What is it with people who play video games on the internet thinking that trans people are the devil or worse than pedophiles?
You go onto a place like /v/ and it's just people constantly talking about and getting angry over it.
I've been annoyed with trans people and I've even been bigoted towards them but I don't really get this obsessive hatred these types of people have towards them, and black people, and jews, and anyone that's not middleclass either
Feels like they just go after them because the average trans person doesn't have that much power, is easy to bully, and it's easier to go after that then ever tackle the people who do make their lives shit irl
They are sexually attracted to them and are mad about it. Kiwifarms sublimates this into violent and detailed fantasies about being raped and sexually assaulted by trannies. Even in casual posting you see this, they lament "trannies" and "LGBT" being "forced down their throats." The proliferation of this and other phrases shows how they have sexualized trannies and homos in their minds. People who use this language are also the people who post the most obsessively about trannies. The longer you read a KF thread there more likely it is to start chatting about them and once that happens it is inevitable that they start posting their rape fantasy fanfiction.
/v/ and KF feature the same kind of user, low-T failed males with no skills or accomplishments. Shitting on trannies gets them easy validation and it also gives them a place where they can post their tranny porn. It is not an accident that everything the obsessives write about trannies and homos is so sexually explicit. They want to have sex with them and they have made trannies and homos objects of fetishization. They desperately want to be sexually involved with a tranny but since they are (correctly) ashamed of it they try to pretend the obsession isn't there and that they're doing some sort of community service by forcing trannies into the spotlight and into the cultural zeitgeist.
It's similar to the manosphere obsession with "girlbosses." They don't actually want a meek Christian wife who pops out a new kid once a year. They want to conquer a wild woman who doesn't like or need them. That is why the entire discourse about "muh trad" and "retvrn" exists, because of the sexual obsessions of the iphone generations.
if chuds actually got state enforced marriage/forced marriage a lot of their tradwives would poison them out of desperation or do other things similarly as drastic, and then play it off like they didn't know anything
if you want a girl you have to prove you're actually worthy of one imo. a lot of these guys that grew up in middleclass suburb environments grew up with the expectation they should be handed everything and life isn't supposed to be a struggle (not for them, they were born the right color or grew up in the right place/socialclass environment)
I used to follow a blogger whose wife published a book about male struggles. She did this by holding a survey on her Wordpress site & social pages and then copypasted the responses into the book (which itself was only about 50 pages long.) Instead of posting about significant issues that men face, such as the aftermath of being sexually assaulted, false accusations, etc she only printed middle class guys whining that they were "only" making 6 figures coming out of their Ivy league schools or that they had to wait 2 years for a promotion. Then she tried to use these """problems""" to spin up anti-woman sentiment screeching about how making Brayyden making "only" $200k/year after graduating Harvard was evidence of conspiratorial gynocracy.
At this point the whole thing is the blind leading the blind. Soft handed low-T older """men""" getting soft handed even lower-T boys to think that their lives are over due to innocuous shit. And the byproduct are the spoiled litte brats that we see on social media now.
There are significant issues that face men but thanks these soft handed males don't want to talk about them because they don't actually struggle with them.
Folk talk about it plenty but once it comes time to do the work suddenly it's not such a good idea
Farming sims are made to play into this fantasy. Many tried this fantasy in the 1970s and their offspring fled back into the cities in the 1980s. Turns out a/c and indoor plumbing are preferable to "owning the libs."