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United States - Political Cow Joseph Biden: President of the United States

Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt

Global Moderator
President Joe Biden was caught on video losing his temper and threatening to throw the phone of a TikTok influencer during a White House influencer event. The incident occurred amidst a discussion, with Biden expressing his distrust and suggesting he could throw the phone a significant distance. The event was part of a broader gathering at the White House, and the video has sparked various reactions online.


Daniel Lopez

AIDS Carnie
Based Biden 2024, Jack.
I'll of course be voting for Kanye again since I thought it was funny long before Fuentes did whatever the fuck. But hell yeah, Joe. Show that dogfaced pony soldier you're the man with the firmest handshake in the room

Cavalier Cipolla

Onion Knight...on Onionfarms!
Baby Onion
President Joe Biden was caught on video losing his temper and threatening to throw the phone of a TikTok influencer during a White House influencer event. The incident occurred amidst a discussion, with Biden expressing his distrust and suggesting he could throw the phone a significant distance. The event was part of a broader gathering at the White House, and the video has sparked various reactions online.


This is from that same journalist. I found it very sus that (((Libs of TikTok))) was among the bigger promoters of this story.

Trad Cath from LA

Hellovan Onion
No, because we will happily do that to right wing lolcows as well. Nobody is safe.
I m not really liberal..not because I hate them or think they are universally stupid but just the way I was raised and my life experiences. But I m very glad to have left local republican groups because it got too much.

Cavalier Cipolla

Onion Knight...on Onionfarms!
Baby Onion
I m not really liberal..not because I hate them or think they are universally stupid but just the way I was raised and my life experiences. But I m very glad to have left local republican groups because it got too much.
You'd have better luck in Europe. Europe outside UK doesn't have a de-facto two party system where you only get two choices of a socially liberal and socially conservative party. You have all kinds of flavours of left and right leaning parties with all kinds of different social, economic and geopolitical policies. And they all get representation proportional to how many popular votes they got.