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Russia - Political Cow Vladimir Putin: Russian President

Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt

Global Moderator
From Putin's viewpoint it's everything or nothing.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has stated that a strategic defeat for Russia would mean the end of its statehood and the end of its thousand-year history. He emphasized that Russia is prepared to go to great lengths to prevent this outcome. Putin also indicated that Russia's proposals for resolving the conflict in Ukraine are subject to change based on the situation on the ground. Additionally, he expressed readiness for peace talks with Ukraine but emphasized that any negotiations must not be contingent upon the withdrawal of Russian troops.

"For Russia, the strategic defeat means the end of its statehood and thousand-year history. Then the question arises - why should we be afraid? Isn't it better to go to the end?" - Putin


The memes:

Update: “Russia will win this war. It’s impossible for us to lose. If we are about to lose, we will ensure that everyone loses….” - President Putin

Russia Toasting North Korea.png

Russia and North Korea agreed to provide immediate military assistance if the other side faced armed aggression, under a pact their leaders signed during Russian President Vladimir Putin's first visit in 24 years.
The pledge is seen as the revival of a mutual defense agreement under a 1961 treaty adopted by the Cold War allies that was annulled in 1990 when the Soviet Union established diplomatic ties with South Korea.
The agreement for a "comprehensive strategic partnership" signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on Wednesday is one of the highest-profile moves in Asia by Moscow in years.

Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt

Global Moderator
Putin announced changes to the nuclear doctrine so these weapons can be used in a conventional war Ultra-low power explosive nuclear devices are being developed. The President clarified that Western experts consider it possible to use such devices in a conventional war, and possible changes in the Russian strategy are associated with this possibility. “ If negotiations are connected with the withdrawal of our troops, which is what the Kiev regime dreams of, then, apparently, this will never happen. Because the Kiev regime does not want to leave power and does not want to hold normal elections in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine ,” he also said. “We know that mainly the Americans and Europeans are pushing the Ukrainians to push our units onto the state border line at any cost, I want to emphasize this, and they plan to present this as a major success 2024 year in connection with the upcoming NATO summit, and then the US elections,” the president said. “Well, we’ll see what actually happens, but this command “at any cost” - and I assure you that it is so, I know what I’m talking about - of course, if it is not based on reality, then it will again very expensive for the Ukrainian armed forces,” he added.



Joshua's big fat cunt
Baby Onion
Nothing but the finest hot air from Head Ruski In Charge.

The US Government needs to stop fucking around and simply Duke Nukem already. While we're at it, let's nuke the shit out of PRC's capital and force them into subjugation like we did to Japan, and wipe North Korea right off the map since they're practically worthless.

Boobie Bomb

Hellovan Onion
Russia finally decided to make something useful for war. Ultra low nuclear weapons are now possible. Basically saying yes we can now use nukes in war just the small amounts of it. Sweet potatoes we are doomed!