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Public figures in internet culture that are predominately seen as part of the cowsphere community
(˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶) .ᐟ.ᐟ Now that this thread is mine, feel free to chat with the real me, or don't, I don't really care one way or the other. For those wondering I was formerly "Kiwi Kitty" and was under everyone's nose the whole time this thread was being used against me for the lulz, I love internet tomfoolery myself. Thank you to those who were chill about the plot twist, this thread about me has been an entertaining and wild ride. ⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
imagine that you are a kid and this women is your mother. boy oh boy. how will she be a good mother. the father left you, now you have daddy issues.
then when you're age 10, she really starts sperging and hearing voices in her head. i hope someone will save these children from her. she once talked about how bad she wanted a dog but she can't even take care of herself
imagine being that dog, the smell ewwwwwww. now that she doesn't keep clean. cyraxx would try to rape this bitch just because she stinks
thats if she has a partner, maybe the incels like pussy smelling like fish
they probably don't even wash their cocks so they may have dick cheese
you have to realize, funky people like funky people, if you have a room full of trash, you'll get people with same type of rooms wanting to come over
@Pepsi Man through this bitch a pepsi. shes thirsty you feel?
Gladly, one can of cold refreshing Pepsi comin' up!

thats if she has a partner, maybe the incels like pussy smelling like fish
they probably don't even wash their cocks so they may have dick cheese
you have to realize, funky people like funky people, if you have a room full of trash, you'll get people with same type of rooms wanting to come over
yea, insects like to congregate in dark, damp areas
I'm also unapologetically me, Rose, but unlike you I have a strong circle of friends who love and care about me, yes I've lost people in my life but a always make new friends and seem to have people coming back and wanting to talk to me. Almost as if I'm an enjoyable person who has emotions like "empathy" "sympathy" and the capacity to "be kind" and "treat people as human beings" I'm faaar from perfect but if you're that lonely and unbearable to be around then maybe you should take some shrooms and realize how much of a shit human being you are
I'm un-apologetically me as well. But when shit starts to hit the fan, I don't just wrap the blanket around me but share it with someone else. I don't run away from the problem just to come back & rant about it. I gtfo the internet and go for a walk and realize. "hmm, those assholes, those stalkers, those fake friends, I can always find better people in the future, but for right now, I need to focus on me and not what words on a screen have to say about me".
It's emotional maturity. Hey, that's something that is present in anime which I can tell she loves to watch (mostly older ones). But she would rather indulge in blood, murder, rape & demonic shit. You know when you mix the kind of mind you have with that, you will never understand what being emotional but in a good way is.
And for the friends & people always blocking you and removing you. YOU are causing it. You said it yourself that you like to pick and choose them based on how boring they are, how valuable they are & what they have to offer. That's not friend rose, that's using them for your own gain. When these people realize that, of course, they get you off their friend list.
Yep, friends don't need to prove themselves, if you're nice to me and respect my worldview then all is good, Rose sees people as assets instead of human beings
She's also a major tard so I doubt she'd ever understand the lessons taught in those older animes

I gtfo the internet and go for a walk and realize. "hmm, those assholes, those stalkers, those fake friends, I can always find better people in the future, but for right now, I need to focus on me and not what words on a screen have to say about me"
Exactly, at the end of the day it's just words on a screen and they'll never be able to hurt you physically, yes some words can mentally damage you but that's more from close friends and family, people you CARE about. Rose spurging out over randos online is childish at best and mentally challenged at worse, fuck even jose.gonzalas.2007 playing Mann vs. Machine for the first time getting called unimaginable things by a high-tour-harry for picking bad upgrades or something tiny like that handles it better then her. This is something I always say whenever people whine about "MUH HECKIN' CYBER-BULLYING!!1!". TURN. OFF. YOUR. COMPUTER. or better yet, if you're having fun but 1 person is acting like a douche, just block and move on, or if it's a lot of people, just use privacy settings to only allow friends to interact, but noooo Rose isn't gonna do anything like that cus she's a tardmaxxing spergiod who feels the constant need to bitch and whine about "MUH HECKIN' STALKERS1!!11" all while portraying herself as a "trad based schizomaxxed goth e-girl gf sneeded with Agarthian genes who orgasms to gore like a boss and don't care at all" or whatever it is chuds find attractive. She reminds me of a former friend I had, who let herself get passed around like the common cold and then cried about rape whenever she regretted it, constantly got into horrible relationships with simps she found on Overwatch and hung out with a genuine pedophile and mass-manipulator, among other things. Whenever I called her out on her bullshit she'd get all pissy and and scream "YOU DON'T KNOW OUR (the manipulator's) FRIENDSHIP" even though she'd only talk about them whenever she was bawling her eyes out cus they brought up something she still feels bad about 2+ years later. When I finally cut her out she called me a kiddie-diddler and (tried anyway) to ruin my reputation, it didn't work cus non of my friend bought her bullshit but still, the similarities are uncanny. She, also like Rose, does a whole lot of backpedaling and always pretending she knew all along.
Do you think it's a genetic thing or just an internet thing? I dunno maybe it's a neglected by parents thing.

