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Community Featured Submissions: Last Update January 22, 2025

Ashley Hutsell Jankowski Retard Time with Trashley

The original Ashley


Global Administrator
You just can't make this shit up.

Retard Time with Trashley.jpg

The one time incident with a lady of the evening was over 40 years ago when I was 19 out of state at a Junior College. Everybody sows their wild oats at 19. My late father knew about this for decades and it wasn't anything. Did you forget he was in the military (WW2)? When you are in the military you see it all and I don't think it makes much difference in history whether it was WW2 or today. Human nature is what it is. The stalking accusation was a personality clash. There were no arrests, criminal charges or that sort of thing. I got advice from an attorney because when you have a legal issue that's who you talk to.

Threatening to make some kind of crazy phone call to ------- isn't probably going to turn out the way you think unless your goal is to make yourself look like a bigger ass than you already are. I am not going to delete anything Ash because it's been documented that you have repeatedly acted in bad faith and abused any goodwill that I have shown you. We have told you many times to walk away from this whole scenario and it will die out.
Reminder: Ashley has a T-Shirt business, sells her art on Etsy, and is thinking about becoming a writer.

Her having a thread, and me running around with her name and address, shouldn't bother her that much but it does.

No actually most men do not have sex with hooker Ken.
Hooker Ken; when did Ken become a hooker, Ashley?
I was 19 at the time going to Jefferson State Community College in Birmingham, AL in 1979. This was after I graduated High School in June 1979. I was sharing an apartment with someone and it was my first time away from home. It was a spur of the moment thing that we drove downtown. I was posting on WrongPlanet and posted this over a decade ago. It's one of those crazy things I guess you will do when you are 19. Do you know what Ashley thinks? She thinks she can report me to the Rhode Island Board of Health for something 45 years ago. This is like Tommy Tooter calling the police over Kiwifarms

I was 19 at the time going to Jefferson State Community College in Birmingham, AL in 1979. This was after I graduated High School in June 1979. I was sharing an apartment with someone and it was my first time away from home. It was a spur of the moment thing that we drove downtown. I was posting on WrongPlanet and posted this over a decade ago. It's one of those crazy things I guess you will do when you are 19. Do you know what Ashley thinks? She thinks she can report me to the Rhode Island Board of Health for something 45 years ago. This is like Tommy Tooter calling the police over Kiwifarms

Bitch is fucking dumb, dude.

Most guys fuck a hooker or a stripper when they're younger because they either have the game to bag a stripper or don't feel like wining and dining some ungrateful stuck up cunt and get the sex straight from the source.

Ashley, the fact that you have probably only fucked one person your entire life, probably didn't lose your virginity until your late 20s, and the fact that your "type" (the only guys who would dick you down) are the type of nerds who couldn't get laid in a nigger whorehouse with a watermelon flavored condom on is on you. You are the type of girl that someone with no prospects settles for.

You are the perfect example that all hot girls are crazy, BUT NOT ALL CRAZY GIRLS ARE HOT.

I am the lorax and I speak for the men. The real men. And believe me chubby, most guys have made it with a prostitute or a stripper. You just don't know about it because you're a fat ugly girl and because of the fact that most men lie, you stupid fucking rum.

And I mean there are men out there who care so little about themselves that they could stifle their vomit long enough to fuck you, and those aren't the type of guys who spend a lot of money on call girls. I mean at least hookers are hot. If I was on a desert island with no sex for 20 years I would still pay two thousand dollars to not have to fuck you.
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Bitch is fucking dumb, dude.

Most guys fuck a hooker or a stripper when they're younger because they either have the game to bag a stripper or don't feel like wining and dining some ungrateful stuck up cunt and get the sex straight from the source.

Ashley, the fact that you have probably only fucked one person your entire life, probably didn't lose your virginity until your late 20s, and the fact that your "type" (the only guys who would dick you down) are the type of nerds who couldn't get laid in a nigger whorehouse with a watermelon flavored condom on is on you. You are the type of girl that someone with no prospects settles for.

You are the perfect example that all hot girls are crazy, BUT NOT ALL CRAZY GIRLS ARE HOT.

I am the lorax and I speak for the men. The real men. And believe me chubby, most guys have made it with a prostitute or a stripper. You just don't know about it because you're a fat ugly girl and because of the fact that most men lie, you stupid fucking rum.

And I mean there are men out there who care so little about themselves that they could stifle their vomit long enough to fuck you, and those aren't the type of guys who spend a lot of money on call girls. I mean at least hookers are hot. If I was on a desert island with no sex for 20 years I would still pay two thousand dollars to not have to fuck you.
Imagine getting angry or thinking that somebody having sex with a hooker is somehow an own.
Imagine getting angry or thinking that somebody having sex with a hooker is somehow an own.

What about "MuH bOdY mUh ChOiCe" and "sEx WoRkErS rIgHtS"?

I guess it's okay to pay hundreds of dollars a year to look at some girls butthole pictures on onlyfans, but when you actually spend a couple c-notes to put it in her shitter it's a different ballgame.

Me thinks the lady doth protest too much, and by that I mean I think Ashley's just jealous because nobody wants to fuck her for free, let alone for money.
What about "MuH bOdY mUh ChOiCe" and "sEx WoRkErS rIgHtS"?

I guess it's okay to pay hundreds of dollars a year to look at some girls butthole pictures on onlyfans, but when you actually spend a couple c-notes to put it in her shitter it's a different ballgame.

Me thinks the lady doth protest too much, and by that I mean I think Ashley's just jealous because nobody wants to fuck her for free, let alone for money.
Its sex with a hooker, one of the oldest professions (and actions) you can do in this world.

The fact she thought this will result in anything besides being laughed at is ludicrous.
She got mad for some reason for me reposting @Nektar Geist's sexism on Lounge96.
She's also making SWERFy posts which I agree with but am surprised to see coming from her. Is it only okay to be a SWERF when it's Ken or...?
Again Ashley's hypocrisy is a well documented case. She'll call you out if you use this board at 6am but will come back to this site as early as 3am in the morning to sperg out.