• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Public figures in internet culture that are predominately seen as part of the cowsphere community
(˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶) .ᐟ.ᐟ Now that this thread is mine, feel free to chat with the real me, or don't, I don't really care one way or the other. For those wondering I was formerly "Kiwi Kitty" and was under everyone's nose the whole time this thread was being used against me for the lulz, I love internet tomfoolery myself. Thank you to those who were chill about the plot twist, this thread about me has been an entertaining and wild ride. ⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
Son of a bitch! Shit happens...
well when a the hornyness prevails once more. , I will have my Goth babes here on stand by and KiwiFails can finally get off my dick for once in my life. He's just upset that I have a very touching preference as to what I consider bed worthy
The Queen Has The Diarrhea!
Son of a bitch! Shit happens...

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In today's edition. It must be explained that we are in a state of despair as Rose has shit cramps. Kaine is always in his feelings while I'm still thinking about how I will be introducing myself to the soEMO community. It's a slow day, really a slow time but this is good. This means there is no bullshit to be dealt with, a smooth sailing from here until... well when a the hornyness prevails once more. From my experience of being her friend I can say that there are many highways inside of her mind. Some that just keep going as if you're just stuck on a back road route with no idea when you will reach another one. The internet did a number on this poor girl as she has told you herself through her blogs. But our beloved Queen is going to get there eventually. What shart splatter into the toilet at a time, one nap, senior citizen sleep session, one having to deal with a horny dude at a time. It will happen. And when it will happen, I will have my Goth babes here on stand by and KiwiFails can finally get off my dick for once in my life. He's just upset that I have a very touching preference as to what I consider bed worthy.

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Our girl Savannah hasn't confessed to her dirty deeds and she will never. She is too busy wasting away in steam games. Same person that blamed someone for a lamp breaking. California Emo girls are something else. Can't be mad though. Soon she will be very jealous when I pull some of the most heartwarming sweeties from the darkest depts of alone land. It's called approaching with no cape and armor. Ah yes, they will come for you and give you the biggest hugs imaginable. Rose will also be their friend because right now, Rose is low on those. Not because it's Rose, it's because we live in 2025 should I really have to explain why? They hear the word nigger and they go scramming into rocks to hideaway from such words. The emo culture has become so sensitive. It's a dime a dozen to find yourself one of those hardcore logical babes but Rose, the Queen of the Dead can have them find her on the throne she currently holds.

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This jerk off allows minors onto his site. soEMO is the biggest and most efficient directory of accounts involving the Emo Community. Matt is running this site where there are countless users posting suggestive material & pornography if you dig deep enough while minors are around. He also has an attitude with you if you suggest an idea. This dude will get mellow dramatic and talk as if you as the user on his site has not clue what you're talking about. Make the site 18+ you fucking retard! This asshole is doing the Emo's a huge disservice and this is why I plan on out competing him with a more refined website that has a mixture of 2000s aesthetics but a 2025 hint of spice. Matt has no assertive skills, poor communication skills to his users & gets defensive if you suggest something. Also the rating system is retarded and makes people feel self conscious about themselves. This is terrible website practice.
what the fuck is this wordswordswords someone please make a translator

I've been a little inactive since I've been feeling like absolute dog shit, I've been meaning to get back around to actively posting but I've just been wanting to sleep and people weren't wrong about me being a pretty low energy individual since I often times just want to sleep and nothing else, I haven't even really been in the mood to play video games, watch anime, or work on my visual novel since I feel pretty burnt out - but I'm coming back around, I just need to stay consistent since consistency and routine are what keep a person driven alongside motivation with set goals in mind. Every day just feels so mundane, like my life is a groundhog day styled film. I probably just need to push myself to keep doing more, even if I feel burnt out.
If the dude continues interacting despite having a new asshole ripped open, I'd say that's pretty humiliating.
I meant to respond to this remark, but you're probably right, any attention is good attention in the eyes of those who crave it - even if it's me clowning on him the entire time, he probably would rub himself off to the fact that a woman would even humor talking to him in the first place since I'm sure he lies about all the supposed pussy he gets, if he was always getting laid I feel like he wouldn't be as down bad as the way he behaves.

Suggestion: Since this is a gegbvll website, what if this became a Kaine thread
He's not even worth it, I'd rather use this thread for something more productive rather than it becoming all about him since he'd probably bust a nut from all the attention. I just like to expose some of his degeneracy towards me from time to time since it's been going on since I was a minor, which is some crazy level of dedication and some of the shit he sends me is funny enough to post about here for everyone else to see. I've milked him for content but it honestly gets boring when you realize he's just putting up a facade.

