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Public figures in internet culture that are predominately seen as part of the cowsphere community
"All of this is bullshit, fucking nonsense that doesn't matter at all"

The Gays From LA

The Gays From LA Took My K.Flay Away
An Onion Among Onions
Demon Mama aka Martin Sovis aka Emily Sovis - Washington State based far left anarchist BDSM "trans-feminine NB" Drama Youtuber ("Twitch Politics is the zoomer's talk radio") who claims the evil cis are going to arrest & put trannies into FEMA camps. Has a collection of guns, claims he will shoot cops if they come and arrest him. Lives with his polyamorous harem, parades his 2 "pets" (submissive gay boyfriends) bruised and battered on Livestreams. One of his boyfriends is the t-porn actor "Cyberwitch Lexi" aka "Doe", a far left accelerationist environmentalist gay man who identifies as a deer and refers to himself as "it". They hit the bong live on air while discussing drama and/or poltics. Demon Mama flips out and screams a lot & there are compilations of these angry outbursts. Into body-mods with a split tongue & orchi. Claims to have had sex with a POC woman while calling her the n-word, supposedly at her request. Claims to be a former filmmaker but actually dropped out of film school because his Christian fundamentalist family objected to his ROGD trooning out. ContraPoints & Vaush BreadTube fanboi who hates Destiny and ContraPoints' ex-boyfriend Riley Grace Roshong. Keffals' favourite streamer and ideological guru. Associated with coke addict trannie White Nervosa's WhiteLeaf/WhiteForest platform, which also hosts Vaush and Keffals. Overweight, his spleen was removed due to "dieting" (obviously not due to his drug abuse). Claims to have BPD and a fear of abandonment (that's why he beats up his boyfriends, so they won't leave).

"Tranarchist" (transgender anarchist) Youtuber Demon Mama claimed to be a filmmaker before he got on Youtube. The only way I could find Demon Mama's films was by digging up his deadname. Since those films were already public his personal Vimeo account under his deadname (as well as listed on his IMDB account), I posted his IRL name along with the links to those movies (which his fan really seemed to like, I saw they left him some very supporting comments). Demon Mama later cried about this saying he was "doxxed on KF", but the truth is I never posted Emmy's home-address, nor did I ever try to dig it up. I wasn't interested in that at all. He had already disclosed on his Livestreams that he lives in Seattle, so I didn't see a reason to doxx him.

This is my promise and commitment to myself to finally recreate the Demon Mama thread. OMG, every time I go back and watch this guy's most recent Livestream, I can sit there clipping him all day long for all the extreme, hyperdramatic, self-aggrandizing shit that comes out of his mouth non-stop.

"All of this is bullshit. All of it. It's all a bunch of bullshit. That might not make a lot of sense to you, but I think it will in a second."

"OMG, it drives you INSANE! And I hate it. The Drama-shit, this weird fucking nonsense that doesn't fucking matter at all. The fucking mean bullshit is the worst because it prays on the fact that I do actually care about a LOT of people in these spaces. I feel like I can't be Demon Mama."

"None of the virtue-signaling bullshit is changing anything at all. It's not, it's changing anything by these endless moronic conflicts on the internet. It sucks so much ass. I've been happier for not giving a shit."

"I started to feel very doomer pilled about the online left, because the online left is a joke in a lot of ways."

"None of those people are telling you the truth. You are in hell and I am the queen of it. You understand? The one thing that you should appreciate about me is that I have always told you exactly who I am. I'm a motherfuckin' demon, bitch! OK? I am crafting hell all around you. And we're doing it in a fun way, OK? That's how it goes."

"I'm gonna be talking about drama, basically, not at all. I don't give a shit. I'm tired of your fucking bullshit, I'm tired of everyone's fucking bullshit. It makes me hate my life, it makes you hate your life. And I won't do it anymore. I fucking refuse. So yeah, there you go!"

