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Lexity opening his mouth to scream, to say something unhinged, to deny being rapey, or all of the above.
Another day, another rapey troon! Because the rapey never ends when you're trooning out on the internet. Ladies and gentlemen, meet Harley Foster aka Lexity aka Anya aka Alexandria Anastazia Athena Lennon, Vivian's long lost twin brother from another mother but with straight teeth, fugly piercings and DIY tattoos, and massive anger management issues.
I first saw Lexity screaming and raging about wanting someone to hug him in a video by Buck Angel and later in another one by Arielle. I only learned who this troon actually is recently while browsing the lolcow TIM thread. The nonnas are clearly huge fans of Lexity that they've dedicated a whole thread to tracking and doxxing him wherever he parks his van:
I got curious and decided to do some digging and boy did I go down a rabbit hole!
This guy Lexity apparently has a whole drama subreddit devoted just to him, where his 2000+ victims and ex-fans congregate to commiserate about him:
This a safe space and support group for victims of the creator anyathena, fans, followers, and the curious to share their stories and experiences with content creator Anastazia-Alexandria Athena Lennon. Also known as Ana, Anya Athena, Lex, Lexy, Lexi, and Lexity. *NOT A SNARK*
Reddit - Heart of the internet
Oh, he also has a whole-ass 18+ subreddit dedicated to his degeneracy, though it's not as popular as the above subreddit for some reason:
Reddit - Heart of the internet

Boy? Girl? How about both!
If you're wondering about Lexity's genderbullshit and what pronouns you need to use with him, you can use all the pronouns with this troon because he openly admitted he's both genders. In this video Lexity was asked on this Livestream if he's a boy or a girl, he explicitly responded to this question saying he's, quote, "both, a boy and a girl", but his handmaidens on the subreddit ignore this admission and continue calling him a "she". Such is life in the gender cult where everyone is extremely compartmentalized to the point of mental illness, I supposed.
Recent Live
by u/Fit_Macaron2535 in lexity
Seriously now, I think most these women know they're dealing with a man here, they're just too deep in the cult to plainly say so:
Hey, so I’m older than the core audience (late 30s) BUT I’ve seen Lexi on my instagram and instantly was triggered and reminded of my abusive ex who is a male. The rapid speech and pretentious rants immediately reminded me of my ex. So charming and quirky at first. I knew all of this would come to a head. My ex also uses, “doll, babe, sweetie” and it’s SO manipulative. I then saw her Lexi scream on a video about her needing a hug and I got spiraled into such trauma triggers. I wanted to comment, “you’re terrifying” on her post but was so scared of her and the backlash. I’m telling you now as a survivor that was almost killed by their partner. Block, delete and get away from her. Do not fall for sob stories or her trans agenda. She’s dangerous. She will end up hurting someone and it may not end well. There’s a reason she’s homeless and everyone is afraid of her and it’s not bc she’s trans. It’s bc she’s dangerous and has no impulse control. 0-10000 rage if she doesn’t get her way. I’d also like to remind everyone that she is still genetically a male is has male mentality and strength and that’s no joke when it comes to physical abuse. Please be careful. I’m so scared for all of you. Do not allow her back in even if she’s upset or has a well crafted bullshit rant about how she’s changed or taking accountability. That’s all manipulation that abusers use. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this.
Anger management issues
Lexity is best known for having literally no self-control and zero anger management. Here's just one example of Lexity raging and raving during a Livestream:
"Don't fucking tell me to calm down. You should be angry! Go fuck yourself! I'm not fine! Why the fuck are you?"
A lot of people on his subreddit say they're scared of him screaming like this, but TBH he just makes me laugh whenever he's screaming like this:
crash out from yesterday
by u/Automatic_Owl_8688 in lexity
"I have no idea why my fucking friends would use me like this", I'm just LMAO watching him rage-pig like this, LMAOOO, rage harder piggy.
Violent tranarchist extremist: Do Anything You Wanna Do! (make thermite)
Like Vivian, Lexity is a loud and proud tranarchist openly advocating for violence:
"Goddamnit! Why are you so scared of your ability to change the world? Violence is a necessary part of changing the world! I wanna change the world." - Lexity quoting Vivian, probably
Far-left terrorist extremist teaching his fans how to make thermite:
From tiktok: telling fans how to make thermite
by u/Living-Nectarine8780 in lexity
Like all the cool kids that read Crimethinc, Lexity is also very /r/antiwork:
“the fact that I don’t have a job isn’t the problem.” - Lexity
He is also obsessed with BLM and refers to himself as "the trans Malcon X", which of course got him nothing but laughter and scorn from his SJW antifans.
"I'm fucking Malcom X, instead I'm trans instead of black!" - Lexity goes transracial
OMFG, why does this feel like I am reading Elaine's testimony all over again? "she also said "I CAN DO ANYTHING I WANT TO" to which I said "OH AND I CANT?!"She said "YOU CAN BUT YOU WONT." She then proceeded to tell me to "run away with her" in her van to start a porn career with her. As if that's the "anything" I can do with my life."
Pt 1
by u/Ok-Mulberry-7956 in lexity
GoFundMe scammer with a middle aged "sugar momma"
Like most e-begging troons online, Lexity has enaged in serial GoFundMe scams. He apparently raised $30k on GFM which he used to buy a beat up van to live in after his mom got a two year restraining order against him and kicked him out of her house. Lexity spent $18k on the van, and the rest of the GFM money "just" disappeared, as is very typical with troons on GFM. Lexity's ex-fans literally began referring to him as Keffals on the subreddit because of his serial GFM scams.
Lexity currently has a "sugar momma" who spoils him and even allows him to be around her young children:
LEXITY got a Sugar Mama (new victim) but she’s a “mommy domme” ANYATHENA #helpmemakethismakesense
Here's an example of one of his fans bringing him food and solar chargers to enable his van life:
Meet up with friend
by u/redwoodreverie in lexity
Lexity's ex-fans responding to his present moderator and sugar momma Sarah showing up in their thread as /u/oxblood are hilarious:
u/oxblood624 why the fuck you here? Need to make sure you get detailed info to report back to your cult leader?? She isn't going to dick you down.
Edit: Also tell your girl she needs to wash her stank ass. She looks dingy