Adding on: I doubt that her "friend" even existed, kinda like Rose's partner, just a figment of imagination used to get sympathy or to make it look like she has a life outside of being a lolcow
You're the man @Pepsi Man
I knew of a friend that was a dude with a good head on his shoulders. But when he wasn't looking for a GF he winded up finding one. Not just an ordinary one either. Her looks were 10/10. Soft voice, shy, you thought this girl was a trad wife if you knew her. We'll she constantly ghosted him I guess or maybe she was just terribly busy. But when it happened, my friend would get so sad at first, cry get over it, but then he realized the next day once he slept it off that despite how perfect to him she was, he knew that there would be one more suited for him than the one he accidently ran into & took it as just more wisdom to the soul.
With today's standards, you don't have many boys like that. Even in IRL, once a couple gets together who aren't for eachother, it's an on & off relationship. They have sex, hate eachother, break up & repeat the process. This may not be the representation of everyone's on & off cycle. But you understand what I mean.
With Rose, it's one that's unique because she gets one abusive boyfriend and now she leads off the rest. Even the ones who don't see her for all of these materialistic things or for sex, she leads them on. She even talked about this in some of her posts from 2 years ago I think. But even without these posts, you can tell that these incels make cat call kind of comments to her, then repeat, but rose sees it, likes their comments a few times and thats it. You think you're getting her? hell no, she just likes to make you think that you are then pushes you off.
She reminds me of Elliot Rodger. If any of you remember how much he would talk about how no one is attracted to him, how much he is infuriated that other men can have sex with girls and he would never see pass his own relflection. It's the same shit but with different genitals. Picture rose as Elliot Rodger for a minute because Rose is pretty much sitting in the car looking at others being happy and getting pissed about it then breaking down without the murder fantasies but with the "people have it better than me" mentality and "how come I can't be happy" or "why am I lonely". Rose has been given somehow an amazing place to live. I'm somewhat jealous especially with how terrible rent is & housing. She lives in a beautiful city where she can meet so many friends within blocks of radius. She has an online following that many girls wish they had for the comfort of a community.
Holy shit. you're right she is like Elliot, she may not have the murderous fantasies but I dunno, being inside all day can lead people to all sorts of actions. I honestly hope that she spends some time offline and finds a few good friends, first time I've felt sorry for a lolcow lmao
It's one thing to not care about politics. But it's another when you completely block off anything that is going on in the world today. It's good to be aware of things rather than being distracted all the time by entertainment. I remember in high school, my history teacher would talk about how the Roman leaders would distract the citizens by holding games at the Colosseum. The reason was because there was perhaps some corruption within their senate (basically the congress at the time) or maybe the emperor was acting on their own sinister desires. The roman empire was divided into huge districts and let's say that when the stabilization of one was terrible, the games would be hosted to distract all the peoples from caring about the neglectance of that part of the empire.
Rose is so attached to her virtual reality persona that all she does is constantly rely on dopamines to keep her on her feet even though all she does is sit on her ass all day but I digress.
When you are to the point that nothing around you matters and all you care about is what you have to gain, it's quite fucked up. I understand there are people out there that you will never meet suffering, but they are human being just like me and you. Like, the reader reading this for example. We may never develop a personal relationship but I hope you are happy and healthy :D. And if you're going through hell and back, I hope things get better for you.
Then with the stalkers' and obsessors posts. How can you sit there and tell people to move on when you still to this day let whatever your ex did to you, make you this way and repeat the same cycle by hurting others through your ways? @AboutToBustIn was hurt after everything she did for you, the time she dedicated toward your very existance? Call it gaslighting I guess, but I mean, come on, it's a great question I'm trying to put on the table. And what about all of the others like her you have thrown away? This is why people do this, this is why they stalk you and hate you because this monster you let grow inside you attached itself to the point that it made you to be such a fucked up person and all they do is sit behind their screens and laugh at you because maybe their sadist themselves with too much free time on their hands but maybe they would fuck off if you weren't always posting about them and ignoring them.
There's nothing wrong about being silly and shit, the problem is you not letting go of your past, you manipulating and your lack of sympathy for anyone but yourself like you said in the first screenshot.
It's one thing to not care about politics. But it's another when you completely block off anything that is going on in the world today. It's good to be aware of things rather than being distracted all the time by entertainment. I remember in high school, my history teacher would talk about how the Roman leaders would distract the citizens by holding games at the Colosseum. The reason was because there was perhaps some corruption within their senate (basically the congress at the time) or maybe the emperor was acting on their own sinister desires. The roman empire was divided into huge districts and let's say that when the stabilization of one was terrible, the games would be hosted to distract all the peoples from caring about the neglectance of that part of the empire.
Rose is so attached to her virtual reality persona that all she does is constantly rely on dopamines to keep her on her feet even though all she does is sit on her ass all day but I digress.
When you are to the point that nothing around you matters and all you care about is what you have to gain, it's quite fucked up. I understand there are people out there that you will never meet suffering, but they are human being just like me and you. Like, the reader reading this for example. We may never develop a personal relationship but I hope you are happy and healthy :D. And if you're going through hell and back, I hope things get better for you.
Then with the stalkers' and obsessors posts. How can you sit there and tell people to move on when you still to this day let whatever your ex did to you, make you this way and repeat the same cycle by hurting others through your ways? @AboutToBustIn was hurt after everything she did for you, the time she dedicated toward your very existance? Call it gaslighting I guess, but I mean, come on, it's a great question I'm trying to put on the table. And what about all of the others like her you have thrown away? This is why people do this, this is why they stalk you and hate you because this monster you let grow inside you attached itself to the point that it made you to be such a fucked up person and all they do is sit behind their screens and laugh at you because maybe their sadist themselves with too much free time on their hands but maybe they would fuck off if you weren't always posting about them and ignoring them.
There's nothing wrong about being silly and shit, the problem is you not letting go of your past, you manipulating and your lack of sympathy for anyone but yourself like you said in the first screenshot.
Don't let her projection fool you. It's her ego being dented. I don't know if you ever heard of an ego death but it's pretty much where your self value goes away in your eyes and you're being humble about how you treat people and such.