Also yes this nigger is 100% getting off to your messages
He probably is in the middle of jacking off every time he messages me, no surprise there, he doesn't even try to hide the fact that he's a sex pest retard since he will openly talk about wanting to cum on me and stick his dick in me.

Just be depressed. Easy peasy.

"Just be depressed. Easy peasy."
You're so real for that. :story:

I'm going to spend most of my day today playing some visual novels and other niche games that I found out about, I've had a lot of media on my backlog that I've been meaning to consume but I'll probably be on for most of the day. I've been meaning to post to my blog website since I started actively using this thread more often so there will probably be some new blog posts, not sure if anyone even actually cared to follow my blog besides when people were effort posting about the things I'd post, kind of funny how in depth people would analyze the mind vomit I'd pour out in the past. If anything else goes on throughout the day, I'll update this post but sorry that I've been more quiet than usual.

I hope all of you are doing well.

(˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶) .ᐟ.ᐟ
What If The Queen of The Dead Went To The Land of The Rising Sun ?


It's been said that this is a personal milestone of Rose. One always teased to her by her troublesome life like a Samurai trying to navigate his treacherous journey. It's more than the seafood, anime, western obsession over this abundant well cultured place. It's the climb to Mount Fuji, conversations with locals of the hidden villages, & appreciation of such a magnificent land given to us by the cosmos. To Rose, it is something very well personal as her life as been diseased by misfortune. Knowing her I can tell you, it's not the meme of being a chan, she will wear her hair as if she was born in the wrong country. Who can blame her? Like how the Japanese are into rape, we have too many Wal-mart super centers. Every one & every place has their problems but to Rose Japan, it's a place that just is truly something else. Even to me I feel a gravitational pull to this place because of my own inner conflicts. If I were to step foot into Japan, there will be Euphoria overcoming me, the release that my soul so desperately needs so I can go back to America more ready than ever. Those blue haired freaks think My Hero Academia is all there is to Japanese culture.


I hope to see her adventures shared vividly some day on this very thread and on her Facebook page. There's millions of pictures & millions of stories she would be able to tell us about her time there. Kiwi even mentioned to me how easier it is to even purchase a property there than what it actually sounds like. The many places she would go such as Kyoto which is the place that has personally has me intrigued for it's beautiful Lake Biwa and it's profound connection to Osaka. It's inner linkings & unique infrastructure. If a plane ticket were to appear on my front door step, I would pass it up to Rose. Going to Japan would mean the world to her, it's where she needs to find herself deeply more. No, not like a Queer women who believes going to Europe is going to help her see her reflection. Rose actually wants to integrate ever so slowly into the culture without leaving behind the America she was born and raised in. It's where Rose will find a peace she never knew she wanted & needed so bad. With the terrible timeline of events, this is her place to find a new. Revitalize finally to be born again under the cherry blossoms. Learn Kanji & be fluent in the language. So one day if I ever need a friend to run to in such a peaceful place, Rose would be there among the villagers harvesting rice & clams and she could translate every bit of the words spoken by those people that she lives with.



If you were to walk in her room you would be greeted with nostalgia displays of her childhood surrounding Japanese media specifically old animes & anime films way before the degeneracy took storm. She could tell you how old she was when she first saw Spirited Away or Sailor Moon. Everything to her is sentimental when it comes to those collectables. It's the Japanese Cartoons & way of the Kanji sword that whispers to her the most. When she integrates into the people of the land of the rising sun, you will find her at peace wearing a Kimono making Ginseng tea learning more fluency of the language on the floor criss-crossed as ancient Katanas display on her shelf because she has gained so much respect from the villagers, valuable historic pieces of their ancestors were handed down to her even though she isn't a native. But Rose would grind at being apart of this fine land and it's features. It's a place she knows would never hurt her as even the brick noodles in the 24/7 convenience store are safe from colored folks. Yes they have stores like these where you can walk in without any human attendants, that's how low the crime rate is so that's why when someone gets shot or a house gets broken into it's a shock wave that gets sent throughout the area. It's a place that Rose can finally understand herself to the fullest and be no longer touched by perverts (that's an oxymoron, women do get groped on the trains but western perversion is different than western, if a man want's to be a rapists he does it by sending dick picks non-stop) but the likely hood of Rose being messed with by someone such as Kaine are very less likely since men are more reserved than the incels in America even though the Japanese having always been into rape throughout time. Once Rose integrates, the friends she makes along the way will have her back at every step. Surely there are some Japanese females around her age that would like to learn English & have a burning ambition to open up even in an introvert society. When they see Rose, they won't be able to restrain themselves from talking so much.



