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The account Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt on lounge96 is a phony.

The claim on lounge96 that we have a domain "loli96" is also phony. It is simply an attempt to hoodwink the community.

Community Featured Submissions: Last Update January 28, 2025
Public figures in internet culture that are predominately seen as part of the cowsphere community


future harem husband
Staff Member
Thread Vicky.png


Onionfarms user going to war against everyone especially @YandereTheory. Gay Opper on Discord. Suicidal or suicide baiting. History of drinking problems and self-proclaimed nazi even though she doesn't resemble one. Threatens to kill people. Needs to seek help but refuses to. Attacks @Timepace for past relationship interacts that have no relevancy to Katelyn Rose thread.

(Post caps and link here)

Her interest ranges from Mario 64 to doing marijuana. She is into growing plants and drawing satanic stuff. Bi-Polar by the textbook is widely displayed in many of her postings.

Mario 64.png


Suicide Vent.png

Break Up.png

Bullying Story.png

Drunk Story.png

The context of this screenshot below:
I live in California @Timepace but took a break from the onion for a bit. Because of the wildfires in Los Angeles & my mini break, she thought I was a victim of the fires even though I don't even live anywhere near them.

(This is where you would post screen caps in a link showing this conversation)

California is a huge state but for some reason she was compelled to rip this video from another thread, post it in the Katelyn Rose thread and @ four users saying "you're next" implying they are going to be a victim of a wild fire because she thought I became one.

Joking About A Disaster.png

@YandereTheory admits to having a porn issue so he used the Vent Thread and continues to spiraling out of control describing what he would sexually do to many people on this site.(Post relevant information in link here)

Crack head behavior but without the intent of harming others. Regardless, @that bitch v was also compelled to reply and attempts to guilt trip any users in the process.


Another Reply To Vent Thread.png

Had an ex boyfriend overdose on something. (Post evidence and links here)

Her Facebook & Instagram are flooded with BPD aesthetics from her. (Post relative information here with links archives)

She is also into witchcraft, collects crystals & goes on about suicide.
(Post relative information here with links archives)

Age is unknown but seems to be in her late 20s. She is into urban exploring, drinking, proclaiming to be a nazi & one of her pass times is coming here on the onionfarms to viciously attack users wishing death on everyone.
(Post relative information here with links archives)

Facebook Posts.png

My Perspective As A Mod & Frequent User of This Platform regarding prismatic:
My initial thought was the belief we had someone that was waved off as just another troll, a ventilation (?) fix (this)
having the bad habit of crossing boundaries and picking random fights
(Post relative information here with links archives)

but from further observation this person is not a troll, 100% not from the Kiwi Farms and here out of the objective to Gay Op & Psy OP @YandereTheory (Post relative information here with links archives)

which we are against since this method automatically makes you look like a forum nazi.
(Post relative information here with links archives)

Her socials are littered with a vast timeline.
(Post relative information here with links archives)

Her hairstyles especially but with her alcohol addiction, suicidal thoughts, fits of rage at my fellow onions.

(Post relative information here with links archives)

I had no other choice but to just make an addition to the Yoga Studio.
(Reword this) (Fix the tone)

She points out cyberbullying but we never had plans on harassing.
(Post relative information here with links archives)
(Also maybe avoid this last part about plans on harassing)

She came her to pick the battles like a random death match in a Garry's Mod roleplay server.
(Post relative information here with links archives)

It just doesn't make sense. So put your seat belts on and enjoy the ride. We have here the original creation of an internet entity willing to rile up users because she just ran out of beer.

Some more pictures of her with her various hair colors:

Reason: Coherant Adjustment and OP Features
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