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Null/Kiwifarms Satire & Speculation Lidl Drip

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The Gays From LA

The Gays From LA Took My K.Flay Away
Hellovan Onion
Does Lidl Drip actually ever bring up anything about themselves? Even Dyn goes into weird old man spergs about growing up in a mining town.
What, other than his LARP about being a mother of two and living in Belgium despite not knowing actual French?
Anything he says about himself cannot be trusted because he knows that people here are looking into his LARP, so he's only gonna say things now to reinforce that. Or, if anything he writes appears too powerlevelling when read between the lines, he will coat it in a thick layer of typical zoomer meta-irony so he can disavow it later.
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Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions
You know what lidl finds bizarre?
The concept of men LARPin' as wymbym... no, really.

Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions
When was the first time you heard Femcel?
I heard it in ref to Venti, that's got to be over a couple of years ago. Ah, remember the (actual) womenwho complained about MGTOW? Complained about Prenups (how dare anyone expect you to agree to something, and stick to that agreement).

"Oppressing us for all human history" Cultural Marxist Farms indeed.

Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions
lidl fails to link (again). Porn is real (even the drawn stuff, like neko shota), whether it's REALISTIC, is another point. lidl is resentful (((they))) didn't get out during (((their))) 20s and put it about a bit.


Straightest Gay
Hellovan Onion
View attachment 50483
lidl fails to link (again). Porn is real (even the drawn stuff, like neko shota), whether it's REALISTIC, is another point. lidl is resentful (((they))) didn't get out during (((their))) 20s and put it about a bit.
Is lidl doing the argument that maddox did?
"Actually all porn is technically cuck porn since you're not the one actually doing it."

Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions
lidl is a bit uppity uppity, over a wymbym talking back to (((them))). Likes to remind them of their PLin'. A bit threatening? Well, Blobz ain't taking no shit from a man LARPin as a wymbym...
Yeah... lidl does sound like a moid... lidl hasn't been seen since, btw.

Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions
lidl doesn't know shit about shit...
The Radfems were non bio ess themselves. I've already mentioned the police, the army, the scouts. Notice how few (none that I that think of) Fathers are in favour of their kid getting mutilated.

Sorry, lidl. Your Mum was a dumb cunt who didn't want to know your Dad. Now you have to deal with the consequences. Look up the developmental disadvantages of growing up without a Dad in the house.

Yes. Women did vote for this.


Hellovan Onion
I don’t think Lidl is null but I know that they’re a part of the inner circle: Lidl, Dyn, and Josh.

Two possibilities:

1. Lidl is Null
2. Lidl is a longtime radfem Null stalker fan whos finally got her wish of getting her claws into Null and controlling LCF/CC 2.0