Will Matt Ban My New soEMO Account?
am I really that much of a problem?
does he even a good reason to?
so what if I'm emo?
isn't inclusion apart of being emo?
he can't ban me for being white?
what is this dudes problem?
can I finally find romance among emo girls?



As someone that sees a great deal of potential in this site, I am very frustrated with the lack of engagement these people have with each other. Do I want to go through the constant drag of emo dudes that can't shut the fuck up about being depressed? Fuck no. But I would still maintain a caring posture. It's what being apart of a community is. Because when you join in on a family you will eventually come across a fine women who's emo that sees you're a family man. Not just with the wife & kids but tries to sit at the lunch table at the corner of the cafeteria. Matt doesn't understand this. Why? Look at the site. The User Interface. The display of most active users like they are better than everybody. AND, get this. It's for the United Kingdom when EMO sub culture came from the Mid West of America.

I know what I'm getting myself into. Females on this site will be more left wing, liberal, & progressive than your average stupid white women walking down the street. I can handle women screaming at me. In fact, I get turned on when a women is mad at me. So if she notices something out of the box that gives off conservative energy one of these girls will start talking about how I will try to take away their rights even though if I asked them what the three branches of government is, they would not know and say that doesn't matter. Reproductive rights do. The only problem, is how would Matt handle the situation? Banning me would be the most beta shit to do to a guy that just wants to be wet from Emo Vagina. I want to contribute to keeping things alive. It's 2025, the sub culture is dying out so I would rebrand it somehow to attract strange & unusual women that includes emos,goths,punks. Matt seems to be oblivious to any understanding of this.

The problem with having minors on this site is bat shit crazy. It makes him look like a creep for kids. Now Kaine is a piece of shit but I do recall Matt complementing Rose on her tattoos & wondering what they mean from a screenshot he posted from impersonating her on soEMO. But how does Matt view having minors on his site? Does he not pay attention to the increase of pedophiles? Doesn't make sense to me. Even if he meant well and is trying to create a safe space for kids being bullied in real life, it still spells an infinite lists of issues and vulnerabilities to these minors. If I was a parent I would not want my kid using this site, emo or not. They can be easily groomed in very similar fashion to how Rose was exploited during her teenage years. 12 fucking years old! was when she fell victim to this shitty behavior.


emo brands.png



So now that I have my account. I really hope to be consistent with it. This isn't a Psy Op. If Matt somehow gets curious to figure out what's going on with this "YandereTheory" person he can now see what my true intentions are. In fact now I have become accustomed to the Jannie position in general he can put me up as an Admin for the site IF he changes the website to being 18+. No payroll, just voluntary labor I would put forth into keeping things clean and preventing conflicts from being present among the emos. In fact if there was disposable funds under my belt I would merge soEMO with Onion Farms not as combining one but both would be under a Non-Profit Filing with the same management involved on this site. No industrial complex plans or strives just simple networking research & information technology understanding as the back end team being involved and the front end being Jannies, Local Brooms and Common Users.

If Matt went to Ken after seeing my grievances toward soEMO there would have to be agreements, understandings, and possible conflicts of interest but if the meeting were to occur I would be the middle man involved since Ken is 60 and runs a totally different site and Matt is in his 30s and runs a totally different site but we would work in collaboration & share our methods on getting users to our sites. Onion Farms, soEMO, Experimental Onion Farms all have so much potential. As an advocate for innovating them as all of the moderator team has seen from me, I would want the same done with soEMO in similar fashion. Going to Spencers (and I will eventually make a thread about Spencers) is something sentimental to me since I used to go there with my step brother and fuck around with the goofy toys and gag gifts. Having been experienced with being around emo men and women, even though I'm not one myself, I get what it's like to be fucking sad and so alone. In a way, I'm still alone. I don't have a fine goth babe giving me affirmations before bed. I have to job my imagination to pretend that I'm being held by one while drifting away into sleep. That's sad isn't it? So being a part and hopefully leading this plan would really mean the world to me. I want to be in discord calls with unusual women and us getting all philosophical and shit when we start getting emotional. Yes, being the conservative I am I will break their balls for smoking weed and worshiping Satan but I will navigate this deep void of these souls without being negatively hurt.

