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Community Featured Submissions: Last Update January 28, 2025

Jamie Foxx

Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions
I'm not a fan of Foxx, so wasn't really aware of this, but I saw this...

And this is spookily like...
btw this film has a bitchin' Jim Kelly vs Pigs fight.
This whole situation has been wild. Everyone but the man himself says he's fine but they won't even let him in front of a camera.
When I took my Vax I was bed ridden for a few days I could barely eat or even lay down to sleep, it was pretty intense.
When I took my Vax I was bed ridden for a few days I could barely eat or even lay down to sleep, it was pretty intense.
I know two people that had reactions like this, one lived alone so she had to just stay in bed and try not to die for two days. She had 3 or 4 more jabs after that and she was fine.
  • Shocking
Reactions: Rez