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Default Prefix - Flag for Staff r/testosterone and r/trt - full of men pretending to be 6'6'' BF 2% gigachads despite their BALLS in disrepair

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Sad subs full of men salvaging their dysfunctional balls
I as a shameless reddit lurker like to read about medical stuff, and these two subs came into my feed. I was wondering what they are about, and they are both mostly inhabited by men whose BALLS ARE WEAK lol. Basically they want testosterone shots because they are...
- depressed
- fat
- can't score wiminz (or menbussy)
- can't get gainz and are looking for underground sources
the funny part is that many of them love to one up each other with their big brain moments from citing studies Ben Shapiro style and telling everyone how they work out 70 hours a day, 10 days a week and have bodyfat of 0.2 % after getting shots, and how they are "natural" (lmao once you get a shot you ain't natural). Think of the men from manosphere or MGTOW movements who like to act tough online, except their balls don't make enough man hormones.