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Cowsphere Jacob Sockness

Public figures in internet culture that are predominately seen as part of the cowsphere community


I saw this on Kiwi Farms last year. https://kiwifarms.net/threads/jacob...2-ramleironheart.48287/page-100#post-10447732 She died from the COVID-19 Vaccine. Sockness could have bagged Chris Chan real easy if they ever met. @Sailfish I know you're looking for a backup LOLcow, Sockness has quite a record. I guess he's very selective when he curses the homerless, because his soulmate turned out to be homeless and living in a hotel. You can see the room in many of her profile picks. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100070530517426 I've been there many years ago, it's the Witcomb, not far from Sockness's last know dox.

It was very passionate from what he says here. I'm imaging Sockness and Chris Chan making Onlyfans videos. It might have been some really hot fur porn.

Here's proof Sockness is capable of finding a hot Boyfriend free Boy, younger than him too.
