• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
> 56% of American White women vote for the niggers and spics who rape and murder them
> "Why u hate them so much?"
Is Josh seriously this retarded or is the need for grift that strong in him?
> 56% of American White women vote for the niggers and spics who rape and murder them
> "Why u hate them so much?"
Is Josh seriously this retarded or is the need for grift that strong in him?
View attachment 69580
>is Josh seriously retarded
He's simping for women on his forum that hate him and vote for the things he hates.

The fact that he didn't have a "........ oh wait" moment after he typed that should give you that answer.
>is Josh seriously retarded
He's simping for women on his forum that hate him and vote for the things he hates.

The fact that he didn't have a "........ oh wait" moment after he typed that should give you that answer.
Josh has never had a moment of self realization. This would require him thinking he's wrong about his opinions. Something he's completely incapable of.
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This would require him thinking his wrong about his opinions.
No kidding. Nigger went into one of his usual screeds about how hwuite hwammyn are justified in voting to lock themselves in with rapeapes because... they're not allowed to abort rape babies, or any babies they want. You see, all conservachuds need to do in order to win the hwuite hwammyn support and thus every election ever is to compromise on one of their core beliefs and save the hwuite race through infinite abortions.
But at least we're getting closer to the origin of this obsession of his.
Anyone here had money on "daddy issues"?
User sensibly points out his US-centric theory doesn't hold water when abortion-happy European countries still have le based hwuite wammyn voting to open the rapeape floodgates. Of course, he ignores it and goes straight to lard guarding his "gorls".
Hyperbole aside, how is he even so sure about having so many women users? It's not like falsely identifying yourself as a woman is a prominent topic on his website or anything...
No kidding. Nigger went into one of his usual screeds about how hwuite hwammyn are justified in voting to lock themselves in with rapeapes because... they're not allowed to abort rape babies, or any babies they want. You see, all conservachuds need to do in order to win the hwuite hwammyn support and thus every election ever is to compromise on one of their core beliefs and save the hwuite race through infinite abortions.
Josh has been known to go on some incredibly embarrassing autistic rants that by any other metric would make him a LOL cow.
View attachment 69584
But at least we're getting closer to the origin of this obsession of his.
View attachment 69585
Anyone here had money on "daddy issues"?
Everything Josh does is because of his fatherless upbringing and his erectile dysfunction.
View attachment 69586
User sensibly points out his US-centric theory doesn't hold water when abortion-happy European countries still have le based hwuite wammyn voting to open the rapeape floodgates.
European politics are suicidal there may be some similarities to the United States but it's not the same. And of course Josh will refuse to even acknowledge that he's completely wrong.
Of course, he ignores it and goes straight to lard guarding his "gorls".
Josh has made it abundantly clear that kiwi farms future is female. He will have his harem of hogs. Kiwi farms should be renamed to feeder farms.
Hyperbole aside, how is he even so sure about having so many women users? It's not like falsely identifying yourself as a woman is a prominent topic on his website or anything...
I think a lot of the women on kiwi farms are easy to identify as they habitually give out a lot of information about themselves. This is a good point though we don't really know how many of those users are actually female. And not gay men/toons larping as women.
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No kidding. Nigger went into one of his usual screeds about how hwuite hwammyn are justified in voting to lock themselves in with rapeapes because... they're not allowed to abort rape babies, or any babies they want. You see, all conservachuds need to do in order to win the hwuite hwammyn support and thus every election ever is to compromise on one of their core beliefs and save the hwuite race through infinite abortions.
View attachment 69584
But at least we're getting closer to the origin of this obsession of his.
View attachment 69585
Anyone here had money on "daddy issues"?
View attachment 69586
User sensibly points out his US-centric theory doesn't hold water when abortion-happy European countries still have le based hwuite wammyn voting to open the rapeape floodgates. Of course, he ignores it and goes straight to lard guarding his "gorls".
Hyperbole aside, how is he even so sure about having so many women users? It's not like falsely identifying yourself as a woman is a prominent topic on his website or anything...

You and Josh are missing the actual reason: Western women find Western men retarded and gross due to this exact kind of behavior. You're screaming about rapeapes and aborshuns especially lashing out at white women the majority of single moms and abortionists are spics and niggos. The average western woman does not have to be a genius or even that depraved to realize that they are hated and that it is in their best interest to vote for the parties that do not hate them.


