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  • Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms

Be nice.
Do you guys want to know something really funny? When I call the director of Peenix Healthcare and tell them Ken is saying that "it would be good to kill nigglets through abortion" because he's autistic he'll say it wasn't him who posted that but someone on his forum he put so much work into,, the logo of which is also on a bumper sticker that he has on his car.
Do you guys want to know something really funny? When I call the director of Peenix Healthcare and tell them Ken is saying that "it would be good to kill nigglets through abortion" because he's autistic he'll say it wasn't him who posted that but someone on his forum he put so much work into,, the logo of which is also on a bumper sticker that he has on his car.
Okay, which sock are you?
Do you guys want to know something really funny? When I call the director of Peenix Healthcare and tell them Ken is saying that "it would be good to kill nigglets through abortion" because he's autistic he'll say it wasn't him who posted that but someone on his forum he put so much work into,, the logo of which is also on a bumper sticker that he has on his car.

Do you want to know something that I find really funny?

Your mama


Do you guys want to know something really funny? When I call the director of Peenix Healthcare and tell them Ken is saying that "it would be good to kill nigglets through abortion" because he's autistic he'll say it wasn't him who posted that but someone on his forum he put so much work into,, the logo of which is also on a bumper sticker that he has on his car.
I want to point everybody to this thread where I collected all the times Ashley attempted to do this without much success.

SFW website with SFW thumbnails and SFW avatars... :rolleyes:

SFW website you guys...

I see more troons kissing on KF than I do on any other platform I've visited today:

he definitely posts MATI streams to youtube on an "archive" channel. I thought you found it. Must've been someone else.

No, it's not Null himself running the archive channels. the MATI archive channels you see on Youtube are run by a KF user called "Big Mommy" who has been banned on Youtube several times and is a serial ban evader by now with every new MATI archive channel he tries to open. He talks about it in this old post in the MATI thread:

I thought about it and my big plan is to just keep making new YouTube archive channels once it gets to strike 2, move back to old channels once strikes are cleared, ???, Sneed. Hopefully as YouTube gets worse more people will move to the alternatives anyway, so we're biding our time. Operation Whack-a-Mole underway with newest channel MATI Archive 404

Also, as an alternative for people absolutely chained to YouTube for whatever reason, PotentiallyCriminal did a MATI stream snipe while building a model tank. Not sure if he plans to make this a regular thing but still worth subscribing. Also, watch the stream PotentiallyCriminal did with Null if you haven't seen it already.

Null doesn't want you to ban evade on KF but he's happy with his own users ban evading elsewhere to bring him fresh meat.
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Yeah my girl is hardcore anti-abortion because she's a Buddhist, and my stance is kind of like "my body my choice" is what got me through the pandemic without having to get that experimental sludge shot into my arm, and so now we don't talk about abortion anymore.

I still think murdering babies is disgusting, but who am I to keep a whore from doing something that I would never do?
Lol pussy. Scared of sludge, take it like a man cuz Washington did it
It'd be based to kill nigglets through abortion, not based to sell them to pedos. Pedos are unbased.

The ramifications of Republicans trying to legislate away abortion will be horrific.

Not to turn this into the abortion debate thread, but...

My general take on abortion is it should be allowed up to whatever is the maximum safe number of weeks for the mother. Hell, I'd incentivize it for niggers, spics and all kinds of shitskins. The more kids they have, the less gibs I'd give them. However...

I don't get how the party that ships rape apes to your neighborhood is the one that doesn't hate you.

Because the lefty party keeps their actions covert and they do not scream insults and tantrums against their female voter base. Republicans and right wingers celebrate pedophiles raping and impregnating children; refuse to prosecute illegal immigrants that rape women and children because they want those illegals as manual labor; and there are even prominent legal cases of Republican judges and courts in red states awarding male rapists with legal custody of their rape baby children knowing full well those children will be sexually abused by their fathers.

Lefties meanwhile keep their actions quiet. They work together with right wingers to import illegal immigrants to do dirty jobs that the native whites don't want to do. (This is true even in European countries btw, look up the singer Sting and the news story of how he used illegals to work in his personal vineyards to see this in action.) Then when those illegals inevitably act up, all lefties have to do is point at the right wing party and go "its his fault! He's the one who doesn't give a shit about crime!"

Then they help the attacked ladies get abortions. Right wing politicians can't say shit because they love illegal immigrant labor. In Texas there is a feral colony of illegal immigrants where they are being kept on a game preserve and bred like animals, all for the sake of manual labor. This illegal immigrant game preserve is being funded and protected by the Republican party in Texas and by Governor Abbott who is personal friends with the gamekeeper:

This is the quandary that American women and indeed most Western women are faced with. Do they go with the lefty party who won't enforce laws and imports illegals but will at least give them abortions when they're raped?


Aka Josh when he was in his Blockland era lol.

