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Last Update January 21, 2025

Onionpedia Related The Joshua Moon WordPress Knowledge Base

Threads related to the Onionpedia


Global Administrator
I've figured out a design for the Onionpedia if you want to do a WordPress Knowledgebase on Josh. And yes there are WordPress plugins that allow for multiple users. The page builder I am using is an WordPress plugin known as Beaver Builder. It's a learning curve to learn how to use it but its functionality can go beyond anything you could accomplish with MediaWiki. WordPress was primarily designed for blogs but it can be configured to be very wiki like.

I am using the free version of Beaver Builder. Even the professional version of Beaver Builder would not be very expensive because the Onionpedia will be on one site (https://kennetherwinengelhardt.com/). But one is all you need if you are familiar with WordPress. And yes, we can have more than one subject to do a WordPress Knowledge Base on. In fact if you want a whole lolcow wiki, we can do that as well. I think this would be a great long-term project to build up the Onionfarms community. Just throwing it out here.

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Josh one of the most hated people on the planet? He's up there with Vladimir Putin, Bashar al-Assad and maybe even Peter Scully.