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The official often duplicated but never replicated drunk post thread

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I'm off today and it's 8:30 in the morning. I've been drunk since last night. Ol ching chong is asleep in the bedroom passed out cuz the little tiny chiney hiney can't handle her liquor but I just bought another dirty 30 for when she wakes up so she can drink with me. (I mean in all fairness don't judge her too harshly she's more than a foot shorter than me and well over 100 pounds lighter than me lol)

This is the official drunk post thread. When your blood alcohol content is above the legal limit you post here. Just you know don't do anything stupid like dox yourself or give out spoilers to Beetlejuice 2
Also this threat is like fight club. What happens here stays here and we don't talk about it. So don't be a faggot ass pussy ass snitch doxxer if someone says something that they shouldn't have.
Ok the girlfriend's getting off work soon and we're going to be playing "beer roulette", an evil game concocted by my yellow skinned bug lady.

Basically the game goes like this: we take several different types of beers, and we pour them into a glass. You taste the beer and if you don't correctly guess which one it is, you have to chug it.

Pretty sure we have PBR, Modelo, Bud, Tsing Tao, and Coors banquet.

I imagine tonight is going to be scary but fun.
Okay that first one was obviously Budweiser so now she has to chug her beer. You guys see how scary this game can be?

I'm betting I'm going to have some drunk posting within the hour. Fuck yea.
Ok, well played, bitch.

She snuck 2 shots of everclear in the PBR. That chink will pay for that. Mark my wordsa

Good Lord I've gotten to the point in my drinking that the feces pushing Christ killers are vying for my attention. Not going to happen, butt mitzvah. Try all you like but know that I'm not opening up your little things where you talk to me. It's cute that you're still trying though.

God damn she is three beers behind and she wants me to erase them if I watch her take a shower. I'm going to go ahead and take her up on that offer because that rules.
Oh Jesus this is bad this is really bad.

I'm pretty sure I'm on beer number 27 and she's winning. How is she winning? I might have to kill this chink tonight.

Although bright side? She brought home pork dumplings from work, so that rules.
Surveying the damage and I just put a pot roast in the crock pot. I took a historical beating from that little bug lady because she could tell the flavors of beer better than me. But I mean I can't be mad at her because she did have sex with me last night so win win.