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weird shower thoughts

Kiwi Kitty

“I never lied to you, Leese. You know why? Because it doesn't serve me.”
Local Moderator
what are some weird shower thoughts youve had..? dont hold back :samoy:


"Out Of The Fast Lane Bitch"
Local Moderator
Hm. My shower thoughts are so awful. Embarrassing. Did have a nightmare about being raped by a big bear mascot. Could not stop thinking about it. kept just watching the water hit the floor of my shower until I snapped out of it. My dreams are fucked up okay.


unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns unyuns *make beat noise with the mouth to avail*
Hellovan Onion
You should carve a hole into an onion and have sex with it on the shower, the juice makes your pee pee tingle especially if it goes up your pee hole. You should try it sometime.
please. do not sexing onion. bad for onion. bad for person. bad sex. bad bad.

Kiwi Kitty

“I never lied to you, Leese. You know why? Because it doesn't serve me.”
Local Moderator
Hm. My shower thoughts are so awful. Embarrassing. Did have a nightmare about being raped by a big bear mascot. Could not stop thinking about it. kept just watching the water hit the floor of my shower until I snapped out of it. My dreams are fucked up okay.
well damn that sounds not so fun lol.. :story: felt about watching water hit the floor i do that whenever i shower and think of things that would never happen.
i can never really remember my nightmares & dreams i just recall feeling scared when i wake up but hopefully youre ok


here, have a comically large tooth!
Hellovan Onion

Kiwi Kitty

“I never lied to you, Leese. You know why? Because it doesn't serve me.”
Local Moderator
Idk if anyone else can relate but sometimes when i shower i'll think about made up words & wonder if they are existing words.. :story: just happened now..
i sometimes do this when i'm laying down to sleep & will need to take out my phone to look up if it exists or not