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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Freya's misdeeds and hazing

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
I mean, I'm sorry I made people very angry by posting in the man hate thread and saying what I wanted to say. I had no idea I was making people mad that I didn't even know existed. They need to get a grip.
See, the thing is you could do this freely because Josh never disciplined you for it. Meanwhile, he was constantly nannying anyone from Man-Hate who did the same. Don't you see how that looks?

They're clearly asshurt and not someone that wants to have a real discussion.
To be fair, you're both acting that way. Which is why I was imploring you guys just try to make up, despite your differences. Especially given the circumstances. :optimistic:
"It was nigh on a decade ago but I remember it like it was yesterday. His calm steely demeanor immediately stood out to me"

Girl you are obsessed... Over Josh Moon... What the fuck...
See, the thing is you could do this freely because Josh never disciplined you for it. Meanwhile, he was constantly nannying anyone from Man-Hate who did the same. Don't you see how that looks?

To be fair, you're both acting that way. Which is why I was imploring you guys just try to make up, despite your differences. Especially given the circumstances. :optimistic:
I'm willing to have a normal conversation with anyone. I told that person they were right and they were still being nasty to me anyway. What more do you want from someone?
There were already thousands of threads in the news subforum hating on women that were uninterrupted. I don't know why being able to post in a single thread with a different viewpoint is driving faggots here into a frothing rage.
take your meds Rebecca.
You know there's a sticker called "Take Your Meds" by the way. I guess it's a common enough phrase.

I'm pretty sure she's still active on Twitter--someone should invite her to join us. Tell her that she can say stuff like kike, nigger, and faggot here.
I'll let her know. She'll probably get a kick out of living rent free in Freya's head. Doubt she'll use OF, though. She's a bit focused on IRL stuff.

I'm willing to have a normal conversation with anyone. I told that person they were right and they were still being nasty to me anyway. What more do you want from someone?
Well, that's a good start, if you're being earnest. Just keep in mind there's definitely going to be some animosity here for...well, if you look at the screenshots that @KampungBoy is posting, you'll understand....

There were already thousands of threads in the news subforum hating on women that were uninterrupted. I don't know why being able to post in a single thread with a different viewpoint is driving faggots here into a frothing rage.
Yeah, and Josh made no beans about how much he hates A&N on a regular basis. But, you gotta admit, most of it was just Reddit-tier takes at best. Just a bunch of people acting like niggers for their respective political parties.

Concerning the gender war stuff, I can only say that your behavior was often conflated with that of Lidl. I know you're arguing that you weren't part of her clique or whatever, but perception is reality. and @KampungBoy has some compelling screenshots that support that perception.
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"It was nigh on a decade ago but I remember it like it was yesterday. His calm steely demeanor immediately stood out to me"
View attachment 61991
Girl you are obsessed... Over Josh Moon... What the fuck...
Oof... Those receipts. Freya, your comments about not being Null's ass kisser is not holding weight. It would be one thing to say, "That was in the past when I thought Null was a decent sort but learned that he is anything but", however, you are trying to paint yourself as a hero here when you were not. It doesn't help that you keep saying that you value free speech when evidence shows us that is anything but.
Because they were making people mad and it was funny.
and thats how A&N posters feel about what they post. Why you dont allow them the same courtesy?
No. I did not do that. I want everyone to be able to speak their mind. Don't get hysterical and lie about me.
ive never once seen you come out in support of a user getting banned for going against the grain and nulls been purging people nonstop since April. ive seen you attack users knowing full well the rules were not being applied consistently and that if they fought back theyd get banned.

most recent example is following FelineSupremacist around the forum trying to provoke a fight even though she outright said that she and another user were threatened with bans if they defendsd themselves. iirc FS even put screnshots in thread to prove it.
you did the same thing to PaladinBoo by following her around knowing she had been warned for telling you to kill yourself.

