• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
What a thin skinned obese retard.
We go together like
Josh is so autistic he can't fathom his users being too scared to speak to him because they've personally witnessed him spergban so many users for no reason other than responding to his pissbaby attitude with more pissbaby attitude. He is also so autistic that he mistakes this basic survival instincts as cowardice.
Don't be naive, he fully understands. He just gets a high off of it, and off of calling them cowards.
Hard agree. @Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt thread banning @Kan is for the best in this thread and kf general 2.0. he can shit up the others but should be restricted from the main ones. Also you should revoke his sticker perms for sticker spamming me over 200 times in a day if you want to dish out equal punishment for users abusing features.
Caring about stickers; where did the cool @Crimson Fucker disappear to?

Last time Joshelyn had a meltdown about AgendaPoster:

Mike Peinovich, Stan/Margaret Pless, Keffals and Kanye/Ye are all apparently not acceptable lolcows to follow or discuss.

Unless you post about Amber or Chantal (but not the fat pigs on KF itself!!!) then Joshelyn doesn't want you on his website.
He's so getting banned.
Is a ban so bad these days?
If you don't discuss the topics that Joselyn wants then you're banned.
Even Reddit gets information before Kiwifarms (usually more accurate info than Kiwifarms too) and most of the lolcows are boring as fuck these days anyway.
The new lolcows DFE once they start picking up traction and the old ones have been done to death.
How many times can you speculate about BossmanJack or Rekeita? They're not that interesting because they fall into the same patterns of behavior.
Even lolcow.farms is dying.
Obsessing over freaks on the internet isn't that niche anymore.
On top of the above you have to deal with constant baiting from fat bitches in the Beauty Parlor in the Off Topic parts of the site.
Why bother?
This dude is so fucked. What a king.
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Didls post is embarrassing.
Odd how every other female user that simped about null has been banned (rommelbutt, dvnc) and EvaXephon got banned recently for joking about being in a relationship with null.
Didl posts absolute cringe 'pick me' level posts and nothing happens. even men who show appreciation to null of this nature get banned or harassed into quitting (wolfetone and slavpower)

I suppose if you're a 32 year old fatherless fatwhale with a broken penis who hasn't ever ejaculated during sex then pretending to be a women in love with your tranny ass is as good as its ever going to get.
10 fingers, 10 toes, 47 chromosomes
Caring about stickers; where did the cool @Crimson Fucker disappear to?
You should know by now. It's not that I'm upset he downvoted me, because that only tells me I'm doing something correctly to piss him off. It's just that I am an asshole and want to spite him by taking away his last chance to try and "get even with me" in his head or whatever it is he thinks he's doing. Like seeing your enemy in a desert crawling to an oasis... so naturally you drive by and shit in it. I actually re-enabled notifications for them in case he does it again for funny screenshots regardless.
Reason: Plus he can do this to anyone not just me and likely will if he hasn't already. If the poke him about Islam enough. Let's make it a forum challenge.
I can see it being kind of annoying to have hundreds of sticker notifications at a time. I used to turn them off on KF but I don't bother anymore.
If the default were people not getting sticker notifications it wouldn't even be an issue, but most people have it on by default until sticker spam happens and have to navigate a broken ass site and find the correct option which can be a pain for most users just trying to shit post.
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Chrischan is actually less of a retard than null and chris raped his own mother. how is he more of a fuck up than chris-chan?
the Moon family must be very ashamed of him
Not even his own mother likes him.
For all the Beauty Parlor fawning over Josh as a based "moid", his own mother worked hard, had to live with her parents to survive, tried to keep him in school, raised him, supported him when she thought he was gay, had to defend him from violent trannies and in return she got a vindictive parasite that ruined her life and got her fired from her nursing job because he was such an attention whore he posted his pictures and name everywhere online.

When he finally dies of a heart attack, brought on by eating so much, and slumps over in his computer chair there will be no one except his neighbors to find his stinking bloated corpse.
He should put some money aside with Hardin for his funeral because his family won't foot the bill and he has no friends.
I can't imagine he'd want his funeral notice going public because the ~2000 actual users he has pales in comparison to the number of people who hate him.
He is a total waste of oxygen.