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    How was your vacation on Kiwifarms Ashley?

The Great Ashley Timer


Ashley why do you care about this website? Also your address is still in my banner
An Onion Among Onions
It's all good, once Ken's home nursing office is back in the new year they can read all about how he runs a forum for insane racist troglodytes and targets transpeople and is an active danger to his own patients.
Anything from your bosses or employers?
Regarding Ashley, nothing.
Taken care of bud happy new year
Let's see what happens, Ashley Hutsell Jankowski did this in: April 2023, August 2023, and November 2023.

Will she succeed this time?
Shut the fuck up you fat loser we both know your supervisor is looking for a reason to fire you anyway
Reminder this was back in September.
Ken if this is the shit you allow to go on on your website which you bought and have to be constantly shuffling around to new hosts
@Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt did you have to connect to a new host?
The cops were called out to a fat senior citizen's apartment, they took one look at you, your living area and the fact you're living alone and thought "pedophile".

When you explained to them you run a forum and what it's for, totally self-seriously, and then asked them to come post here the voice in their heads telling them you are a pedophile got even louder.

They went back to their squad cars and laughed about how you're a pedophile and they're going to have to come back to your apartment when someone reports you for cp.
And yet, they he hasn't gotten into trouble since then.
One million percent you have these interactions at work but you haven't been fired yet because they have staffing issues. You creep out everyone and you're a morally weird nuisance.
The place you've been calling has had Kengle on staff for the last 8 years.
"A girl on the internet didn't like me invading her privacy so she called you" Fucking awesome dude. You are soooo right. The cops are your sworn protectors now and you can invade anyone's privacy and enable their stalkers all you want!
Bitch, you wanna be stalked, same with Elaine.
Watching you throw a giant pathetic retard tantrum over how you were LITERALLY MURDERED
because someone didn't want to play along with you invading their privacy so they taught you a lesson by calling the cops really should be enough for the medical board to decide you aren't safe to be around people who are frail or have dementia, shouldn't it?
Ashley puts this down and yet I don't see Kengle fired from his job.
Its a lot of work compiling all the nazi shit on his website
It's been four months now, Ashley. Four months, where's the Nazi stuff? Come on, Ashley. Come on.
Reminder this was back in September.

@Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt did you have to connect to a new host?

And yet, they he hasn't gotten into trouble since then.

The place you've been calling has had Kengle on staff for the last 8 years.

Bitch, you wanna be stalked, same with Elaine.


Ashley puts this down and yet I don't see Kengle fired from his job.

It's been four months now, Ashley. Four months, where's the Nazi stuff? Come on, Ashley. Come on.
She should start with her death to America and Israel comments.
You wipe asses for 10 an hour, so it makes sense you desire irl drama and annihilation this badly.
He's not the one trying to get a person fired for nearly half a year.

Your thread has been up for nearly 3 years at this point, only now you're trying to do this.

And a Certified Nursing Assistant makes more than 10 an hour you dumbass.
He's not the one trying to get a person fired for nearly half a year.

Your thread has been up for nearly 3 years at this point, only now you're trying to do this.

And a Certified Nursing Assistant makes more than 10 an hour you dumbass.
I know several who make around 20$ an hour. It's a well paying job that you need at least a high school diploma to get which bars a lot of people who dropped out from even qualifying. She is also getting around that age where she will have to be in one soon like her parents. The amount of her old people contacts is pretty suspicious. I have a feeling this is another projection and she is also a CNA.
That depends on what hospital you work for. Government employees you can from my understanding but if they work for a private one then typically no. Unless it's non profit I think.
My licensure is a matter of public record. However, in terms of who I work for is not. If you work for a private company, they expect you to keep your salary private.
People often have have a misunderstanding of what public records are and what they can and can't access involving them or that it varies place to place and the conditions in which they can be accessed or what can be done with them.