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Community Featured Submissions: Last Update January 22, 2025

Announcement Notorious People From Kiwifarms Joining

Absolutely, I agree with the sentiment that the interests of the forum and its community should always come first. If someone was banned due to harmful or disruptive behavior, or If someone is leaving or has left because they are a notorious individual with a history of nefarious behavior, we should not accept or welcome such individuals here, as they pose a risk to the health and safety of our community. With that in mind, we welcome those who have found their way here as refugees from Kiwifarms, seeking a space with similar values and less heavy moderation.
Agreed she went way overboard contacting your employer.
What a CUNT.

I like to think we're lower on the sadism scale.
Obviously they were bullied in high school and didn't have the balls to pull a columbine at the time, and cant let it go now. People like that are weird. Null is the fucking poster child for "I got fucked with in high school"