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People who are prominent in the Lounge96 community
>not showering
this is based the jews put chemicals in the soap and shit
I wish I gave a shit enough to go pull the Daily Stormer article that literally says that.
Don't let them kike you of your ancestral stank :story:

What can you do to help retards like Ms Crimsonglove Whitefucker?
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Anywho connect the dots in the OP ya bum, don't wait on that illiterate Glowie to do so if that wasn't sarcasm.
No, Glowie is actually working on that and I'm not going to cuck his content. It's a very "scratch my back" working relationship we have but this is really his kill to claim since he was the one who told me



@Crimson Fucker
Ma'am, I'm not asleep. Let's talk it out.
I want to know how your hematophagy is going

@Crimson Fucker
Ugh, pooner child, I had sticker notifications off years before Null did.
But fine. You literally cannot engage unless it's spamming gore pics that are older than you.
Bleh bleh bleh, indeed

Let it be known that I beat our resident gore spammer into keeping their profile on private.
Geeze, who knew Drac had such soft feelers 😏
Talk about terminally online.

Just went out for food and drinks. With friends. Something he clearly lacks. That's why he acts this way. Going through messages one more before I'm done for the day.

I'm not bothering to figure out how to quote reply a locked thread nor do i feel the need to tag someone who I fuck with as a pass time.

Let it be known that I beat our resident gore spammer into keeping their profile on private.
Geeze, who knew Drac had such soft feelers 😏
View attachment 49741
You were spamming the same image over and set yours to private first. Don't be a pussy and let me post on your page. I promise I won't post gore or scat. Coward.
Reason: Cry about it.
You were spamming the same image over and set yours to private first. Don't be a pussy and let me post on your page. I promise I won't post gore or scat. Coward.
Read only mode is a good way to show you're not a total coward. Unless you think people will find it interesting what your initial reaction to a supposed faildox was, of course.
No need to step on landmines to prove anything to me of all people

Read only mode is a good way to show you're not a total coward.
Do you need help, Honey Baby?
I know you're slow on the uptake, in a medical sort of way
My reaction is basically the same as all the other times. Only thing different is the personal army requests you have been making all over the site derailing other threads over that I have been shitting on you for and my desire to flood this thread with scat porn and skinned dicks.

@Crimson Fucker You are a woman and always will be.
Which is fine, it's the rest of your behavior that's embarrassing

Only thing different is the personal army requests you have been making all over the site derailing other threads over that I have been shitting on you for and my desire to flood this thread with scat porn and skinned dicks.
But this is literally delusional horseshit 💅🏻

I've decided to not wait. Gonna ease my way into the NSFL stuff with some nikacado ass which has been posted without issue all over multiple threads before by others besides myself.
View attachment 49746
Yes, Nikocado's anus and gore images I've been spammed with since you were shitting in diapers.
Given, knowing you, that could have easily been yesterday but the essence of my statement stands

Is this illegal? Is this revenge porn? Who cares posting it anyway.
View attachment 49747
Oh, but no one cares retard.
You stop that right now!!!
This is a serious thread!

because I run on alcohol and spite.
Rita did turn 21 this year but she's literally allergic to going outside, so have fun stealing from your dying mother, you raunchy cunt

No! I'm allergic to those!
Naughty jungle of love!

Stop, you fucker! This is a permanent record and you're ruining my narrative with cocks!


I don't understand? I thought I was pulling gay-ops? I thought I was schizo posting.
For the slow niggers in the back, it's such an interesting way to react to the most retarded narrative that I couldn't sell to a chimp.
Really warms my walnuts and activates my almonds

No! Not ISIS footage! I hate that! Those CIA funded slow motion cameras could have gone to making Marvel movies for beaners!

No! Stop it! Ken is still a moderator and the other ladmins really give a shit!
I'm hitting the report button now!

Irl inflation fetish
Hm, not like I have screenshots of you saying you're into inflation, right?

Unrelated, but isn't it such a funny reaction to a total faildox?
Mods! Mods!
Be based on your first day and let's watch this one unravel itself. It's going somewhere, I promise

Thread's over. She spammed her gore folder.
Pack it in lads, I'm just a fucking snitch asshole with a schizo theory, obviously

1677594341766 (1).jpg

1677603852354 (1).jpg

I'll give you my actual address. Just redeem the Google Play card, "sir"


Oi guv, Oi'll smack u right in the gob, I will I will.
Now clean it up (for free)

Glad this is the new thread to post NSFL now. I get to share my collection.
View attachment 49777
Care to comment why this is your reaction to a faildox?
You've officially slipped into monke fucker status. We're all quite shocked and appalled and literally clawing our eyes out.

