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Tila Tequila - Starter Material

Onion Null

Daddy Null
Tila is very talented. It takes a lot of talent to become famous and make bank just by showing your tits, being dumb af, having a shit personality and not being able to form a cogent sentence. We truly live in glorious time when someone who does so little can reap so much. Also she's making a lot of people chimp out by being racist and having no filter at all.

The Origin Story

Tila (aka Thien Thanh Thi Nguyen (lol, asians)) was born in Singapore and is somehow a d-list celebrity and mostly forgotten today but it wasn't always like that.

In 2001, she decided she wanted to become famous. If you have no talent, no marketable skills and a horrible personality, what's the quickest shortcut to fame? Showing your tits, obviously. She even made it all the way to Playboy but she realized that she could only go so far as a whore, she needed to become an attention whore if she really wanted to make it big, so she used the internet (and her tits) on social media to make herself known. And it worked.

Thien Thanh Thi was offered her own tv show back in late 2005. Why? Because she had the most friends on myspace. No, really. I'm serious. Back in 2005, because she had lots of friends on MySpace she was offered a reality tv show. And A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila actually made history by being the first dating show with bisexual themes. And it was a success, too (for MTV standards anyway). She used her tv to launch a horrible singing career and publish a book she called

"Hooking Up With Tila Tequila: A Guide To Love, Fame, Happiness, Success, and Being the Life of the Party"

All that in two years. For showing her tits and clicking 'add friend' on MySpace.

Then she did lots of cocaine. Lots

The Fall

She started to get in problems in 2007 by releasing an EP that was breaching her contract and getting sued. Then things went wrong with her TV show too.

After the first season, she started to date the winner. Lusting after more fame and not seeing any way to get another TV show, she decided to dump the winner so she could be single and get renewed. She was. And things went wrong. Really wrong the second time around.

During the finale, there were two contestants left. A guy and a girl. Deciding that the girl would make for better ratings she decided to dump the guy and choose the girl. She offered her "shot at love" to her and... she got turned down.

Yes, the winner of her dating show decided she didn't actually want to date Tila and rejected her on national tv. She got dumped in the finale of her own dating TV show. And used the publicity to start her own modelling career and get a photoshoot in Playboy. lmao

Tila chimped out for a couple of days, posted nasty shit on myspace and went on a bender. She decided to rebound a few months later by getting engaged to Casey Johnson, a socialite and ex-model. Also crazy bipolar drugged out bitch. While Tila was busy getting rejected on her own dating show, she was dating a woman named Courtenay Semel and set her hair on fire during a fight, then went to her friend's house and stole here jewelry, shoes, six hundred pages of legal document, clothes and underwear for the fun of it. After getting cut off financially and being hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt she approached Tila and, Tila always making great decisions she decided to hit her wagon to that horse

They announced they were engaged in December 2009. She was dead less than a month later because she never took insulin for her diabetes and took too many other drugs which just fucked up her kidneys too hard.


Thien Thanh Thi was looking at a pretty rough couple of years. What's a d-list celebrity to do? P-Diddy it up, start a blog and leak a sex tape of course.

She decided to become known as "Miss Tila" from now on, go raunchy with a new single called "I Fucked the DJ" and start a Perez Hilton style gossip blog called MissTilaOMG.com :story:

To promote her new EP "Welcome to the Darkside" her manager had a great idea, make her tour. Specifically, go to the Gathering of Juggalos. Then this happened:

Desperate, she asked Vivid to "leak" two sex tapes with porn stars. First one where she had a threesome with two porn stars was released and a couple of years later, another one was also released by Vivid. Literally nothing happened. MissTilaOMG failed and was closed, her EP bombed, everyone pirated her sex tape and she barely made money. She went to rehab a couple of times.

The An Heroing and Subsequent Aneurysm

Life is hard when you're an aging asian with fading popularity. Right before she was supposed to leave for an 8 concert tour in Europe, she decided to try and an hero herself. Like everything else she ever attemped, she failed.

She had a major aneurysm as a result of all the pills she took, and then got batshit from that point on, which leads us to


"I mean yeah sure she got shit thrown at her by juggalos and she posts lots of pictures of herself dressed as a nazi guard while lusting after Emperor Trump, but is she really that crazy she deserves a thread?"

Yes she is, also fuck you. Did you not read everything up to now? That's lolcow material on its own, but all the crazy shit she's said since is... remarkable.

Don't believe me? Just in the last 24 hours she's

- Made said pic her banner and praised nazis in general
- Urged her followers 'Don't be niggers' and that she wants a white only neighborhood
- Went on a 3 hour twitter rants about how black people commit all the crimes
- Called trannies transsexuals and said they were "inverted physical manifestations of anything holy"
- Said she was done with "any type of 3D earth interviews. Not many people in real life get to speak to me. There is another alter that exists for 3D earth people."
- Called herself an angelic incarnate here to send people to be cleansed in fire

actually someone get her an account here she sounds great. Also, looks great

"You said in the title I'm thirsty but really I'm not"

Look bro, she banged Billy Corgan.


Not even 1994 at the height of his power Billy Corgan, 2014 fat and balding balder, hasn't made a good song in 20 years and spends his time with his wrestling league and alex jones Billy Corgan.

So even you might have a shot. And considering all of her porn tapes floating around, it might even be cheaper than Ali Rapp, or at least doing Ali Rapp while @KingOfCucks stands in the corner, whimpering.

So post the nudes, the batshit stuff she does, tell us how much you want to cum on her giant alien forehead, whatever

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100068804550498
I love her.
She sort of reminds me of Doja Cat; both of them are chronically online weirdos with no frame of reference for what is appropriate or acceptable as a public figure, and regularly go AWOL and tweet insane shit. They're really the sugar on my cheerios in the morning. Feels like a remnant of a "say whatever retarded shit you can think of" internet that's almost gone.
I remember her uploading videos about the illuminati and what the industry was up to back around in 2013-2015 I believe?
And now she's a completely different person.

Crazy how much she changed as in looks and mindset