• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

Pippa Pipkin / Nicolette Pinder

Who can say. I don't know. I don't give a shit about Internet points. 🤷🏻‍♂️

(Just because I know the faggots are going to updoot it, I cut his precious Internet points in half dood @XYZ I don't know. I think the whole thing is pretty gay.)
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On no you're right. You weren't at ten before. You were at smellevin or some other pretend number because apparently it's painful to you that I just cut your fagdoots in half?

Why are you a dipshit? 😂

First off, why even care?
But second, why are you a dipshit? 😂
I was at 5 stars to begin with, retard. :story:

For someone that doesn't care, you sure just wasted minutes of your finite life for nothing.
I was at 5 stars to begin with, retard. :story:

For someone that doesn't care, you sure just wasted minutes of your finite life for nothing.
Oh okay. Sure sure. Whatever you need to say, faggot. :story:

I can't believe this matters so much to you. 😂 What a complete faggot.
Projecting your own actions onto others is unseemly.
Seems like that's half this site.
Oh. Okay. Sure. Sure. Whatever you say.

I'm sorry I don't feel anything but confusion at that. But I'll try to pretend like I feel "owned" (jesus fucking christ is it 2012? You're even dusting off drilposting. 😂 I shouldn't complain. It's kind of nostalgic, but fucking why?) if that will make you feel better.
I'm just baffled by your faggotry in general.
Nah, I'm way cooler than the original Chase. It really is like different versions of Spiderman at this point.
There is nothing interesting or cool about you dog fucker you spend all day everyday talking about the anime pink rabbit this is why nobody likes you because you're an incessant fagot.
Can you go upvote all my posts Chase 2 some sperg downvoted me for some reason. Man I’m sleepy after a long day of zox zaxxing I’m wiped out.
Are you crying about your negative reading you should it shows that you're a fucking embarrassment this website's not even that hard to get along with people you just got to stop being a Goon which is next to impossible for you
Wait, let me get this straight. You guys keep saying Chase is the Sharty mastermind. Earlier on this thread one of you accused Chase of being EVERY SHARTY. But the moment he gets something right... he's an attention whoring faggot taking credit for the Sharties?
Like this group psychosis thing you guys have going on is amazing. Chase is becoming like the devil of some kind of religion you're all piecing together in your minds. 😂
If he gets something right, then that's someone else. He's otherwise he's only the bad things.
No we think you're a fucking loser who happens to act a lot like another loser named Chase if you're not Chase it's only because you're and even bigger fucking loser

Oh. The star thing? It seems pretty pointless to me.

But fine. If it will make them mad.
No it really won't make us mad I only come into this thread to call you a Goon and just slap you around like a Goon. You're my punching bag I'm allowed to do that so I'm going to continue to do it. I don't care about anything that you have to say I don't really care about your obsession
spend all day everyday talking about the anime pink rabbit this is why nobody likes you because you're an incessant fagot
I think that's well and good, the purpose of the Farms is to document lolcows and various pet interests. Chase is a fucking faggot though because of all the weird flailing, the inability to adapt to forum culture, the obvious bullshit lies, the attention seeking behavior, the general spastic behavior, etc.
I think that's well and good, the purpose of the Farms is to document lolcows and various pet interests. Chase is a fucking faggot though because of all the weird flailing, the inability to adapt to forum culture, the obvious bullshit lies, the attention seeking behavior, the general spastic behavior, etc.
I agree with you those are many of the reasons he's not well-liked. Additionally, he has a peculiar habit of creating sock accounts by the dozens. He also engages in signal-boosting and talks to himself. Furthermore, he presents a contradictory argument, advocating for the acceptance of lolicon and pedophilia as cultural artifacts of Japan, while simultaneously claiming to be against them in principle. Moreover, he has been associated with bestiality and a disturbing incident involving dog murder."