Mhm, I've lurked /b/ before



This is actually further than I got than with the other guy.
View attachment 49785
No shit retard. This is bland bullshit you could scrape from 4plebs. No one gives a shit. Yeah, his name was Ronny McNutt or Roberta Paulson or whatever.
Sooooo edgy

You'll run out long before anyone cares, Rita



Yes, you've gotten me good and didn't just shit yourself in front everyone. Bravo, another masterfully executed anime plot? Berserk, probably.

When you're done coping I will gladly accept a single apology for trying to lob a gay-op my way.
I did nothing to you but express an unwillingness to do faggotry on someone and you've turned it into this absolute meltdown.

I will literally never mention your name again, honest as I've been so far.
You just have to find the smallest scrap of testosterone and be the bigger man for once in your miserable worm life.
Just apologize. It can be done in private. I promise I will never release it if you do that one, simple thing. You literally have the stop button in your hand. Be smart and use it, lady
View attachment 49798

Yes, you've gotten me good and didn't just shit yourself in front of everyone. Bravo, another masterfully executed anime plot? Berserk, probably.

When you're done coping I will gladly accept a single apology for trying to lob a gay-op my way.
I did nothing to you but express an unwillingness to do faggotry on someone and you've turned it into this absolute meltdown.

I will literally never mention your name again, honest as I've been so far.
You just have to find the smallest scrap of testosterone and be the bigger man for once in your miserable worm life.
Just apologize. It can be done in private. I promise I will never release it if you do that one, simple thing. You literally have the stop button in your hand. Be smart and use it, lady
View attachment 49798

Yes, you've gotten me good and didn't just shit yourself in front of everyone. Bravo, another masterfully executed anime plot? Berserk, probably.

When you're done coping I will gladly accept a single apology for trying to lob a gay-op my way.
I did nothing to you but express an unwillingness to do faggotry on someone and you've turned it into this absolute meltdown.

I will literally never mention your name again, honest as I've been so far.
You just have to find the smallest scrap of testosterone and be the bigger man for once in your miserable worm life.
Just apologize. It can be done in private. I promise I will never release it if you do that one, simple thing. You literally have the stop button in your hand. Be smart and use it, lady
View attachment 49798

Durrrrr, they'll surely be deleting this any moment now.

Oh muh gee, can you not stay out of admin's DMs, you absolute worm?
Ken's genuine reaction on his first day of vacation

Take a shower
Bold of you to assume I wanted it deleted when all along I just wanted free reign to post whatever I want here. It would be hilarious if the real Rita was made aware of this thread. How do you think she would react? Just curious.

hello retards. first, to prove i am reter or whatever you fags call me, i will post picrel to verify my identity
i was made aware of this thread by this retarded disgusting sperg commenting on my youtube channel
Screenshot_20240315_034959_YT Studio.jpg
i would like to say, this is completely fucking evil and repulsive. gore is evil and i wouldn't be shocked if the faggot shitting this up was blaine, mad his prized cow gained traction elsewhere. i havs not used kiwifarms at all in a year, and find sockpuppeting retarded and repulsive. i'd also like to say, that address is not mine and said rumor started by glowie's faildox.
the only other guess i have for this person, is a faggot on telegram known as l t, a serb who admitted he contracted hiv at age 17.
i do not care that this thread exists. in fact, i think its fucking hilarious i'm worthy of a thread. i enjoy the spotlight, in all seriousness. i spend most of my time shitposting on 4chan and care not for fringe gossip forums like this. i'm three months on testosterone now and feel much more level-headed to discuss this than previously. feel free to ask me anything while i'm here.
Told you I would do it. Shit just got good. I posted this longcat so she would not have to look at poop and cartel gore. This is partly why I was busy.

I went ahead and deleted my YouTube comments too.
you're banned from the channel anyways for being a piece of shit, no worries
Not like I don't have more accounts if I actually wanted to fuck with you. Consider this the only courtesy you're going to get from me. I only brought you here to spite @Stop Socking Gaylord and shit on his fail dox. But I could have rolled with it. Last people I got mistaken for is the owner himself and Mike Thurlowe, some domestic abuser. I roll with that one too.
Reason: I deleted the comments for me, not you btw. The courtesy was letting you know they were posting your address.
Not like I don't have more accounts if I actually wanted to fuck with you. Consider this the only courtesy you're going to get from me. I only brought you here to spite @Stop Socking Gaylord and shit on his fail dox. But I could have rolled with it. Last people I got mistaken for is the owner himself and Mike Thurlowe, some domestic abuser. I roll with that one too.
meh, fair enough actually. i appreciate the warning and promise not to get on your bad side
No problem. I just wanted to see how this would play out. Try not to go too many pages back unless you want to see the awful stuff I posted. The first 4 pages should be safe but the ones after that are not.