This is one, probably the only, e-celeb I cannot watch even if I need to understand the full-picture.
I'd rather watch Vaush, and Keffals, for 2 hours straight than any DM(Demon Mama) video for a single minute.
It's almost impressive how terrible DM is.
I'd rather watch Vaush
Seriously? You'd rather watch Vaush the State Department mouthpiece instead of Emmy the Great going off on one of his "transgender Alex Jones" rants about how all the evil cis people will round up all the trannies and put them away in FEMA camps? Of all the BreadTube/Twitch Politics lolcow, Emmy is the superior cow IMO.

Another connection that I know about, that links Ella Hollywood to Youtubers: Ella has met and shot t-porn with "Cyberwitch Lexi", which is the alias that Demon Mama's gay boyfriend "Doe" was using as a transgender camwhore. Ella shared the pictures of himself with Doe/Cyberwitch Lexi on his NSFW Twitter account at the time. So Ella Hollywood not only has a connection to the Youtube mainstream of Mr Beast, he also has a connection to the far-left, anarchist, "Twitch Politics", milieu of Demon Mama and Keffals.
Demon Mama talks about Hamas and Jihadist Islamism:

Here he describes how Jihadist Islamism promotes mental illness and paranoia:

Oh wait, he's NOT talking about Hamas?!
He should though. It's the same thing, violent moral policing terroristic fundamentalism is the same everywhere.
Let's have a look at Emily for a bit. How does Demon Momma feel about Drama Youtube at the moment?

"I FUCKING HATE IT! IT'S LIFE-RUINING!"... oh, OK Emily, calm down now.

According to Em, you need to end the cycle of burning of things, you need to promote "the thriving of a beautiful garden of communities that make everyone thrive":

"When I came into these spaces I thought that a lot of conflict was organic and real.", says the man LARPing at a woman on the internet. :oops:

"No matter what you say, even if you tell the absolute truth, it might not actually matter, because you're being farmed for drama content."

Emmy is gonna discuss some drama I have no idea about, but only after spending half the video complaining about how he totally doesn't want to discuss it and how it makes him feel like shit that people come to him, an openly degenerate opinionated troon, just for the drama:

"They assume everything is drama, they hound me for it, OK? These people, they drive me fucking crazy, OK. You wanna feel the real anger? Cos I can feel myself getting fucking angry again. I hate it, OK? I legitimately fucking despise this shit. It makes me sick, I wanna spit on them, I wanna fucking dump the most rancid garbage into their trough, it fills me with a dark cruelty. I hate them, I fucking hate them. The drama frogs, they're horrible, they make me sick. Pathetic. But I try not to be too cruel though. (...) I'm an object to them, I'm a content box, I'm a sponge they want to squeeze dry and take as much as they can from and it makes me, fucking, feel terrible. OK? It makes me feel like a fucking piece of shit. (...) I was in the hospital with my partner, and people were on social media, being like, 'you'd better have the right take!'. And it made me wanna fucking go ballistic. OK? I'm not even kidding you.(...) I should just have Doe come up here and tell you in its own words just how fucking pissed off I've been."

Em, seriously now, did you really think people would come to someone as crazy as you are for your takes? You're literally wearing horns on your head, while wearing a tight shirt with skulls showing off your fat moobs. You are openly letting the whole world know you're a drama magnet.

Yeah, you should have Doe come on the stream and show everyone once again how you've utterly destroyed the late "Cyberwitch Lexi". I wouldn't be at all surprised if Doe had ended up in the hospital because of some sick degenerate shit you tried to do to him. Remember back when you were so confident in your abuse of Doe that you would feature him bruised and battered on your Livestreams? Tell us what he went to the hospital for. I bet you had a hand in it

"When I first came into these spaces, I didn't realize how fucking weird it was, that's there like a sucking motion, everybody wants you to get sucked into a specific spot, so you can be easily filed."