Business has always been known for making money, watching the steadiness of profit come in. I never went to economic classes or got into understanding what running something is like. But like Spencers, I hope one day to run something that means more than raking in money and having spreadsheets with black print in every category. A Non-Profit website management establishment. Successor to Ken, Successor to Matt, Founder of an experimental platform that found great success. No Gross, No Profit needed. Just pure networking, community foundation, a management team that is all about having each other's backs. A place to go to make friends and many. No dating bullshit, no tyranny, no controversy, just a website like how one was during the early 2000s but in the form of 2025.

The features above besides the "featured users" are among some of the features I actually like about soEMO. It's simple, understandable, easy to use and he even has a forum section. See, this is potential, this is what I enjoy seeing. Yk, I personally don't know much about Matt, I think I was being too hard on him the other day but if there was a business discord call with me, Kiwi, Ken, Matt and maybe CSO, I would want to get down to business. Because soEMO has something Onion Farms needs, Onion Farms has something soEMO needs. We would collaborate, help fund eachother's projects, be under the same management team. Two website owners, a Mod team, a back end ambition. Man if only I won the lottery, this is the first thing I'm investing in is making this happen, then I'm inflating the Spencers stock.

Will Matt Ban My New soEMO Account?
View attachment 84711
am I really that much of a problem?
does he even a good reason to?
so what if I'm emo?
isn't inclusion apart of being emo?
he can't ban me for being white?
what is this dudes problem?
can I finally find romance among emo girls?

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As someone that sees a great deal of potential in this site, I am very frustrated with the lack of engagement these people have with each other. Do I want to go through the constant drag of emo dudes that can't shut the fuck up about being depressed? Fuck no. But I would still maintain a caring posture. It's what being apart of a community is. Because when you join in on a family you will eventually come across a fine women who's emo that sees you're a family man. Not just with the wife & kids but tries to sit at the lunch table at the corner of the cafeteria. Matt doesn't understand this. Why? Look at the site. The User Interface. The display of most active users like they are better than everybody. AND, get this. It's for the United Kingdom when EMO sub culture came from the Mid West of America.

I know what I'm getting myself into. Females on this site will be more left wing, liberal, & progressive than your average stupid white women walking down the street. I can handle women screaming at me. In fact, I get turned on when a women is mad at me. So if she notices something out of the box that gives off conservative energy one of these girls will start talking about how I will try to take away their rights even though if I asked them what the three branches of government is, they would not know and say that doesn't matter. Reproductive rights do. The only problem, is how would Matt handle the situation? Banning me would be the most beta shit to do to a guy that just wants to be wet from Emo Vagina. I want to contribute to keeping things alive. It's 2025, the sub culture is dying out so I would rebrand it somehow to attract strange & unusual women that includes emos,goths,punks. Matt seems to be oblivious to any understanding of this.

The problem with having minors on this site is bat shit crazy. It makes him look like a creep for kids. Now Kaine is a piece of shit but I do recall Matt complementing Rose on her tattoos & wondering what they mean from a screenshot he posted from impersonating her on soEMO. But how does Matt view having minors on his site? Does he not pay attention to the increase of pedophiles? Doesn't make sense to me. Even if he meant well and is trying to create a safe space for kids being bullied in real life, it still spells an infinite lists of issues and vulnerabilities to these minors. If I was a parent I would not want my kid using this site, emo or not. They can be easily groomed in very similar fashion to how Rose was exploited during her teenage years. 12 fucking years old! was when she fell victim to this shitty behavior.

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So now that I have my account. I really hope to be consistent with it. This isn't a Psy Op. If Matt somehow gets curious to figure out what's going on with this "YandereTheory" person he can now see what my true intentions are. In fact now I have become accustomed to the Jannie position in general he can put me up as an Admin for the site IF he changes the website to being 18+. No payroll, just voluntary labor I would put forth into keeping things clean and preventing conflicts from being present among the emos. In fact if there was disposable funds under my belt I would merge soEMO with Onion Farms not as combining one but both would be under a Non-Profit Filing with the same management involved on this site. No industrial complex plans or strives just simple networking research & information technology understanding as the back end team being involved and the front end being Jannies, Local Brooms and Common Users.

