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Ndubuisi “Jkid” Okeh


`he who laughs last laughs best`
Registered Member
Jkid real name Ndubuisi Okeh is a 34-year-old autistic plushophile with a penchant for archiving imageboard threads and an obsession with imageboard lore reminiscent of autphag, Jkids obsessive nature led him to archive over 100k posts with no software instead Jkid pressed ctrl+s manually, heres his archive. Plus there was a blog post from stanford about his collection.
Jkid maintains a few sites to further this goal of preserving "Chan Culture" most notable being YotsubaSociety.org & Wiki.bibianon.org.
On the Yotsuba Society staff page, Jkid is described thusly: Archive

Ndubuisi “Jkid” Okeh (Jkid !yYT/u4PSNE)​

Position: Co-Owner, Co-Founder, and Head Chanthropologist
A No Social Life King, Jkid entered the *chan scene mid-2008 with 4chan as “Anonymous of College Park, MD”and frequently visted /g/, /r9k/, /cgl/, and /n/. After establishing a known reputation in /cgl/ for about two years, he was outed by another tripfag as Jkid and subsequently adopted the username. He has plenty of knowledge of the site and the imageboard culture due to his years of lurking and manually archiving threads, not only from 4chan but from many other *chans. He’s currently dedicated to the preservation of the Western Imageboard Culture by all means because he feels that people take imageboards for granted.
The man himself speaks (albeit with a lisp) about his involvement in archiving here in this panel. archive.org version here

In exchange for his efforts, a group of Watchdogs formed who set out to expose Jkid, this was leetchan (group of skids who would fuck with anyone hosting a kusaba based imageboard, taking advantage of the many known exploits that software had) + savetheinternet aka sti, the original creator of 4chon.net, who has tons of history in his own right. Sti apparently did not like ed at all. Im not certain about the details around the other people from leetchan, maybe there is some overlap with ED, but i think IRC oppers is a better description.

Trolls, Trannies, and a lack of tact.
Jkids brash nature and interest in imageboard culture had earned him quite a few enemies and would-be trolls, the trolling took such a toll on Jkids mental health that his only method of defense was to post a PDF titled "the sperg handbook" link here
Couple things worth noting: The sperg handbook title was just what that dragonminded tranny wanted to call it, and it was more about WT snacks and the clique of 4chan mods/tripfags fucking with him IRL at that con and his subsequent permanent ban than anything else. The leetchan people had no relationship to the baltimore anime con scene, i think they discovered him/his after 2011 when he was posting to 4chon and they started fucking with him. I think its worth making a distinction somewhere.
also of note, the person who hosts this file and who is mentioned very negatively in it as one of the orchestrators of them fucking with him, the tripfag dragonminded, is a communist tranny now https://twitter.com/dragonminded (https://archive.ph/PPWcE) https://dragonminded.com/ (https://archive.ph/Mb36u)

Jkid made a post on Reddit where he tried to document abuse by trolls. Reddit post (https://archive.ph/oVdMs)

Since 2011 I've been persistently harassed by a group of cyberyobs with the intent to trashing any opportunity of a new life or a job, driving me out of the internet, and ultimately driving me to suicide. The harassment has two motives: One, it's racial because I'm a black male, and two I have a developmental disability (Asperger's) which for some reason they think it's fake even though one of the group members has asperger's and completely flatout denies it.
The group cyberyobs that has been harassing me is known as leetchan. It's jointly led by a Australian person called savetheinternet (who hosts 4chon.net which is really a front for white nationalism), and a unknown person called Wolfie. Other known members are KarlMarx (known as Marxisthunter on reddit) and KimmoA (named after the infamous pedophile and who is known as KimmoB on the forums) which has been posting in threads that I post in reddit about anime conventions or threads seeking employment.
All together they have been persistently harassing me over the phone using spoofed phone numbers via skype, spammed my irc room, public forum stalking, and during the timeline of the Yotsuba Society website vandalized the wiki, and spambombed the imageboards.
In addition, they run a slam-site via two sites: a blog on blogger which contains personal information and outright lies and constant accusations of me being a pedophile for simply watching anime and attending anime conventions in my area or posting on 4chan. And another on a general slam-site for 4chan-drama which is mostly focused on me. Most of the stuff in the blog is absolute bullshit and I can't get it off the internet because you need a lawyer and all that bullshit that requires money.
They're practically untouchable. The ringleader lives in Australia so they are immune to FBI jurisdiction. Every attempt to report, they basically tell me to piss off and go to ic3 as they're too busy finding terrorrists to help actual people.
Ironically, savetheinternet is a nerd as well since he's a freelance code and website developer so there is no sense on him or his "friends "being fixated on me.
I can not reveal these sites publicly, because it contains personal information, which is in strictly forbidden pursuant to Reddit's TOS, nor I can't post savetheinternet's real name on reddit, or his personal details. But I do know his general information. However I will provide such information on savetheinternet on request if anyone on that subreddit is a Law Enforcement Agent in the US or Australia.
It's bad enough that I'm suffering from clinical depression, and graduate unemployment, and what I'm going through right now make these problems worse. All of this shit will prevent me from being employed by one of these people and they will take it at face value. I'm tired of it all, and I'm drowning in pain and bitterness and misery. I just want it to end and these bastards are able to operate with absolute impunity.
If you don't believe me that there's a human face writing this: Here's proof http://imgur.com/WVgDmlU,1zhYFPB

