• Our Onionfarms merchandise store is now open. All are welcome. https://onionmart.printify.me

    All walks of life regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual/gender orientation are welcome. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. Null may ban you: We won't.

United States - Political Cow Michael Knaapen: Leader of LGBTQ Democrats of Maryland

Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt

Global Moderator
He was caught soliciting a 14 year old boy:
Source: https://x.com/iFightForKids/status/1804333255488930181

Michael Knaapen caught.jpg

Michael Knaapen caught2.jpg


Anne Hathaway Fan

I put the "F U" in "forums"
Hellovan Onion
Glad the kids got enough sense to say go fuck yourself you pervert. but seriously, how did this perverted dumbass think he would get away with it?

"And I would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for those sexy kids!" - Michael Knaapen on Scooby Doo, probably.