If Matt went to Ken after seeing my grievances toward soEMO there would have to be agreements, understandings, and possible conflicts of interest but if the meeting were to occur I would be the middle man involved since Ken is 60 and runs a totally different site and Matt is in his 30s and runs a totally different site but we would work in collaboration & share our methods on getting users to our sites. Onion Farms, soEMO, Experimental Onion Farms all have so much potential. As an advocate for innovating them as all of the moderator team has seen from me, I would want the same done with soEMO in similar fashion. Going to Spencers (and I will eventually make a thread about Spencers) is something sentimental to me since I used to go there with my step brother and fuck around with the goofy toys and gag gifts. Having been experienced with being around emo men and women, even though I'm not one myself, I get what it's like to be fucking sad and so alone. In a way, I'm still alone. I don't have a fine goth babe giving me affirmations before bed. I have to job my imagination to pretend that I'm being held by one while drifting away into sleep. That's sad isn't it? So being a part and hopefully leading this plan would really mean the world to me. I want to be in discord calls with unusual women and us getting all philosophical and shit when we start getting emotional. Yes, being the conservative I am I will break their balls for smoking weed and worshiping Satan but I will navigate this deep void of these souls without being negatively hurt.

Business has always been known for making money, watching the steadiness of profit come in. I never went to economic classes or got into understanding what running something is like. But like Spencers, I hope one day to run something that means more than raking in money and having spreadsheets with black print in every category. A Non-Profit website management establishment. Successor to Ken, Successor to Matt, Founder of an experimental platform that found great success. No Gross, No Profit needed. Just pure networking, community foundation, a management team that is all about having each other's backs. A place to go to make friends and many. No dating bullshit, no tyranny, no controversy, just a website like how one was during the early 2000s but in the form of 2025.

The features above besides the "featured users" are among some of the features I actually like about soEMO. It's simple, understandable, easy to use and he even has a forum section. See, this is potential, this is what I enjoy seeing. Yk, I personally don't know much about Matt, I think I was being too hard on him the other day but if there was a business discord call with me, Kiwi, Ken, Matt and maybe CSO, I would want to get down to business. Because soEMO has something Onion Farms needs, Onion Farms has something soEMO needs. We would collaborate, help fund eachother's projects, be under the same management team. Two website owners, a Mod team, a back end ambition. Man if only I won the lottery, this is the first thing I'm investing in is making this happen, then I'm inflating the Spencers stock.

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Did you just self dox?
Thank you so much @kiwifails for leaving this update as I asked. I'm at my computer now, and I'm feeling enough strength to make a post since it's been too long and I wanted to leave some more information about my well being and everything that's been going on with me.


It started off with me having the flu, which eventually went away and turned into me gaining a gradual cough that continued to worsen over time. I've now been to the emergency clinic twice, I went yesterday and was prescribed new medications as the ones I was taking before didn't seem to be helping. I'm on four different pills now, and was prescribed an inhaler. I was at the emergency clinic for several hours, I got an x-ray done and they're unsure if it's bacterial bronchitis, or I may be developing asthma. Hopefully the new medications I was prescribed will prove to be effective in getting rid of this cough, I've been having shortness of breath and it's been incredibly painful - I've not even had the energy to really sit at my computer, and have basically been bounded to my bed unable to eat or do much of anything besides drink fluids and rest. I lost more weight, I was only ninety three pounds to begin with but have lost five pounds over the course of the past week from being on a liquid diet and am now down to around eighty eight pounds. I was able to eat a full meal today which was nice, and I'm hoping to recover quickly so I can get back to my hobbies and enjoying online social interactions with everybody again. I've had so much I've wanted to say, and there's projects I want to get back to working on such as my visual novel - but with how poor my immune system is I've needed a lot of time to rest and hope that this goes away now with the new prescriptions.

I'm hoping that everyone here on onion and those who from time to time check this thread have been well,
besides the health updates there hasn't been much that's noteworthy to report on.
I'm going to hopefully be back to full recovery soon.

I've always had pretty shit health ever since I was born, so it's not surprising that catching the flu hit me this violently.
I'll continue to update everyone as the days progress. My blog website was renewed for it's domain, and I realized I haven't posted to my blog in over a month since I started using this thread as a place to vomit out my thoughts but now that there's another year reinstated for my website I have plans for it and will be creating something interesting - a second visual novel, short and sweet that will be a nod to this website as a tongue in cheek response to everything that occurred with this thread which will be uploaded to both my website, and itch.io.

I haven't heard back from Kaine in several weeks after I ghosted him, I'm going to assume that for now he's done with me, and if anyone is still interested in his degeneracy I could upload more content involving past conversations with him once I'm feeling more up to par. I considered milking him for more content, but it's time consuming and he's a handful to deal with and I haven't had the energy to give a fuck considering I already have so much content that I could post about him for the entertainment of others if anyone here is still invested in clowning on him. For all I know he's seen the things I've said on this thread and might be less willing to comply with letting his guard down, so there's that possibility as well, which I can't say for certain one way or the other.