Yeah, cos you're totally not a weirdo openly advertising your weirdness for views. You definitely didn't file yourself away as one of the weird ones, LMAO:

Nope, don't cry about this Emily. You pull in what you put out.
Emmy is gonna discuss some drama I have no idea about, but only after spending half the video complaining about how he totally doesn't want to discuss it and how it makes him feel like shit that people come to him, an openly degenerate opinionated troon, just for the drama:

Em, seriously now, did you really think people would come to someone as crazy as you are for your takes? You're literally wearing horns on your head, while wearing a tight shirt with skulls showing off your fat moobs. You are openly letting the whole world know you're a drama magnet.

Yeah, you should have Doe come on the stream and show everyone once again how you've utterly destroyed the late "Cyberwitch Lexi". I wouldn't be at all surprised if Doe had ended up in the hospital because of some sick degenerate shit you tried to do to him. Remember back when you were so confident in your abuse of Doe that you would feature him bruised and battered on your Livestreams? Tell us what he went to the hospital for. I bet you had a hand in it

Yeah, cos you're totally not a weirdo openly advertising your weirdness for views. You definitely didn't file yourself away as one of the weird ones, LMAO:

Nope, don't cry about this Emily. You pull in what you put out.
>worm on a fishhook
Emmy calls out Keffals, shows that he maintained a secret doxxing server (like a secret "trannie KiwiFarms", if you will) where he was collecting dirt about his enemies on Youtube and Twitch.


From the comments: "I can see that Keffals has hurt you DM. It makes me sad to hear that. You're a good person.", "Destiny tried to warn you all about Keffals years ago. And he was right."

Original thread used in the above video:

Here is Destiny's "manifesto" on Keffals where he called him out over the fraudulent GoFundMe legal fund:

Keffals: A Case Study on Internet Terrorism and Mass Media Manipulation

Keffals: A Case Study on Internet Terrorism and Mass Media Manipulation (now privated)

Keffals: A Case Study on Internet Terrorism and Mass Media Manipulation [Mirror]

From the original VOD (Destiny was reading a DM exchange between himself and Keffals where Keffals admitted he was doxxed on Doxbin and not KiwiFarms, and was threatening to get Destiny's account shut down for being the first Youtuber to expose him):

"(Destiny quoting Keffals from DMs): "When you explicitly mentioned my KF thread in your manifesto, I was scared of the fuel it would add to the fire. You don't like me, your community hates me. And there is more than likely at least one schizo in your community who would retaliate using my doxx regardless of if you tried to reign people in or not. When you started talking about doing a second manifesto stream, and then alluded to my [website zero] paste, I was scared. [Website zero] users aren't stupid like KF users. They simply post the dox and are smart enough to know how to hack accounts, collect info from data breaches, and use social engineering to get the information they need."

She knew about that website the entire time, but she never told you guys because she wanted to pin everything on KiwiFarms because that's who her crusade was against. Because that's where the fame and fortune and media attention was. It wasn't on this other website that is a bit more scary than KiwiFarms.

(Quoting Keffals from DMs): "Website [zero] retaliated agaisnt me when I started the campaing - /started the campaign/! - to get Cloudflare to drop KiwiFarms, and they did a more comprehensive doxx of my family and friends than KiwiFarms ever did."

But still, she's never ever mentioned it. Publicly.

(Quoting Keffals from DMs): "I'm glad you're reasonable. You're a really smart guy. I never doubted that about you. You obviously see how we both have the potential to lose control over this situation, if it goes mainstream. If this situation ended up as a news cycle, it would put my friends and family at risk, and at worst, it could result in your Youtube channel getting terminated. I'm glad you agree with me that both of us walking away is the best course of action. I don't wanna see either of us eat shit because of this."

(Destiny quoting himself from DMs): "OK, gotcha, makes sense. I'll think about it more from my POV, but I'm pretty content to probably leave everything where it is. Even in the best case, where my doc destroys you, every single person in my corner is a derranged transphobe/doxer/harasser/nazi/etc., who's going to end up causing me more trouble than the positive exposure on any doc would get me regardless."

