Gladly, one can of cold refreshing Pepsi comin' up!@Pepsi Man through this bitch a pepsi. shes thirsty you feel?
yea, insects like to congregate in dark, damp areasthats if she has a partner, maybe the incels like pussy smelling like fish
they probably don't even wash their cocks so they may have dick cheese
you have to realize, funky people like funky people, if you have a room full of trash, you'll get people with same type of rooms wanting to come over
Exactly, at the end of the day it's just words on a screen and they'll never be able to hurt you physically, yes some words can mentally damage you but that's more from close friends and family, people you CARE about. Rose spurging out over randos online is childish at best and mentally challenged at worse, fuck even jose.gonzalas.2007 playing Mann vs. Machine for the first time getting called unimaginable things by a high-tour-harry for picking bad upgrades or something tiny like that handles it better then her. This is something I always say whenever people whine about "MUH HECKIN' CYBER-BULLYING!!1!". TURN. OFF. YOUR. COMPUTER. or better yet, if you're having fun but 1 person is acting like a douche, just block and move on, or if it's a lot of people, just use privacy settings to only allow friends to interact, but noooo Rose isn't gonna do anything like that cus she's a tardmaxxing spergiod who feels the constant need to bitch and whine about "MUH HECKIN' STALKERS1!!11" all while portraying herself as a "trad based schizomaxxed goth e-girl gf sneeded with Agarthian genes who orgasms to gore like a boss and don't care at all" or whatever it is chuds find attractive. She reminds me of a former friend I had, who let herself get passed around like the common cold and then cried about rape whenever she regretted it, constantly got into horrible relationships with simps she found on Overwatch and hung out with a genuine pedophile and mass-manipulator, among other things. Whenever I called her out on her bullshit she'd get all pissy and and scream "YOU DON'T KNOW OUR (the manipulator's) FRIENDSHIP" even though she'd only talk about them whenever she was bawling her eyes out cus they brought up something she still feels bad about 2+ years later. When I finally cut her out she called me a kiddie-diddler and (tried anyway) to ruin my reputation, it didn't work cus non of my friend bought her bullshit but still, the similarities are uncanny. She, also like Rose, does a whole lot of backpedaling and always pretending she knew all along.I gtfo the internet and go for a walk and realize. "hmm, those assholes, those stalkers, those fake friends, I can always find better people in the future, but for right now, I need to focus on me and not what words on a screen have to say about me"
Don't let her projection fool you. It's her ego being dented. I don't know if you ever heard of an ego death but it's pretty much where your self value goes away in your eyes and you're being humble about how you treat people and such.It's one thing to not care about politics. But it's another when you completely block off anything that is going on in the world today. It's good to be aware of things rather than being distracted all the time by entertainment. I remember in high school, my history teacher would talk about how the Roman leaders would distract the citizens by holding games at the Colosseum. The reason was because there was perhaps some corruption within their senate (basically the congress at the time) or maybe the emperor was acting on their own sinister desires. The roman empire was divided into huge districts and let's say that when the stabilization of one was terrible, the games would be hosted to distract all the peoples from caring about the neglectance of that part of the empire.
Rose is so attached to her virtual reality persona that all she does is constantly rely on dopamines to keep her on her feet even though all she does is sit on her ass all day but I digress.
When you are to the point that nothing around you matters and all you care about is what you have to gain, it's quite fucked up. I understand there are people out there that you will never meet suffering, but they are human being just like me and you. Like, the reader reading this for example. We may never develop a personal relationship but I hope you are happy and healthy :D. And if you're going through hell and back, I hope things get better for you.
Then with the stalkers' and obsessors posts. How can you sit there and tell people to move on when you still to this day let whatever your ex did to you, make you this way and repeat the same cycle by hurting others through your ways? @AboutToBustIn was hurt after everything she did for you, the time she dedicated toward your very existance? Call it gaslighting I guess, but I mean, come on, it's a great question I'm trying to put on the table. And what about all of the others like her you have thrown away? This is why people do this, this is why they stalk you and hate you because this monster you let grow inside you attached itself to the point that it made you to be such a fucked up person and all they do is sit behind their screens and laugh at you because maybe their sadist themselves with too much free time on their hands but maybe they would fuck off if you weren't always posting about them and ignoring them.
There's nothing wrong about being silly and shit, the problem is you not letting go of your past, you manipulating and your lack of sympathy for anyone but yourself like you said in the first screenshot.