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Kiwifails losing his mind and embarrassing himself on Discord

JackrabbitJackrabbit is verified member.

The Mod of the Voiceless
Local Moderator
This is probably the funniest shit I have seen in a while. So basically what happened was kiwi overstepped his bounds and tried to come into my comedy section and mess around with it. I basically told him that he needs to leave it the fuck alone.

His WIFE agreed with me and even made him call me and apologize. Holy hilarity. So last night he comes into the Discord and completely loses his SHIT on all of us. Later it was found out that he had been logging in as Ken and reading at least one person's private DMs. Fucking hilarious yo.

I just kept drinking beers and talking trash to keep him wound up. And then when he finally rage quit I yelled at his cunt wife because she wanted to get in on the action too.

And like a typical child he came on to this website and deleted my account and deleted yandere's account. I've got to give it up to Gargamel, he was 100% spot on when he said that kiwi has the emotional instability of a transgender woman.

Here's some highlights of what I was able to screen cap during our lovely conversation.

Ken, sorry I was calling you autistic and retarded, I just wanted to keep kiwi wound up.

Please keep in mind in this scenario that I am the one who is drunk off their ass and he is stone sober.

Should I tell everyone about you paying Nigerians to post content?

Fucking double dose of butt hurt. First he posts an audio clip of me saying I'll go somewhere else (which by the way I think I am very articulate after drinking that much beer) and telling him exactly what his problem is.

Then he tries to punk out Ken because his bunghole is sore from losing his moderator position.

Sorry baby boy, I was INVITED back. So it looks like your stupid ass is just going to have to put up with me. All that ego and you lost everything dude. You lost everything because of your big fucking head. And now everyone in that Discord group knows what a bitch you are.
I think kiwi put to much pressure on himself with the podcast and being an administrator. I think it was the perfect storm of biting more than he could chew and power tripping.

I hope kiwi gets off the internet and staying out of petty, spiteful squables.

Even now the spiteful little toad is threatening to post my chat logs. I mean, fucking go ahead dude. The majority of everything I've said to people online has been a lie. So I mean it's not the threat that he thinks it is.

He had a breakdown last night. That's the only way that I can describe it is the dude had a literal fucking breakdown. He needs to log off and "lose his password" like I did for a while.

All jokes aside I worry about his mental health. I mean the only reason I posted the Discord caps on here it's because you have to admit they are fucking funny.

Seriously though I would like to see him go away for a little bit and come back with his head straightened out. I am a little bit worried about him. Up until a couple of days ago he was a really good dude, and I'm hoping that this isn't the real him.
Basically, he got carried away with being an admin
There were signs, early on. js.
the future podcast
You still going ahead with that, then?
personality clash with Jack and Yandere.
They didn't respect his OR-THOR-A-TEY!
Whose wife?
We removed him as staff and then he went basically went batshit on Discord.
Best place for it, or so I've heard.
This is a recorded Flounce, right?

Mother of Mercy! Is this the end of the Onion Farms podcast?* Before it even started?

*Guess the film.