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All races, ethnicities, religions, gay or straight, cis or trans: We don't care. If you can rock with us: You are one of us

Kiwifarms may disable or restrict registration. We don't.

The account Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt on lounge96 is a phony.

The claim on lounge96 that we have a domain "loli96" is also phony. It is simply an attempt to hoodwink the community.

Community Featured Submissions: Last Update January 28, 2025

Kengel Please Stop Blocking Tor Exit Nodes / Tor / Proxies / Disposable Mail


Baby Onion
@Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt love the site man, but you need not to block anonymizing proxies, Tor and disposable email addresses. I had to change output node three times before I could get onto Onionfarms today.

Kiwispergs may want to share their IP address and dox with Null and whoever hacks his shitty website, most people just want to laugh at content without putting their real lives and reputations at risk.

If I have to choose between keeping TOR and using this site, it's no contest. What's more, a lot of the smarter, better people we want as users don't want a forum that blocks their opsec. I appreciate it makes it easier to ban evade, but that comes with the sektur.
@Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt love the site man, but you need not to block anonymizing proxies, Tor and disposable email addresses. I had to change output node three times before I could get onto Onionfarms today.

Kiwispergs may want to share their IP address and dox with Null and whoever hacks his shitty website, most people just want to laugh at content without putting their real lives and reputations at risk.

If I have to choose between keeping TOR and using this site, it's no contest. What's more, a lot of the smarter, better people we want as users don't want a forum that blocks their opsec. I appreciate it makes it easier to ban evade, but that comes with the sektur.
Are you saying you can't register if you are on the TOR network?