Nektar Geist
An Onion Among Onions
Halloween III (Season of the Witch): There is no Myers, but it's got Tom Atkins (Lt Deal in the Rockford Files), and Dan O'Herlihy (more stuff I could mention).
Dead of Night: Anthology film from 1945, if you find Ventriloquist dummies creepy, you should avoid.
Carnival of Souls: Spooky Ooky sound track, and supposed lesbian subtext.
Little Girl who lives down the Lane: Released in the same year as Taxi Driver, Bugsy Malone AND Freaky Friday, Foster was also in this released for Halloween film about Martin Sheen being a nonce.
Woman in a Lizards Skin: I could have chosen a number of Fulci film (Don't Torture a Duckling is more of a "Giallo" outing), but I decided to go with the one with the Morricone sound track, psycho-delic groo-vey.
Certainly enough jump cuts and the like to take you into Samhain! "The last great one took place three thousand years ago, when the hills ran red with the blood of animals and children."
Dead of Night: Anthology film from 1945, if you find Ventriloquist dummies creepy, you should avoid.
Dead of Night : Alberto Cavalcanti : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Architect Walter Craig (Mervyn Johns), seeking the possibility of some work at a country farmhouse, soon finds himself once again stuck in his recurring...
Carnival of Souls: Spooky Ooky sound track, and supposed lesbian subtext.

Carnival of Souls (1962) : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
A car crashes through the railings of a bridge and down into the cold waters below. Of the three girls in the car only Mary survives, but from that moment on...
Little Girl who lives down the Lane: Released in the same year as Taxi Driver, Bugsy Malone AND Freaky Friday, Foster was also in this released for Halloween film about Martin Sheen being a nonce.
The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Woman in a Lizards Skin: I could have chosen a number of Fulci film (Don't Torture a Duckling is more of a "Giallo" outing), but I decided to go with the one with the Morricone sound track, psycho-delic groo-vey.
A Lizard In A Woman's Skin (1971) : Lucio Fulci : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Lucio Fulci's Giallo classic.
Certainly enough jump cuts and the like to take you into Samhain! "The last great one took place three thousand years ago, when the hills ran red with the blood of animals and children."
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