I really don't think this is very difficult to understand, its just coming off as being deliberately obtuse and sullen to pretend this isn't the dichotomy that faces modern women. The truth is I think that there would be a lot more center-right women if Republicans were disciplined about expelling the pedos and woman haters from their party. I was browsing Ovarit during the Larry Elder election in CA, and I was surprised at how many women there were admitting that they really wanted to vote for the One Based Black Republican because they wanted his law enforcement policies. But then they all cited abortion as their big sticking point and they agreed that wanting to get rid of abortion is the same thing as siding with those same criminals.

It was an eye opening moment for me and I've since spent a lot of time contemplating it. I don't think an abortion ban would be a bridge too far for the average American woman....if only Republicans didn't screw that up by flaunting their porn addictions, pedophilia, and retarded behavior. That's what I meant when I was talking about the polarization and how right wingers on the interwebz have allowed themselves to become their worst caricatures simply because social media algorithms pushed them that way.

Sure, we can agree that conservatives are absolutely retarded for forcing rape babies and retard babies on women. However, that's missing the forest for the trees. Most abortions are the result of unchecked promiscuity and lack of personal responsibility.

But women do not see it this way and you are actively pretending not to understand women's nature when you say this stuff. Women do not think in these terms, they immediately jump to the worst case scenario, i.e. rape, due to their neuroticism. And Republicans have actively refused to address women's concerns in this area. Idk if you're old enough to remember but I knew we were cooked when Todd Akin decided to say "rape babies don't real because a woman's body naturally miscarries after rape":

The very fact that you are talking about supposed promiscuity instead of women's actual concerns regarding abortion indicates that you don't know how to deal with this political problem. Right wingers still haven't moved beyond Todd Akin's mindset and it will be the reason why conservatism is put out to pasture.

Funnily enough Donald Trump is actually very popular with American women and he's consistently peeled off the White Woman Vote, who put him in office in 2016. The rank and file republicans (not you, I'm thinking of our retard uncles on Facebook who post 2A memes) responded by crying about how white women love voting Democrat.

The reality is that Trump is popular with women because he says out of pocket shit like "can't we just kill rapists?" and then "what if we just built a big beautiful wall and just kept the rapists in Mexico?" The fact that he named illegals as rapists and criminals really resonated with women across the political spectrum. Trump is much more popular than social media indicates.

Contrast with the twitter tards we laugh at who claim to be prolife and see how shitty they act! It's not hard to see why Western women choose who they choose. They will not vote for men who hate them. They will however vote for the man on the golden escalator that said "idk just don't let criminals into the country."

It bears repeating that women in Western Europe have all the abortions they can get and STILL vote for the parties saddling them with rapey sandniggers and troons because... it would be rude/toxic masculinity/nahtsee-ism to do otherwise.
Ironically, one of Josh's favorite adages applies, but not in the way he'd think: "People want today to be like yesterday, and tomorrow like today". Most if not all men I know are conservative in thought like that. Women, on the other hand, are often at the forefront together with the minorities whenever this or that protest or workplace push for the new woke fad happens. They are their own worst enemy and, like with most things in life, can't even admit to that, much less take responsibility for it.

In my experience white women at least see these political battles as proxy wars against conservative men. Keep in mind the retard behavior of the average right winger on twitter and suddenly it clicks into place. My personal experiences lead me to believe that these lefty women understand these minorities are disposable pets and want to use them as pawns. Once the lefty leadership from On High speaks to them and says "pulp these animals" you will be shocked at how fast Western women turn on them.

Take this with a grain of salt if you like, I don't mind, but personally it seems to me that lefty women just want to hurt conservative men. And its because conservative men tried to fight age of consent laws, tried to fight rape laws, tried to stop banking reforms that would enshrine women's rights to keep their money and property, etc. Conservative men all over the world have been trying to stop women from owning property, having their own money, etc. The well has been poisoned for a long long time and women hold grudges.

I consider myself more right wing than left, but I have also realized just how badly righties have screwed themselves. We could have chosen to affirm women's individuality and citizenship by respecting their property laws and whatnot. The politicians of the past chose not to do this. And they still don't, look at how much Republicans hate Trump for wanting to complete his wall.

IDK man I think conservatism is dead with women and it kinda deserves to be. Abortion is just a symptom of this.

Love that his comment section just hates the fuck out of him lmaooo
The ramifications of Republicans trying to legislate away abortion will be horrific.

Because the lefty party keeps their actions covert and they do not scream insults and tantrums against their female voter base. Republicans and right wingers celebrate pedophiles raping and impregnating children; refuse to prosecute illegal immigrants that rape women and children because they want those illegals as manual labor; and there are even prominent legal cases of Republican judges and courts in red states awarding male rapists with legal custody of their rape baby children knowing full well those children will be sexually abused by their fathers.

Lefties meanwhile keep their actions quiet. They work together with right wingers to import illegal immigrants to do dirty jobs that the native whites don't want to do. (This is true even in European countries btw, look up the singer Sting and the news story of how he used illegals to work in his personal vineyards to see this in action.) Then when those illegals inevitably act up, all lefties have to do is point at the right wing party and go "its his fault! He's the one who doesn't give a shit about crime!"