I'm going to continue to rest until I'm back to my full potential, but I hope everyone here on onion is fairing well and I wanted to leave some updates while I had the energy to do so.

Thank you so much @kiwifails for leaving this update as I asked. I'm at my computer now, and I'm feeling enough strength to make a post since it's been too long and I wanted to leave some more information about my well being and everything that's been going on with me.

View attachment 84886

It started off with me having the flu, which eventually went away and turned into me gaining a gradual cough that continued to worsen over time. I've now been to the emergency clinic twice, I went yesterday and was prescribed new medications as the ones I was taking before didn't seem to be helping. I'm on four different pills now, and was prescribed an inhaler. I was at the emergency clinic for several hours, I got an x-ray done and they're unsure if it's bacterial bronchitis, or I may be developing asthma. Hopefully the new medications I was prescribed will prove to be effective in getting rid of this cough, I've been having shortness of breath and it's been incredibly painful - I've not even had the energy to really sit at my computer, and have basically been bounded to my bed unable to eat or do much of anything besides drink fluids and rest. I lost more weight, I was only ninety three pounds to begin with but have lost five pounds over the course of the past week from being on a liquid diet and am now down to around eighty eight pounds. I was able to eat a full meal today which was nice, and I'm hoping to recover quickly so I can get back to my hobbies and enjoying online social interactions with everybody again. I've had so much I've wanted to say, and there's projects I want to get back to working on such as my visual novel - but with how poor my immune system is I've needed a lot of time to rest and hope that this goes away now with the new prescriptions.

I'm hoping that everyone here on onion and those who from time to time check this thread have been well,
besides the health updates there hasn't been much that's noteworthy to report on.
I'm going to hopefully be back to full recovery soon.

I've always had pretty shit health ever since I was born, so it's not surprising that catching the flu hit me this violently.
I'll continue to update everyone as the days progress. My blog website was renewed for it's domain, and I realized I haven't posted to my blog in over a month since I started using this thread as a place to vomit out my thoughts but now that there's another year reinstated for my website I have plans for it and will be creating something interesting - a second visual novel, short and sweet that will be a nod to this website as a tongue in cheek response to everything that occurred with this thread which will be uploaded to both my website, and itch.io.

I haven't heard back from Kaine in several weeks after I ghosted him, I'm going to assume that for now he's done with me, and if anyone is still interested in his degeneracy I could upload more content involving past conversations with him once I'm feeling more up to par. I considered milking him for more content, but it's time consuming and he's a handful to deal with and I haven't had the energy to give a fuck considering I already have so much content that I could post about him for the entertainment of others if anyone here is still invested in clowning on him. For all I know he's seen the things I've said on this thread and might be less willing to comply with letting his guard down, so there's that possibility as well, which I can't say for certain one way or the other.

I'm going to continue to rest until I'm back to my full potential, but I hope everyone here on onion is fairing well and I wanted to leave some updates while I had the energy to do so.

Hope you get better soon.
So she's saying she got emo AIDS?
emo Adidas

Hope you get better soon.
Thank you, it seems that the meds are finally starting to work since the cough has been almost non-existent for the past 48 hours so I'm hoping it stays that way since things have been pretty miserable for me the past month.


I meant to elaborate on this, but I started using my blog site again and wanted to make a tongue in cheek blog about Onion and the things that occurred here on my thread since I don't really need to pretend to be clueless anymore about things on my social platforms since the reveal is done and over with, so thought I'd just finally blog about the funny shit on my site with Ken and @kiwifails approved.

- I also wanted to say that I'm back on my feet now, completely over the illnesses and I've been getting a lot done. I spent my entire morning building and setting up a new desk since my old one was being held with tape for well over two years now, so it's nice to have something more official with all my time I spend behind the screen, things feel more organized now.


The result, I still have more cleaning and organizing to do but for now this works.
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The truth was revealed. Max was fooled the whole time. What a fucking retard. You insult me for 5 years. Use me, lie to me. But guess what max. I used what you used against me to build Katelyn up. So go ahead, question her about this on steam. She showed me all of the messages between you and her. Congratz, you played yourself. <3

Vicky, I love you baby. But reporting his channel was low effort. You should have been my yandere babe.

Kiwi Psy oping me all day kind of turned me on and I'm not gay. Kiwi should have been a girl.


