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Pretender Dave Grohl homewrecks his 20+ year marriage with out-of-wedlock child

"There goes my hero, watch him as he hoes" "One of those kids looks not like others"

The Gays From LA

The Gays From LA Took My K.Flay Away
Hellovan Onion
Today we're going to enjoy yet another installment of Married Straight People Trying To Show Me How Much More Together They Have It Than The Gays, LMAO!

Ole Paris Hilton still has it in him when it comes to presenting the gossip:

Dave Grohl Confesses To Cheating On His Wife AND...

Dave Grohl supposedly impregnated one of his wife's personal friends...

Apparently he was a known womanizer for decades, but his wife still feel for him:

Dave Grohl - Habitual Cheater! He’s Done This Before! A Lot!

Courtney Love Said That When Her Daughter Was 19 Years Old That Dave Grohl...

"When someone tells you who they are, believe them, for they know themselves better than you do"

OMG, listening to these songs with the benefit of hindsight, LMAOOO:

Saving all the savage comments under his Youtube videos before they get DFEd:




Please, please, PLEASE make this be true, it would be sooo good!



I think it was Dostoevsky who said... Later fucker!
Hellovan Onion
Do you remember that time around the year 2000 or 2001 where the Foo Fighters played a bunch of benefit concerts for AIDS denial organizations?

Because 25 years ago the Foo Fighters were AIDS deniers.

Don't know how they skated through that and Grohl kept his "nice guy" image, but somehow they did.

Probably because that was a controversy that hit before social media.


I think it was Dostoevsky who said... Later fucker!
Hellovan Onion
Always the ones who preach that end up with the messiest lives. Classy move Grohl

Exactly. I'm always wary of anybody with a "such a good guy" persona in the entertainment business because it's usually well crafted kayfabe put out by a publicist or agent.

It's usually the "great guys" who turn out to be tremendous pieces of shit.

Flunking the faithful test with your wife and being an AIDS denier is probably just scratching the surface with this prick.

🎶 He'll have another confession to make... 🎶


I think it was Dostoevsky who said... Later fucker!
Hellovan Onion
If anyone acts too good in public it's just an act.

If she decides not to stand by his side, and she takes his ass to divorce court, oh my GOD. I would bet anything we are going to hear shit that would make Satan shuffle around the papers on his desk and say "God damn, I don't even have a FORM for that"

I've seen friends of mine who are stupid enough to take it to court and not settle... Holy fuck dude. It isn't like a criminal trial where the judge can overrule objections to evidence. Anything about your sex life, private life, ALL that shit is allowed to go into the public record.

One way or another I will say this... It's going to be hilarious watching a "wholesome" person have the veneer taken away from his bullshit image.

The Gays From LA

The Gays From LA Took My K.Flay Away
Hellovan Onion
Do you remember that time around the year 2000 or 2001 where the Foo Fighters played a bunch of benefit concerts for AIDS denial organizations?

Because 25 years ago the Foo Fighters were AIDS deniers.

Don't know how they skated through that and Grohl kept his "nice guy" image, but somehow they did.

and being an AIDS denier is probably just scratching the surface with this prick.

I didn't know they were AIDS deniers, got a link for this?


I think it was Dostoevsky who said... Later fucker!
Hellovan Onion
I didn't know they were AIDS deniers, got a link for this?

For the most part it's been scrubbed squeaky clean from the internet. They pulled a Stalin on that shit just like they did with the video of Benazir Bhutto saying that bin laden was killed in 2006 right before she was assassinated.

And this one is literally the only one I can find from that era in 2000:

Like I said for the most part it's been scrubbed nice and clean from the internet. Even the articles that exist are blaming one band member or downplay it. But you don't play benefit concerts for groups that publicly say that AIDS is caused by HIV medication unless you agree with your band mate. I mean they even put a banner ad (memba those?) on their website linking to the AIDS denier group.

And mind you this wasn't the fucking 80's where you could say well nobody knew about azt so we were skeptical. This was at the point where HIV wasn't a death sentence anymore BECAUSE of anti retrovirals. So they can't even claim ignorance on this one.
Reason: Imagine saying something so stupid that the Clinton administration is able to look down on you
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