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Middle Earth/Tolkein general discussion

That Mario Guy

Remarkable Onion
And got little too excited about it.
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Well the ME is Mordor if one puts their mind to it.

This was easily the best adaption of Lord of the Rings. The only problem is dumbass stupid studio didn't want to do two parts, because they thought it would be too confusing for audiences, so they pretty much only get about half way through Two Towers.


Even though it still is missing a lot of the lore just like Peter Jackson's trilogy, it feels so much more in the spirit of the book in a way I can't fully put my finger on. And it's just a really visually pleasant movie. Also pretty goofy in its own right of course, but it's an experience for sure.

Still no fucking Tom Bombadil though. Fuck Peter Jackson and his fucking Director Masturbation and long sweeps of New Zealand. Cut out that and take some of the focus away from Aragorn and Arwen and we could've had room for Tom Bombadil and more of the Ents.

"These niggers still don't know bout The Old Forest"

The books are the only way to really enjoy it though. Perhaps sometime Hollywood will get its shit back together and we can have an accurate Lord of the Rings film.
I should peruse some of those Tolkien titles I recommended you. One of these days I'd like to sit and down and start reading the The History of Middle Earth but at four thousand pages it's a hard start.

"The Lays of Beleriand" unironically contains some of Tolkien's best work. It finally made the tale of Túrin click for me, but OTOH I've since become really sad that there's no complete alliterative version of the Children of Húrin.
"The Lays of Beleriand" unironically contains some of Tolkien's best work. It finally made the tale of Túrin click for me, but OTOH I've since become really sad that there's no complete alliterative version of the Children of Húrin.

I read Children of Hurin a long time ago and remember little about it. But I've never heard of "The Lays of Beleriand". I also have heard of something called Histories of Middles earth that is supposedly a couple of thousand pages, but when I looked for it I was kinda too confused on which one was the one I was trying to find.

I ended up getting a tiny boxset of Tolkein's other, not necessarily Middle-Earth work. Such as Roverrandom (which is a fun little children's story about a dog who gets involved with the world of wizard and goes to the Moon) and The Adventures of Tom Bombadil, which while enjoyable is mostly just Tom Bombadil existing for five minutes then going to visit Farmer Maggot and have a bitching dance party. And The Smith of Wootton Major, which can almost be translated into either a very very early period or pre-Middle-Earth but it's a story that involves elves and is pretty neat. I actually forgot what the fourth one even was, but regardless none of them really sated my incredible sexual lust for more Lore of Middle-Earth and the history of the elves.
I read Children of Hurin a long time ago and remember little about it.
I'm in the same boat. I read it shortly after it was published and all I can remember is dwarves gathering a sort of root vegetable only they are aware of. Once I've cleared all the books already on my plate I would someday like to dig through all of Tolkien's Middle Earth. There's also a companion guide that details his life, times and history among other things. That alone is almost three thousand pages.
"The Lays of Beleriand" unironically contains some of Tolkien's best work. It finally made the tale of Túrin click for me, but OTOH I've since become really sad that there's no complete alliterative version of the Children of Húrin.
I don't think I've read this one. Added it to the list.