okay, I'm going to have to rant about this because it's so distorted.
Yes, I get where she is coming from, I remember this post like it was yesterday. But it's too general. Back when we used to do fast food service, not Irl but we did it at the same time knowing each other, she and I would come home and talk about our problems at work especially when it was so relatable. But one time when I told her about a co-worker being rude to me because I guess in his mind, he thought I was retarded for doing something a certain way, it was like she would say "Oh that sucks" but " I deal with a guy who creeps on me at work". Totally threw out what I had to deal with out the window and made it all about her. Somewhat disingenuous but okay. The reason I'm saying this is because let's say for instance, she befriends an e-girl, they get together in VC and talk about what they deal with for being an e-girl, she would probably do the same thing and make it all about her. If anything, she is doing a disservice for sticking up for them because she is really trying to get people to orbit around her more than anyone else.
With it being general as fuck. What men? yeah, the creeps, the incels, the assholes. But she is also talking about me & women who call her out on her bullshit. Your dresses, cosplays, and shit that those MEN buy you are cute but it's your behavior that these people are shitting on you for. It's an out-of-touch perspective from her. I've had friends that all they did was put makeup on and post to social media while wearing very nice dresses & attire, and I would always hope for them to "woo the boys" the kind that are chill and not degenerate. But the difference between them and Rose is those friends were so kind-hearted, loved animals, adored nature, so much sympathy, even when they themselves were going through hardship and I would vent to them, they would instantly jump to my case, and push their problems aside to give me the stage. With Rose, it was like the only stage I would get from her is one that would have nails I would have to stand on just to get my voice heard.