(Quoting from his 2nd Manifesto doc): For the first time I had a direct conversation with Keffals in which she implored me to not release any additional information about her, suddenly remarking that it would be incredibly damaging for both of us,
and would likely cost me my Youtube channel in the process.


Here's Demon Momma and Xanderpig both admitting that they both already knew, in the summer of 2022, that Keffals was scamming his subscribers with his #DropKiwiFarms GoFundMe (they both knew this because one of Keffals' coworkers had reached out to them with the receipts) ... but they didn't tell anyone about it because Keffals was still on their good side, so they covered it up and allowed Keffals to contiue to perpetrate the GoFundMe scam:

LMAO, look at them both pointing the finger at one another, arguing over who realized Keffals was a fraud first, when it's plainly obvious they both knew Keffals was scamming people and didn't say shit about it because of their close association with Keffals and the ideological overlap of their audiences:

Someone directly confronts Demon Momma about his obfuscating bullshit: "You BOTH promoted Keffals despite knowing about the GoFundMe", and Demon Momma wallows in denial that he too enabled Keffals' fraud even and despite knowing about it.

Literally all I see is video after video about the Chris Tyson drama but "trannies are old news now" :rolleyes:
Are you yourself the resident troon that you're so eager for people to "move on" (read: ignore ongoing fraud and predation)?
Someone not blocked by gays inform him the drama was about him being a pedophile and not about him being transgender. Even the people that support trannies were mad because he tried to use it to deflect criticism.
WTF is wrong with the online trans community? I know they're a never-ending source of drama, intrigue, scandal and criminality, but now Demon Momma is involved in online drama YET AGAIN?

If you have no idea what this is about, don't bother yourself about it and save yourself the headache of having to see me talk about disgusting and extreme harassment and abuse directed at me, my family, and my community. This video will not be entertaining like my videos usually are. It is a simple telling of the truth on a grossly false harassment campaign.

The last month has been incredibly painful, disappointing, and infuriating, not just for me, but for my family and friends. I truly hate that I ever had to make this video at all, but my community is important to me and I know there are well meaning people in my audience who want their fears settled and this video will do that.

If you have no idea what this is about, don't bother yourself about it and save yourself the headache of having to see me talk about disgusting and extreme harassment and abuse directed at me, my family, and my community. This video will not be entertaining like my videos usually are. It is a simple telling of the truth on a grossly false harassment campaign.

The last month has been incredibly painful, disappointing, and infuriating, not just for me, but for my family and friends. I truly hate that I ever had to make this video at all, but my community is important to me and I know there are well meaning people in my audience who want their fears settled and this video will do that.

Oh, I see...

Why are people looking into this shit only now? This Westside Tyler guy is using research into Demon Momma that I myself had posted to KF back in 2021-2022 or something, when I first discovered Demon Momma due to his public beef with ContraPoints/Nyk's boyfriend at the time. Riley Graceless NoSchlong.

DemonMama Exposé - How ‪@RileyGraceRoshong‬ and Destiny DESTROYED a Community

IRL Interview w/ ‪@ContraPoints‬

I was posting about all this shit years ago on KF. I was one of the regulars in the Demon Momma thread on KF when it was first created and contributed a LOT of research. Even before that thread was created I was already posting about Emily in the BreadTube thread.

Here are some old posts of mine about Emmy from the KF BreadTube thread:

Emmy now claims he has "Long Covid"

"Vaush's community doesn't like me"

We have a rather disturbing development in the Demom Momma saga. Emmy claims he's keeping guns in the house in order to shoot cops that "post on Facebook groups saying they want to bash queers":

Let me show everyone where Emmy gets his foreign policy "tokes" from:

Demon Momma is apparently obsessed with Christian wives having bad sex after marriage...

BIG EMMY GENDER REVEAL: Demon Momma apparently has a secondary gaming-only channel Youtube... with only 98 subs, LMAO!
