the internet cuts off 😭

I found the whole idea ridiculous he thinks he can grift by recording himself coding 😂 which braindead fucker would watch videos of a fat moody tantrum prone incel coding SMH LMFAO!
null 1.png
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null 5.png
Null gets catty over people criticizing his mods, has a fit over Trump, claiming he's going to destroy KF and bans a user for saying his criticisms towards Trump are wrong.
Null thinks he can earn in the same way Rekieta and Ethan Ralph do but despite their many flaws they aren't fat, autistic man children who berate and insult the very people that donate to them. They also possess a certain amount of charisma which Null lacks-I mean he lacks any charisma whatsoever.

Let's not even get into Mekotur (I am not a fan but I can see why people like and enjoy his streams). Null has the political acumen of a middle schooler and he'll be back to calling Trump (and his supporters) names within weeks. I guess he missed the part about what calling them deplorables did to a certain candidate who was expected to become President.
Null thinks he can earn in the same way Rekieta and Ethan Ralph do but despite their many flaws they aren't fat, autistic man children who berate and insult the very people that donate to them. They also possess a certain amount of charisma which Null lacks-I mean he lacks any charisma whatsoever.

Let's not even get into Mekotur (I am not a fan but I can see why people like and enjoy his streams). Null has the political acumen of a middle schooler and he'll be back to calling Trump (and his supporters) names within weeks. I guess he missed the part about what calling them deplorables did to a certain candidate who was expected to become President.
The fucker should instead discuss how both sides are pretty retarded, but he doesn’t even have the charisma (like you said) or the actual balls to do so for a reasonably extended period of time.
Null thinks he can earn in the same way Rekieta and Ethan Ralph do but despite their many flaws they aren't fat, autistic man children who berate and insult the very people that donate to them. They also possess a certain amount of charisma which Null lacks-I mean he lacks any charisma whatsoever.

Let's not even get into Mekotur (I am not a fan but I can see why people like and enjoy his streams). Null has the political acumen of a middle schooler and he'll be back to calling Trump (and his supporters) names within weeks. I guess he missed the part about what calling them deplorables did to a certain candidate who was expected to become President.
I don't know how people keep making the mistake of assuming Null's bad attitude turns people off from him. It's literally how he got popular. The only reason people are having issues with it now are because he's going after the A&H crowd (who loved him for his tardrages until he directed his ODD at them).
I voluntarily left the forum early this year and then my life got too busy for any internet stuff but honestly I was pretty checked out during all the clearnet => TOR => clearnet => TOR shenanigans.

I came here just because I feel the need to unpack just how weird all of it was. Josh posting and pinning that bizarre "I want to start a family" midlife crisis screed in 2020 and then nobody acknowledging how fucking insane it was. The various meltdowns over inconsequential things, the tired routine of him wading into a thread you enjoyed, instantly being combative and then threatening to delete the entire thread (occasionally followed by him being hurt and shocked when discovering it resulted in the core posters of that thread privately setting up an off-site fallback on Discord/telegram/etc.).

Even the endless whinging about "reports". The endless times he sperged about reports in some fashion or another. It seems so simple: if people were doing something ban-worthy, ban them. If they weren't, ban or remove report powers from the users who are spamming reports, if that was what was even happening. Who knows how true any of that shit was, tbh.

Also, the fact that he knew for fairly certain from the evidence that the tranny who killed himself in Japan was actually dead for 6? 12? months without revealing it, letting so many of his defenders assert that the suicide was fake, he didn't actually kill himself was pretty fucked up for someone who supposedly for free speech and anti-censorship.

Honestly, the fact he uses his admin account as his regular posting account is insane to me. I'd never really want to run a forum, but if I did I would definitely do any non-admin personal posting under a private sock I'd cycle out regularly and not tell anyone so that I could act and interact like a regular user. It's like some 2000s 4channer power fantasy, because who else would want to interact with others in the most blunt, antagonistic manner possible and then ban anyone who doesn't cower? Arguing on the internet is the most worthless pursuit of anything, ever.

And a billion other quirks and oddness on his part, but looking through this thread it's all stuff you've covered before.