@Home Depot Bucket did Freya also follow you around attacking you for no reason? I know that LidlDrip and Lurker did for months.
Meanwhile crickets from Ms Freya 'Speak your Mind' Feminist here about these constant unprovoked attacks trying to drive women who didnt agree with them off the forum.
youve got women in the manhate thread championing serial killer Aileen Wuornos but none of you could show a tiny shred of solidarity to women who disagreed with you.
could you moralfag any harder?
Oof... Those receipts. Freya, your comments about not being Null's ass kisser is not holding weight. It would be one thing to say, "That was in the past when I thought Null was a decent sort but learned that he was anything but", however, you are trying to paint yourself as a hero here when you were not. It doesn't help that you keep saying that you value free speech when evidence shows us that is anything but.
No, you're just autistic and filtering this through the lens of someone that doesn't understand human interaction.
could you moralfag any harder?
Freya, you need to understand many people here have a good deal of animosity towards Josh. Myself included, by the way. So some of that is going to be freely levied against you considering...well, stuff that @KampungBoy posted.

Only reason I'm not taking anything out on you here is because a lot of this gender war stuff is a bit silly at the end of the day. Not worth the kind of life ruination stuff that Lidl attempted to do by doxing PaladinBoo, for instance.

Just be aware, if you mouth off to people here, they're not going to take it lying down.

On the other hand, you have something in common with a few folks here--you were unfairly banned for speaking about something that I genuinely think you were correct about. MrBeast and his tranny boyfriend deserve to crash and burn. Just something to consider. You don't necessarily have to be enemies with people here and I doubt they're going to hate you forever.
could you moralfag any harder?
This is verbatim what youve been posting to people who called you out on Kiwifarms for being a pedophile sympathizer.
your handwringing about posts being the same repetitive slop rings hollow. Your posts are garbage and you cant refute anything i raised because its a 100 true and honest reflection of your behavior.

this isnt Kiwifarms, fat bearded gypsy hag.
your fingerbang gang isnt here to shower you with praise for your retardation.
This is verbatim what youve been posting to people who called you out on Kiwifarms for being a pedophile sympathizer.
your handwringing about posts being the same repetitive slop rings hollow because you cant refute anything i raised because its a 100 true and honest reflection of your behavior.

this isnt Kiwifarms, fat bearded gypsy hag.
your fingerbang gang isnt here to shower you with praise for your retardation.
you're just autistic dude.
i wish had existed when your mother was still strutting her stuff on the streets. it would have done us all a favor.

Why did you send your flapjack titty pics to shartyteens on EDF? Is this why you defend Chris Tyson, because you also like to sext with minors?
i dont know. why were you sexting with furries in 2014 and asking them to smell your asshole?
me talking to him like I would any other person? Wow that's really damning.
Nah, I mean the screenshots he posted. Da ebidence paints a pretty clear picture of the kind of behavior seen exhibited by you on the day-to-day on the Kiwi Farms. In a roundabout way, @KampungBoy is actually be helping you notice some blind spots you might not have realized you have in your regular discourse. High-school insults aside, surely you'd be willing to acknowledge that many of the people here have a point, right?
Nah, I mean the screenshots he posted. Da ebidence paints a pretty clear picture of the kind of behavior they've seen exhibited by you on the day-to-day. In a roundabout way, @KampungBoy is actually be helping you notice some blind spots you might not have realized you have in your regular discourse. Surely you'd be willing to acknowledge that many of the people here have a point, right?
they're not interested in helping me notice anything. they're just frothing at the mouth raging. Why aren't you saying anything about them claiming I am an ED poster that left the community years ago?
i dont know.
you dont know why you were sending pepperoni nipped pics to teenagers? wild.
why were you sexting with furries in 2014 and asking them to smell your asshole?
look i understand that due to your moms predilections that you struggled to form a bond with your father but your issues with his behavior in 2014 should be saved for your therapist.


'im not in nulls gunt guard' - Freya 2024