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January 7, 2025: Nollywood actress, Toyin Abraham, has a meltdown over someone recording her new movie in a cinema
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real world characters ya or nah?


so with chris chan so many characters in sonichu are based off real world people in chris chans life.  while it is possible these characters could be retooled and portrayed more positively or nauanced, chris using these characters is somewhat unethical.

Megan aka sailor megtune
mary lee walsh aka saw wheel ryam
wes isly
sarah hammer
alec benson leary and the asperpedia 4
liquid chris

and even the trolls

jason kendrick howl
cylde cash
jiggly ami aka biana weiss
panda halo aka sarah namor cassandra mckenzie
ivy luckette

what should be done with these characters? 

should they be purged like chris or retooled/reinterpreted into something more positive?
Retooled by why positive? Make them all as awful as possible and lean into this shit, ham it the fuck up to make it a proper parody of Chris' dream you ripped from him. You played push the tard, go all the way fam.
I will certainly help if I don't get banned for shilling my podcast so hard. Tbf I told Kengle to do this last year so i will be rather open about that fact if he ends up trying to ban me here or bring's Mike's voice over my own.View attachment 1
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Jeff_the_kunai said:
so with chris chan so many characters in sonichu are based off real world people in chris chans life.  while it is possible these characters could be retooled and portrayed more positively or nauanced, chris using these characters is somewhat unethical.

Megan aka sailor megtune
mary lee walsh aka saw wheel ryam
wes isly
sarah hammer
alec benson leary and the asperpedia 4
liquid chris

and even the trolls

jason kendrick howl
cylde cash
jiggly ami aka biana weiss
panda halo aka sarah namor cassandra mckenzie
ivy luckette

what should be done with these characters? 

should they be purged like chris or retooled/reinterpreted into something more positive?

I think some of them can be repurposed, like Liquid Chris, however Liquid Chris could potentially actually lift Sonichu up instead of being an abject negative character as was Chris' interpretation of the trolling. It can be used to inspire and help grow the characters as a swift reality check. Some of them can serve the purpose of support, accountability, and growth, which are all things heroic characters need to succeed.
Zaptotheextreme said:
Jeff_the_kunai said:
so with chris chan so many characters in sonichu are based off real world people in chris chans life.  while it is possible these characters could be retooled and portrayed more positively or nauanced, chris using these characters is somewhat unethical.

Megan aka sailor megtune
mary lee walsh aka saw wheel ryam
wes isly
sarah hammer
alec benson leary and the asperpedia 4
liquid chris

and even the trolls

jason kendrick howl
cylde cash
jiggly ami aka biana weiss
panda halo aka sarah namor cassandra mckenzie
ivy luckette

what should be done with these characters? 

should they be purged like chris or retooled/reinterpreted into something more positive?

I think some of them can be repurposed, like Liquid Chris, however Liquid Chris could potentially actually lift Sonichu up instead of being an abject negative character as was Chris' interpretation of the trolling.
It can be used to inspire and help grow the characters as a swift reality check. Some of them can serve the purpose of support, accountability, and growth, which are all things heroic characters need to succeed.
Don't mask off this much bro
Liquid Chris should be the opposite of Chris irl. He should be better than Chris in the comics in everyway. Liquid should be the one true God of cwcville.
well because mary lee walsh wasnt evil irl. she was doing her job and trying to stop chris from being a creep, and chris demonized her and portrayed her very negative.

megan clearly never wanted to be portrayed in the comics as it creeped her out.

so its a question of ethics