How come every time a law is passed that cracks down on pedophilia, the transgender community always speaks out against it claiming that they're going to be persecuted/sent to camps/exterminated?
And I'm not even talking about like... vaguely worded laws. I'm talking about laws that are passed specifically targeting only pedophilia. Why do transgender people always get up in arms every time the penalties for child fucking get harsher?
Is it part of their victim complex? Do they feel guilty for grooming children so that they can recruit their vulnerable minds into being trannies? Or is there something more insidious behind it? I have never seen a group of people get unnecessarily shaken up as hard as transgender people do every time an anti pedophilia law is passed.
Why is that?
And I'm not even talking about like... vaguely worded laws. I'm talking about laws that are passed specifically targeting only pedophilia. Why do transgender people always get up in arms every time the penalties for child fucking get harsher?
Is it part of their victim complex? Do they feel guilty for grooming children so that they can recruit their vulnerable minds into being trannies? Or is there something more insidious behind it? I have never seen a group of people get unnecessarily shaken up as hard as transgender people do every time an anti pedophilia law is passed.
Why is that?