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How Do i get a girlfriend


hello onionbros i must confess i am a virgin i am now in collage and have no luck i am so lonely and i want a girlfriend so much it would be amazing having someone i could talk to irl so onionbros give me some advice on how to get a girlfriend

Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions
Log off. Go outside, go to work, church, gym, you get the idea. Oh, also, don't tell them about your website. CHicks won't understand. And they won't want you to explain.

Good luck to you, I think you're over rating the convo, but chicks sure do feel nice.


Log off. Go outside, go to work, church, gym, you get the idea. Oh, also, don't tell them about your website. CHicks won't understand. And they won't want you to explain.

Good luck to you, I think you're over rating the convo, but chicks sure do feel nice.
telling a girl about freedom farms would instantly make her wet

Slidey Boi

Oh man... what a big topic. I appreciate the honesty though.

Something I've learned about the female perspective over time from being married and whatnot, is about one's general attitude. Women are attracted to a quiet, humble brand of confidence. Bragging and boasting is toxic, but you can be much more impressive when someone learns something impressive after knowing you for a while, meaning you didn't have to shove it in their face right away. Listening is very important, showing them you are just available to listen to them, to be quiet while they are talking and give them your full attention, and not feel the need to immediately fix problems. Sometimes just discussing them is good enough, and other times offering solutions prematurely can be seen as a form of arrogance, as if only hearing about a problem for 30 seconds you know a solution to something they have been living with. Show that you're willing to learn something new that you haven't heard before when you listen.

As far as actually 'meeting' women and hooking up or whatever, its hard these days, and I'm not envious of you guys still in the dating scene. It was easier 10+ years ago back when I was single. But two things I can suggest are taking advantage of people you come across at college, make the most of your connections. Go to parties, meet people's friends. Actually attend school events. You may not meet your dream girl, but you might meet someone who may end up connecting you with her... If you stay in a bubble then the people around you won't change much. The other thing is that online dating can actually work, but do your own research, and actually put effort into it. Like your profile, actually read it and imagine if you were a woman if you would like what you see. You can't shoot for a 10 with a PFP that looks like you just rolled out of bed, and a poor grammar two sentence (or crazy long rambling is even worse) bio.

Getting philosophical for a moment, I think everyone needs to lower their standards for finding their perfect ideal mate. The thing is, that doesn't really exist. And even if it did, you wouldn't stay perfect for long. In long term relationships people aren't static, both as individuals and partners. But if you find someone who can be a good teacher and a good student with you, you can learn from each other and grow together in a complimentary direction. And that's good enough. You won't agree on every single subject, but you might learn enough about each other's perspectives to realize that the other's view can be just as valid. Find a good partner with whom you can grow into the ideal couple. She probably would possess a brand of that humble confidence I mentioned earlier. A couple of those kinds of people can really achieve anything.

Oh yeah one last thing, you said you're a virgin. Man I remember when I was a virgin, it just consumed me. It felt like I was incomplete. That sex drive is so high when you're in your teens and early 20s, it feels like you'd do anything for the chance. But seriously, don't sweat it so much. Don't let your desperation make you make mistakes. I made some pretty shitty mistakes myself because back then, I was coming off of being rejected all through high school. I become a man-whore for a while and I was pretty reckless. I didn't want to cause trouble for anybody, but as a consequence of not knowing how to tell any girl 'no', I ended up making trouble (and heartache) for others and myself.


Oh man... what a big topic. I appreciate the honesty though.

Something I've learned about the female perspective over time from being married and whatnot, is about one's general attitude. Women are attracted to a quiet, humble brand of confidence. Bragging and boasting is toxic, but you can be much more impressive when someone learns something impressive after knowing you for a while, meaning you didn't have to shove it in their face right away. Listening is very important, showing them you are just available to listen to them, to be quiet while they are talking and give them your full attention, and not feel the need to immediately fix problems. Sometimes just discussing them is good enough, and other times offering solutions prematurely can be seen as a form of arrogance, as if only hearing about a problem for 30 seconds you know a solution to something they have been living with. Show that you're willing to learn something new that you haven't heard before when you listen.

As far as actually 'meeting' women and hooking up or whatever, its hard these days, and I'm not envious of you guys still in the dating scene. It was easier 10+ years ago back when I was single. But two things I can suggest are taking advantage of people you come across at college, make the most of your connections. Go to parties, meet people's friends. Actually attend school events. You may not meet your dream girl, but you might meet someone who may end up connecting you with her... If you stay in a bubble then the people around you won't change much. The other thing is that online dating can actually work, but do your own research, and actually put effort into it. Like your profile, actually read it and imagine if you were a woman if you would like what you see. You can't shoot for a 10 with a PFP that looks like you just rolled out of bed, and a poor grammar two sentence (or crazy long rambling is even worse) bio.

Getting philosophical for a moment, I think everyone needs to lower their standards for finding their perfect ideal mate. The thing is, that doesn't really exist. And even if it did, you wouldn't stay perfect for long. In long term relationships people aren't static, both as individuals and partners. But if you find someone who can be a good teacher and a good student with you, you can learn from each other and grow together in a complimentary direction. And that's good enough. You won't agree on every single subject, but you might learn enough about each other's perspectives to realize that the other's view can be just as valid. Find a good partner with whom you can grow into the ideal couple. She probably would possess a brand of that humble confidence I mentioned earlier. A couple of those kinds of people can really achieve anything.

Oh yeah one last thing, you said you're a virgin. Man I remember when I was a virgin, it just consumed me. It felt like I was incomplete. That sex drive is so high when you're in your teens and early 20s, it feels like you'd do anything for the chance. But seriously, don't sweat it so much. Don't let your desperation make you make mistakes. I made some pretty shitty mistakes myself because back then, I was coming off of being rejected all through high school. I become a man-whore for a while and I was pretty reckless. I didn't want to cause trouble for anybody, but as a consequence of not knowing how to tell any girl 'no', I ended up making trouble (and heartache) for others and myself.
this was a very good read on the subject of ideal girl im not too picky but there is things i like mainly
1 colored hair
2 calmness or not being bossy
3 the ability to cook decent meals