It was an interesting place, despite him. Unintentionally, by having a site that was "known" enough to gather people, it did allow some interesting "uncensored" venues to discuss various niche hobbies and interests that would otherwise difficult or impossible on mainstream platforms due to censorship or on smaller "uncensored" places due to low interest or the inherent chaos. But the growth of those on KF was entirely organic and unintentional on Josh's part, and he seems to view them as entirely "worthless".

He always seems to want to cater to the people who were closest to mainstream thought that would be the most likely to abandon/renounce/backstab him if conditions changed slightly. First it was the shitlibs, then it seemingly shifted to the femcels.

IDK. It was all so odd. I was grateful to the site for letting me interact and discuss how fucked up the world was when every platform was lockstep censored in 2020 and be able to act as an aggregator for the thoughts opposite to the zeitgeist that would otherwise be banned/deleted, regardless of whether it was true or not. It was refreshing to see even the schitzo shit that was in direct opposition of the mainstream unithoughts.

I've rambled enough. I didn't want to go back to the site seeing as it's only gotten worse since I left, but I wanted to just vent out my thoughts on a site that I spent a good amount of time on for a couple years. Thankfully the world is getting better and so have I. Out of my compassion to my fellow man, I'm sad to say that I can't foresee Josh ever changing the path he's on, and the path he's on does not lead anywhere good.

Sorry for the effortpost. I'm an emotional little bitch so I've been wanting to write something out to mourn moving on past something that I found meaningful.


An unimportant user
I don't know how people keep making the mistake of assuming Null's bad attitude turns people off from him. It's literally how he got popular. The only reason people are having issues with it now are because he's going after the A&H crowd (who loved him for his tardrages until he directed his ODD at them).
I do agree, Null won't run out of paypigs, but the others are right that the site culture is dying. Nulls paypigs just don't create. I don't know if you have read @KampungBoy s Null OP on Lounge96 but it's better by miles than any new OP on Kiwifarms, the other farms lags behind Reddit and Youtube on their chosen lolcows.

People say that the genderwars threads were the death of Kiwifarms, but I actually think they were the last hurrah, something everyone could participate in without wading through a mire of decade old injokes, site politics and Null Dogma. Null Dogma really killed the farms, Rekaka is boring and not a lolcow. Dick and VIto are so inconsequential, I can't even use my imagination to conjur up a mental image of them.
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Null's bad attitude turns people off from him.
tbf, the payment processing companies have very little time for the broom.
Null won't run out of paypigs
Wouldn't be so sure of that. Certainly, he'll run out of ENOUGH, to support the life style he's accustomed to. Think about how much of his income goes on ubereats.
the other farms lags behind Reddit and Youtube on their chosen lolcows.
Noticed how there are a handful of accounts who feel they should OP every new thread? Got a feeling, there is a "closed shop" mentality. Will not end well.
Null Dogma really killed the farms
By "dogma", you mean his many personality disorders.
Rekaka is boring and not a lolcow
Yeeeeaaah. But he wanted joshy to be his fwend. He knew what he was getting into when he bought the ticket...
The WHT moids weren't even talking about teh DMZ foids you paranoid fuck!
The hags have been in the brooms DMs, they have read something they didn't like. Quickest route to getting banned, piss off a foid, like pointing out the double standards, or demonstrating superior critical thinking skills (so, in 12 months time, 90% of the male user base, who grew up with a father in the household, will be banned).
Arguing on the internet is the most worthless pursuit of anything, ever.
X. It's a good deal of fun.
It was refreshing to see even the schitzo shit that was in direct opposition of the mainstream unithoughts.
How so? joshy has the same politics as a bint. The broom just exploited the MSM booting off anyone slightly right of Mao (a bit of satire), he hated the groypers, that had been turning up since 2016ish (that's when the capital I Internet started overtly being Cultural Marxist), the original kwiffar, they are all eternal students, dull middle class lefties, all they can do is kiss ass of whatever "authority" they see.

Being effectual, they have ended up stroking the ego of a closeted fag, on a niche internet gossip forum, having never progressed high school, intellectually and emotionally. Yer average kwiffar is unaware they are more like Chris Chan than they realize or even want to admit.