http://otakubooty.com/op.asp?i=15885 this was his profile on the Otaku dating website mentioned in the ED article, Snacks found his posts there about not masturbating until 21, printed them out and posted them around the Otakon convention center to fuck with him. Most of what was discussed in the ED article was this incident.

https://desuarchive.org/_/search/boards/cgl.desu.meta/text/jkid/ search for mentions of him on /cgl/, hes still active and has a reputation there.

https://twitter.com/yotsubasociety / https://archive.ph/mKtLC

https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=5742461 / https://archive.ph/o120

If you want, I could do more of a narrative-esque writeup for this at some point, i was sort of planning on doing something like that eventually anyway.
In exchange for his efforts, a group of Watchdogs formed who set out to expose Jkid most likely from ED as the "exposed" article uses similar language links back to Jkids ED page:
So, this was leetchan (group of skids who would fuck with anyone hosting a kusaba based imageboard, taking advantage of the many known exploits that software had) + savetheinternet aka sti, the original creator of 4chon.net, who has tons of history in his own right. Sti apparently did not like ed at all. Im not certain about the details around the other people from leetchan, maybe there is some overlap with ED, but i think IRC oppers is a better description.
100k /cgl/ threads
iirc it was actually 100k posts, not threads, and from a few boards. But still a lot. heres his archive. Plus there was a blog post from stanford about his collection
Jkids mental health that his only method of defense was to post a PDF titled "the sperg handbook"
Couple things worth noting: The sperg handbook title was just what that dragonminded tranny wanted to call it, and it was more about WT snacks and the clique of 4chan mods/tripfags fucking with him IRL at that con and his subsequent permanent ban than anything else. The leetchan people had no relationship to the baltimore anime con scene, i think they discovered him/his after 2011 when he was posting to 4chon and they started fucking with him. I think its worth making a distinction somewhere.

Random other things to include:

his reddit account, https://www.reddit.com/user/jkid considering hes a moderator of a pretty big sub and that the plushophile reddit community is where he posts his plush porn.

A section on Clay Claymore/ ISWVfails and his war with them. IIRC it was after this tweet of his that blew up: . The ISWVfails account (now banned) started quote tweeting him with random shit he said, then Clay found him and started making videos.

http://otakubooty.com/op.asp?i=15885 this was his profile on the Otaku dating website mentioned in the ED article, Snacks found his posts there about not masturbating until 21, printed them out and posted them around the Otakon convention center to fuck with him. Most of what was discussed in the ED article was this incident.

https://desuarchive.org/_/search/boards/cgl.desu.meta/text/jkid/ search for mentions of him on /cgl/, hes still active and has a reputation there.
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somewhat interesting aside is the thread negger made for jkid under the assumption jkid was a dsp detractor, this was during the height of the SOK hunt.

His ministryofotaku account got mass ratio-d the other day after he "threatened" an asian woman walking around anime matsuri with a lolicon = pedo sign. For those not paying attention: anime matsuri is already very controversial on twitter for its association with vic mignogna, so people are looking for reasons to shit on its fans. Jkid managed to get caught up on all this.

His ministryofotaku account got mass ratio-d the other day after he "threatened" an asian woman walking around anime matsuri with a lolicon = pedo sign. For those not paying attention: anime matsuri is already very controversial on twitter for its association with vic mignogna, so people are looking for reasons to shit on its fans. Jkid managed to get caught up on all this.
A petite asian woman with small breasts in a bikini held up a sign at the local cartoon convention with the slogan "Fetishizing Lolis = Pedophilia" on it; Her A-cup breasts and very short statue have ruined loli for millions, which just goes to show that there is NOTHING a WOMAN can not ruin.

There is no word yet on the impact of her sign though.
Jkid posts updates here if you join just lurk it's all anime convention related mixed with some mask sperging.