I was told in a vc that he was doing some weird shit where he pretended to be a woman going at that rose woman and then came in to defend her I guess to impress her .
But it's interesting since if he is kaine then he was also dating savanna. At his point I'm pretty sure all these people he's mentioning are made up and it's all some epic plan to get with rose by impressing her by defending her from idk cyber stalking


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kiwifails did nothing wrong

I'm coming out. We were in bed with Gargamel the whole time but Gargamel is an alright person. Kiwifails doesn't have a wife it's just a roommate. Rose doesn't even know about this. We are all in a Polly relationship and what really happened. I leaked kiwis nudes on a website I perfer not to mention because he was role playing in discord with Gargamel without me being in it. I know this is wild but it's because I was jealous and this drama overlapped into the mod team and Kiwi is in panic mode trying to cover it up. I'm actually Kaine. Kaine isn't an Asian stalker of Rose, I'm actually a homosexual person. Kiwi is the top, I'm the bottom, Gargamel likes it both ways. This whole time we were running a secret sex life but shit just had to hit the fan and now we are here dragging everyone down and I'm very sorry about this. I'm actually Gay. So as we speak everything I told Kiwi is being archived because he is of the belief I'm taking him to court for changing the title of my car without my consent.

I will not do such thing, I was just saying that because I was upset about not getting the attention I deserve. Maximilianmus is also a part of this secret gay club we have going on. Max is my first boyfriend. Max is also upset with me because I didn't roleplay with him one night. I can't believe what's going on I just wanted to be Gay and have fun on the internet. I hope Kiwi can forgive me for the legal threats and revenge porn.

Just trying to cope as much as possible because right now I'm very depressed.

jack is a pretty cool person

Hearing his story last night really made me appreciate the life that I have. At first when I came on the website I legit thought he was your average white person that drove a jeep but really he's just a beat up guy trying to pull through. Jack really surrendered himself to me last night even though I'm a complete stranger. He admitted to some crazy shit but I know he's trying to be a good person deep down. And he even said it's totally okay with me riling him up because it helps him cope. I knew he needed someone to blow smoke up his ass so he could express himself better & more. That's why I choose him to be apart of my podcast so he can have people listen to him. He deserves to have people giving him attention and I want that to happen. He's a good guy that needs all of the consideration he can get.

To Rose. (this is a sex roleplay btw)

You will always be my big sister. I'm proud of you every day. I know when we first began to know each other in the beginning. Things got out of control in our steam Dms. It was fun though and I still laugh about it sometimes. But that's why I came to you one day so make sure you weren't going to kill yourself. Something deep down told me to. Now you're probably wondering why I'm making this public. I'm contemplating taking my life and I just want the world to know you were a real one to me. I wasn't joking about those messages yesterday. This week is the week my brother passed away and I think it's about time to go join him in heaven. Max will take this as a W and that's okay but if I do decide to go just keep pushing yourself and take care of homeboy for me. You really cared about me and I will watch over you.

I tried to get through to Bro man about what happened. Something deep down in him is still brewing and I wish it would stop. We have a great thing going on and he just decides to go the route he's going by tearing friendships apart. Jack taught me one thing about himself that I'm using today because this shit is really affecting me deep down and I can't take much more of the emotional abuse. It's to use humor even during the absolute lowest chapters of ones life. Kiwi decides to emotionally abuse me in discord, berate me in front of people and he tried to ruin our friendship. His wife is a psychopath willing to release a wrath upon anyone on a consistent basis to prove a point. Right now as we speak, she's probably in his ear telling him to do more destructive shit.

I never wanted Ken to endure what he has to endure today. Ken deserves an easy sailing trip around the most beautiful islands imaginable. Ken may not be perfect but who is. We all have problems but I'm willing to own up to them. But Rose, you were always there for me and thank you for the gifts. Thank you for trying to scare away my loneliness. I'm so sorry that this had to have happened.
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kiwifails did nothing wrong

I'm coming out. We were in bed with Gargamel the whole time but Gargamel is an alright person. Kiwifails doesn't have a wife it's just a roommate. Rose doesn't even know about this. We are all in a Polly relationship and what really happened. I leaked kiwis nudes on a website I perfer not to mention because he was role playing in discord with Gargamel without me being in it. I know this is wild but it's because I was jealous and this drama overlapped into the mod team and Kiwi is in panic mode trying to cover it up. I'm actually Kaine. Kaine isn't an Asian stalker of Rose, I'm actually a homosexual person. Kiwi is the top, I'm the bottom, Gargamel likes it both ways. This whole time we were running a secret sex life but shit just had to hit the fan and now we are here dragging everyone down and I'm very sorry about this. I'm actually Gay. So as we speak everything I told Kiwi is being archived because he is of the belief I'm taking him to court for changing the title of my car without my consent.