"I can't help but feel like our own rhetoric is punishing us." Yeah, it is.

To get slightly back on topic, I think Josh has realized this to a certain extent and is trying to course correct for all the reasons I have cited previously in these threads.
Someone lied to Americans and told them abortion was a Male Vs Female issue and that is bullshit. You will NEVER meet someone as anti abortion as Pro Life women. Even here in Europe, we are seeing growing anti abortion sentiments and it is completely spearheaded by women.
Killing babies is weird and nasty, its not a Left/Right or Male/Female issue.
I'm sorta indifferent to it, but I would be okay with if it was only legal to abort, if you were impregnated by being raped. But I have a feeling that women are going to lie and accuse more innocent men of rape.
So I don't really know.

My take on it is that abortion is simply a fact of life and that it cannot be legislated away. I don't remember if they still do this but Canada used to have an ethics board that approved or disapproved whether women's reasons were good enough to get an abortion or not. Eventually they were just rubber stamping all of the abortions that came over their desks because "the mother will suffer from depression if she has a baby." And that was that.

If the United States had settled on a 12 or 15 week time limit for abortion then it wouldn't be a huge deal. But the political parties in the US desperately needed something to fuel their base and so they chose abortion. They promptly polarized each other into the most retarded positions imaginable. No, we do not need post-birth abortions (aka infanticide.) Yes, it is unreasonable to ask a 10 year old to give birth to a baby after her pedophile father raped her repeatedly. All of these cases and more take place in the United States.

The actual truth is that mothers are treated like absolute garbage in the United States, not by corporations or employers or the government, but by the society around them. We scream retarded words like "crotchspawn" and "fuckfruits" on twitter and wonder why moms retreat into retarded Facebook groups. We complain about kids screaming in restaurants and hate parents who try to keep them quiet with an ipad. We bitch and moan and cry about how "women aren't doing their duty" by not having 39 children in her life time. And then we sit here with our dicks in our hands going "I don't get it, why is abortion so popular? I don't get it, why don't women want to be mothers? We keep treating them like absolute shit and they just abdicate because they don't want to deal with it? How could this be happening to us?"

The support for abortion is the symptom of a larger problems in a hate fueled society. And there's no where for mothers to turn because everyone who surrounds them is either a hater (liberals) or a pedophile (conservatives.) There's no winning. Better to kill the baby now rather than subject it to what society wants to put it through.

A few months ago a pastor in the church a few blocks away from my home was arrested for raping an 8 year old girl. Lol. Lmao even.
My take on it is that abortion is simply a fact of life and that it cannot be legislated away.
Yes it can, you talk like abortion is the norm and pro-life is an aberration, when really it's the opposite way around. Women, especially childless women, are pack creatures and when the economy kicks rocks, I think abortion might become unpopular again.

I'm sounding super anti-abortion, but I am really only moderately anti-abortion.
mothers are treated like absolute garbage in the United States, not by corporations or employers or the government, but by the society around them. We scream retarded words like "crotchspawn" and "fuckfruits" on twitter and wonder why moms retreat into retarded Facebook groups. We complain about kids screaming in restaurants
It's because of bad parenting, a child with a good mother does not scream in public.
and hate parents who try to keep them quiet with an ipad.
There is scientific proof that too much screen time is bad for the development of a child

Muricans are fat and lazy as usual, it's a wonder how poor countries are able to raise kids up to adulthood.

"I can't help but feel like our own rhetoric is punishing us." Yeah, it is.
looks like those "wonderful" anti-women memes such as "no eggs, empty egg cartons. you don't have any eggs" and etc aren't worth it anymore, huh? and now these fucking tards complain about why huite women don't like them? lmao hahahahaha
He does read this thread. There are several times when I or others wrote something here and he basically responded to it on MATI without mentioning that he was responding to what was being discussed on OnionFarms.
That or one of his gunt guarders is screencapping stuff for him. He mentioned that I had other accounts, which is something I mentioned here after I was banned and not mentioned in my ban message. So he probably read my posts here to find that out. Really makes you think.
That or one of his gunt guarders is screencapping stuff for him. He mentioned that I had other accounts, which is something I mentioned here after I was banned and not mentioned in my ban message. So he probably read my posts here to find that out. Really makes you think.
It makes me think Null's fucking huge.