I don't know if something triggered here to post that shit or it's just the same recycled insecurities being put in text but I do know this.
If her ego were to finally die, it would be heaven on earth. She would apologize for everything and anything she might have done. She would also just say stuff like "hey stalkers, I don't like what you're doing but I just hope one day whatever is making you do this, that day will be the day your life gets better" instead of the sincere projection. I mean hey, I had an ego like I said before, glad I got rid of it because it was just baggage I was carrying around but I do have that troll still in me just not the Rose egotisical insecurity bullshit.

You know, she tells you to move on but after I got over her after the whole discord shit, I came to terms and let go of her in anyway like hatred and shit though when I see posts like this, it does make me want to punch something. The old Rose was someone I used to love and care about, used to shoot the shit with, and that old rose being friendship I had with her to the I hate her and the new Rose is me getting over her and viewing her as a lolcow now. So trust me Rose if you ever read this because I bet you type ine your name to any searches and you come across threads or mentions of you like this, but either way I hope you are reading this.

Trust me girl, I've moved on from you. I'm focusing 100% of my energy on making customers get cars, on my health, nature, and a lot of amazing things. When I'm down in the florida keys when I get my breaks during the years, I'm sipping on a magarita with you never on my mind honey. But at the same time, when I do think about you especially when I want to thread post, I learned to laugh, yeah get angry a little but most of the time laugh at you because of how fucking stupid you are. Moving on isn't just keeping a foot pace on a path and getting over something, moving on can also come in the form of "I once knew you, I still know you, but now it's different" and this different is looking at you like a comedy.