her mod is among us 🤫
u/oxblood624 why the fuck you here? Need to make sure you get detailed info to report back to your cult leader?? She isn't going to dick you...

If you need an idea of just how disgusting Lexity is, here he is DIY tattooing himself unhygientically, saying that he's young and healthy and able to deal with any infections that might happen:
And if the above didn't convince you, here's Lexity self-mutilating with a rusty nail pretending he's giving himself a tattoo using ashes and glycerine as "ink":
Source of the above still:
Grooming of legal minors and inappropriate parasocial relationships on Instagram
OMG, you mean yet another troon is grooming their legal minor stands and having inappropriate parasocial relationships with them online? Getouttahere!
Lexity's ex-fans on the subreddit complain that he's findomming and grooming his younger stans on Instagram:
Troons like Lexity can't be anything other than online groomers because everyone their own age sees right through their bullshit:

Impressionable minors
You know what's interesting, I remember being a young teenager and going to lots of house shows, and there would always be people there who were...

Another troon did another rapey
"I'm not a sexual predator! I'm a victim!", yeah sure troon.

Calling the SA allegation “petty bullsh*t” and rant
Posted in r/lexity by u/FlavorFrog3369 • 25 points and 2 comments

Lexity has a unique way of charming the ladies, as described by one of his victims in the video below:
"She was saying that I sexually harassed her on the phonecall. How can I be the one sexually harassing you, when you are flashing me your tits and your dique on the video call?!" - Flowers in Formaldehyde, just one of Lexity's SA victims.
Here's another ex speaking out:
And ANOTHER ex speaking out:
Lexity responded to all these allegation in the most predictable way:
Well, now that Vivian has DFEd his Hot Allostatic Load video, maybe Lexity should upload his reading of that "seminal" text.
Lexity apparently said that he wants a sex slave who is so completely devoted to him they will 数独 together?

It appears Lexity has gone from wanting to be a Mommy Domme to Findomming a Mommy? It's possible this is a very explicitly consensual and...

Lexity is an unrepentant homewrecker and claims it's "a service" he's "providing":
LEXITY admits to being a home wrecker using baby-talk ANYATHENA

LEXITY admits to being a home wrecker using baby-talk ANYATHENA

BDSM flaggelation-crazed
Lexity apparently spends his days braiding whips to practice

tw: bdsm (not shaming!)
sorry if this is unrelated, please take down if need be. i mentioned in a comment that she makes a lot of whips for use and then big whips not for...

In this video Lexity whips himself again, because there were still no takers to be whipped by him.
LEXITY self-flagellates to “meditate” with teens in chat ANYATHENA
After losing his Twitch channel due to whipping himself. Then he goes on Instagram and whips himself some more, openly challenging Instagram to ban him as well. IMO, more Twitch streamers should do that, TBH, whip themselves and lose their channels:
LEXITY loses it over her twitch channel being shut down + goes nuts on IG wh*pping herself ANYATHENA
Lexity UNCUT!
Lexity likes to point out that he's "uncut" in his videos. I've never seen his lewds so I have no idea if this is a reference to his gurldique being uncircumsized or whether he means he's uncut as in "unglued/unhinged", but to close off this OP, here is a whole UNCUT hour of Lexity crashing on one of his Livestreams. As someone on Youtube helpfully pointed out, these videos are way more fun if you play them at double the speed:
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