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  • I will be giving a state of the onion address soon

Katelyn Rose

oh sorry about that possessed me for a sec there haha
Seriously though, it's fucking edgy teenager behavior to make a post like that she will never become self-sufficient and will live as a leech
oh sorry about that possessed me for a sec there haha
Seriously though, it's fucking edgy teenager behavior to make a post like that she will never become self-sufficient and will live as a leech
what ever happen to just regular porn? I mean yeah porn is bad in general but I mean, I feel like it was very vanilla compared to now in the 2000s. Now it's blood that makes people jerk off
what ever happen to just regular porn? I mean yeah porn is bad in general but I mean, I feel like it was very vanilla compared to now in the 2000s. Now it's blood that makes people jerk off
It's more of an individual thing but in general yea more niche and extreme fetishes are becoming mainstream thanks to the internet
what ever happen to just regular porn? I mean yeah porn is bad in general but I mean, I feel like it was very vanilla compared to now in the 2000s. Now it's blood that makes people jerk off
It's the same thing as drug dosage. The more you do it, the more you want more of it per dosage. But with porn, it's fetish after fetish, and the next fetish is more amplified and degenerate. Yeah a little kink and dirtiness is normal as you go in a marriage bed (notice I said marriage bed) but when it gets to piss, shit, blood, extreme bdsm, there is something wrong there but to each their own.

That's not her real voice of course but that is her in living form. Literal walking corpse.
I saw this in the morning but didn't have time to actually make a post. The hilarious thing is all of the men who waste time on this girl are so butthurt about this. Nothing about any of the interactions between her and the men is normal or beneficial. The excuse about the parasocial shit is retarded as well. Why spend some time of each day of your life thinking somehow you'll get your dick wet from her. Or if anything, getting all riled up in your pants over something that needs help and is not in fertile condition. I also like to point out that we knew about this person since her first Instagram posts, but it took her what, like 4 months to actually come forward about it on her more popular platform on Facebook. Really a power move on her part and all of these losers are probably so depressed now. Hope they learn their lesson, but I doubt it because they are specimens that only produce shit into a toilet and that's it.

On the other hand. The situation is interesting because we have been making theories about this boyfriend for some time. Whatever it is, we first know that this person is only thinking with their dick and nothing about Rose has anything to do with a twin flame relationship. It's only for the benefits and the attention and of course sex. Then you have the kid/s that she will probably make with this person. I feel bad for the kids if they do plan on having kids. Yes, it may not be an abusive person but still a freak. I would make a bet right now that it won't last more than 2 years, I would put money down on it too, I don't even think it will get to two years, but I would love to find out.

Lastly, I personally don't think it's cool to expose yourself to sexual perverts if you're in a relationship. It's different if you're a trad wife and you just want to document your routines on a youtube channel or share experiences on the internet. Yes there will always be some haters and creeps on there but this is a different situation we are talking about. Rose is intentionally enticing horny men while in a relationship with another. She is well aware of this and her playing stupid to this realization is not working.

@Pepsi Man
Instant fucking death for the poor coomer she roped in, he'll get all sorts of accusations and her fanbase will be weaponized against him
May the gods have mercy on his soul

The door may always be closed for this one folks but one can only guess scenarios. Just think, it's not too uncommon for a breaking point in relationships where at least one person suggests that it won't work out, it'll be either Rose or her bf that will want out, but the other will manipulate and force the other not to break it up resulting in an uphill battle for love that won't be obtained unless there is a breakup. It will only make Rose more depressed either way if they break up or not.
But as mentioned before, they somehow have kids and it'll be another stepmom, stepfather situation for the poor kid/kids. Rose is not fit for any kind of relationship; she's just digging herself an even deeper hole. Even a million dollars won't help her morals.