Never forget, joshy is the biggest lolcow on them thar Commie Farms.

Sorry for the effortpost.
No worries. Gays From LA has posted here for some time. Those really are effort posts, and Gays has some kind of pseudo-PTSD over being banned from KF.
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Null throws a fit in the US Politics thread where he says voting is "against his ethics" and says that he is not like Lowtax because he's willing to delete A&H if they keep bothering him.
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"I'm not your FUCKING friend".
I ate a one week ban for saying "I ain't reading all that" to his retarded "The system doesn't exist" effort post.

Joshua Moon is the fattest dumbest gorilla nigger on the Internet, and only second IRL to his skank addict mother.
has a fit over Trump, claiming he's going to destroy KF and bans a user for saying his criticisms towards Trump are wrong.

Here's what Null originally said about Trump, for the new people who have joined the forum and might not have seen this at the time: "He can promise everything he wants, I'm not voting for him again."

Retink Retunk said: Don Jr. did say that if his father is elected again they will pardon everyone people wanted pardoned. Whether that's just him trying to get people's good favor or not is yet to be seen, but I'm guessing it won't happen even if he's elected.
He can promise everything he wants, I'm not voting for him again.

Josh posting and pinning that bizarre "I want to start a family" midlife crisis screed in 2020 and then nobody acknowledging how fucking insane it was.

If Null is supposedly such an exemplary traditional family man, why doesn't he parade his perfect nuclear family online for all to see so we can fact-check him on the trad-LARP?

Perhaps because... they don't actually exist?

Perhaps because... he never actually married his girlfriend because he fears Liz Fong Jones hiring a detective in Serbia/Romania/Whereverthefuck to look up his marriage records and using those to dox his girlfriend, if they ever formalized their bond and she became his wife?

Perhaps because... he never actually married his girlfriend because her Serbian/Romanian/Whereverian family smelled an American rat and didn't approve of their bond? And he's too embarrassed to admit that her parents don't exactly consider him to be husband material worthy of their daughter? I don't know what it's like in the Eastern Orthodox Church but I believe it was something to the effect that that a future husband has to go to a woman's father and request her hand from her father. If the dad refuses, he has to "steal" her away from her family (abduct her in the middle of the night on a horse, now in a car) and get married in secret. I don't know if they do dowries in Serbia but I remember dowries being a thing in those regions of Europe some decades ago. Did Null the trad-LARPer/the Eastern Europe expert actually subject himself to these ancient, alien wedding rituals, or is it all just LARPing indeed? (If any Serbs want to join this thread to bitch at me how "modern Serbia isn't like this anymore", I don't care. This is about trad-LARPers idealizing a brutal tradition they've never had to experience firsthand.)

Perhaps because... he had an out-of-wedlock child with this alleged woman, and Null's alleged daughter is growing up in a household where her parents aren't married?

Perhaps because... Null has discovered that starting a nuclear family in the 21st century isn't as easy as he expected it to be, and he's now actually trapped and having a hard time living up to his fantasy of what a family should be like? (Asking this because he mentioned having seen David Lynch's Eraserhead and how it was a movie about "unexpected parenthood".)

I'd never really want to run a forum, but if I did I would definitely do any non-admin personal posting under a private sock I'd cycle out regularly and not tell anyone so that I could act and interact like a regular user.

This is literally why there are so many people on this forum who insist that Lidl Drip is a Null sock (just so you know cos you're new, I am not one of them, I have maintained from the very start that Lidl is a man because he himself admitted that in the beginning only to later change his story and claim to be a woman.)

It was an interesting place, despite him. Unintentionally, by having a site that was "known" enough to gather people, it did allow some interesting "uncensored" venues to discuss various niche hobbies and interests that would otherwise difficult or impossible on mainstream platforms due to censorship or on smaller "uncensored" places due to low interest or the inherent chaos. But the growth of those on KF was entirely organic and unintentional on Josh's part, and he seems to view them as entirely "worthless".

Agreed completely. Also thanks for posting this, this forum don't get nearly enough high quality posts such as yours.