I will not do such thing, I was just saying that because I was upset about not getting the attention I deserve. Maximilianmus is also a part of this secret gay club we have going on. Max is my first boyfriend. Max is also upset with me because I didn't roleplay with him one night. I can't believe what's going on I just wanted to be Gay and have fun on the internet. I hope Kiwi can forgive me for the legal threats and revenge porn.

Just trying to cope as much as possible because right now I'm very depressed.

jack is a pretty cool person

Hearing his story last night really made me appreciate the life that I have. At first when I came on the website I legit thought he was your average white person that drove a jeep but really he's just a beat up guy trying to pull through. Jack really surrendered himself to me last night even though I'm a complete stranger. He admitted to some crazy shit but I know he's trying to be a good person deep down. And he even said it's totally okay with me riling him up because it helps him cope. I knew he needed someone to blow smoke up his ass so he could express himself better & more. That's why I choose him to be apart of my podcast so he can have people listen to him. He deserves to have people giving him attention and I want that to happen. He's a good guy that needs all of the consideration he can get.

To Rose. (this is a sex roleplay btw)

You will always be my big sister. I'm proud of you every day. I know when we first began to know each other in the beginning. Things got out of control in our steam Dms. It was fun though and I still laugh about it sometimes. But that's why I came to you one day so make sure you weren't going to kill yourself. Something deep down told me to. Now you're probably wondering why I'm making this public. I'm contemplating taking my life and I just want the world to know you were a real one to me. I wasn't joking about those messages yesterday. This week is the week my brother passed away and I think it's about time to go join him in heaven. Max will take this as a W and that's okay but if I do decide to go just keep pushing yourself and take care of homeboy for me. You really cared about me and I will watch over you.

I tried to get through to Bro man about what happened. Something deep down in him is still brewing and I wish it would stop. We have a great thing going on and he just decides to go the route he's going by tearing friendships apart. Jack taught me one thing about himself that I'm using today because this shit is really affecting me deep down and I can't take much more of the emotional abuse. It's to use humor even during the absolute lowest chapters of ones life. Kiwi decides to emotionally abuse me in discord, berate me in front of people and he tried to ruin our friendship. His wife is a psychopath willing to release a wrath upon anyone on a consistent basis to prove a point. Right now as we speak, she's probably in his ear telling him to do more destructive shit.

I never wanted Ken to endure what he has to endure today. Ken deserves an easy sailing trip around the most beautiful islands imaginable. Ken may not be perfect but who is. We all have problems but I'm willing to own up to them. But Rose, you were always there for me and thank you for the gifts. Thank you for trying to scare away my loneliness. I'm so sorry that this had to have happened.
Rest in peace my brother in arms

Clearly this isn't a real anachan with this bmi and %body fat. maybe a bulimic, can't resist the urge to binge then the self hatred that causes them to purge (doesn't remove the calories you binged ya fat fuck).
Chubby and old and childless what a mix.
Self inflicted at that. Given the absolute schizoids she allows to orbit her.
Despite everything that's occurred above I'll still be using and posting to this thread from time to time as I have been, I don't want any off site related problems getting into the mix of things and I want to state that I don't have issues towards anybody - I don't even know why things blew up as much as they did to begin with but I'd like for this thread to not really be used to argue amongst one another because I just don't see the point, especially as I personally didn't have problems with anybody involved and was on the sidelines.
Despite everything that's occurred above I'll still be using and posting to this thread from time to time as I have been, I don't want any off site related problems getting into the mix of things and I want to state that I don't have issues towards anybody - I don't even know why things blew up as much as they did to begin with but I'd like for this thread to not really be used to argue amongst one another because I just don't see the point, especially as I personally didn't have problems with anybody involved and was on the sidelines.

I like how they go after the one person that they know isn't going to clap back at them. I threw back some coors banquets last night and told that motherfucker exactly where to go.

Right before his head hit the pillow and he started writing in the tears stained pages of dear diary, he took his impotent little rage over to here and deleted mine and yandere's accounts.

Fucking bitch fit. Gargamel was right about one thing, he really is as emotionally unstable as a trans girl 🤣

Imagine logging in as Ken and reading Rose's DMs without permission. Vulgar display of both faggotry and power.