Then they help the attacked ladies get abortions. Right wing politicians can't say shit because they love illegal immigrant labor. In Texas there is a feral colony of illegal immigrants where they are being kept on a game preserve and bred like animals, all for the sake of manual labor. This illegal immigrant game preserve is being funded and protected by the Republican party in Texas and by Governor Abbott who is personal friends with the gamekeeper:

This is the quandary that American women and indeed most Western women are faced with. Do they go with the lefty party who won't enforce laws and imports illegals but will at least give them abortions when they're raped?


Aka Josh when he was in his Blockland era lol.

I really don't think this is very difficult to understand, its just coming off as being deliberately obtuse and sullen to pretend this isn't the dichotomy that faces modern women. The truth is I think that there would be a lot more center-right women if Republicans were disciplined about expelling the pedos and woman haters from their party. I was browsing Ovarit during the Larry Elder election in CA, and I was surprised at how many women there were admitting that they really wanted to vote for the One Based Black Republican because they wanted his law enforcement policies. But then they all cited abortion as their big sticking point and they agreed that wanting to get rid of abortion is the same thing as siding with those same criminals.

It was an eye opening moment for me and I've since spent a lot of time contemplating it. I don't think an abortion ban would be a bridge too far for the average American woman....if only Republicans didn't screw that up by flaunting their porn addictions, pedophilia, and retarded behavior. That's what I meant when I was talking about the polarization and how right wingers on the interwebz have allowed themselves to become their worst caricatures simply because social media algorithms pushed them that way.

But women do not see it this way and you are actively pretending not to understand women's nature when you say this stuff. Women do not think in these terms, they immediately jump to the worst case scenario, i.e. rape, due to their neuroticism. And Republicans have actively refused to address women's concerns in this area. Idk if you're old enough to remember but I knew we were cooked when Todd Akin decided to say "rape babies don't real because a woman's body naturally miscarries after rape":

The very fact that you are talking about supposed promiscuity instead of women's actual concerns regarding abortion indicates that you don't know how to deal with this political problem. Right wingers still haven't moved beyond Todd Akin's mindset and it will be the reason why conservatism is put out to pasture.

Funnily enough Donald Trump is actually very popular with American women and he's consistently peeled off the White Woman Vote, who put him in office in 2016. The rank and file republicans (not you, I'm thinking of our retard uncles on Facebook who post 2A memes) responded by crying about how white women love voting Democrat.

The reality is that Trump is popular with women because he says out of pocket shit like "can't we just kill rapists?" and then "what if we just built a big beautiful wall and just kept the rapists in Mexico?" The fact that he named illegals as rapists and criminals really resonated with women across the political spectrum. Trump is much more popular than social media indicates.

Contrast with the twitter tards we laugh at who claim to be prolife and see how shitty they act! It's not hard to see why Western women choose who they choose. They will not vote for men who hate them. They will however vote for the man on the golden escalator that said "idk just don't let criminals into the country."

In my experience white women at least see these political battles as proxy wars against conservative men. Keep in mind the retard behavior of the average right winger on twitter and suddenly it clicks into place. My personal experiences lead me to believe that these lefty women understand these minorities are disposable pets and want to use them as pawns. Once the lefty leadership from On High speaks to them and says "pulp these animals" you will be shocked at how fast Western women turn on them.

Take this with a grain of salt if you like, I don't mind, but personally it seems to me that lefty women just want to hurt conservative men. And its because conservative men tried to fight age of consent laws, tried to fight rape laws, tried to stop banking reforms that would enshrine women's rights to keep their money and property, etc. Conservative men all over the world have been trying to stop women from owning property, having their own money, etc. The well has been poisoned for a long long time and women hold grudges.

I consider myself more right wing than left, but I have also realized just how badly righties have screwed themselves. We could have chosen to affirm women's individuality and citizenship by respecting their property laws and whatnot. The politicians of the past chose not to do this. And they still don't, look at how much Republicans hate Trump for wanting to complete his wall.

IDK man I think conservatism is dead with women and it kinda deserves to be. Abortion is just a symptom of this.

Love that his comment section just hates the fuck out of him lmaooo

thats a lot of words to say you like to kill babies

just say you like to kill babies
thats a lot of words to say you like to kill babies

just say you like to kill babies
dude, it's a politisperging. and i think he does have some good points. read this:

"I can't help but feel like our own rhetoric is punishing us." Yeah, it is.
looks like those "wonderful" anti-women memes such as "no eggs, empty egg cartons. you don't have any eggs" and etc aren't worth it anymore, huh? and now these fucking tards complain about why huite women don't like them? lmao hahahahaha
Lefty logic: if they ban abortions it's just going to cause women to go out and get illegal abortions.

However if we ban all guns it will stop people from owning guns illegally.

Black markets only apply to aborshuns and weed literally everything else can be nationalized and controlled from the central office!

thats a lot of words to say you like to kill babies

just say you like to kill babies

This is true, I drink a baby smoothie every morning for protein