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Topics of Interest

Handicapped parking spaces are horseshit

Dum Cruise

Hellovan Onion
So today I was thinking about handicapped spaces in parking lots; they're bullshit.
Firstly, it's absurd to me that some fatass in a wheelchair can't burn a few calories on his way to the supermarket by moving his chair over. Does he really need a whole space for himself to show his superiority over the rest of society well vindicating their victim complex?
Secondly, this is a capitalist society where winner takes all, when did we implement this socialism where spots are designated for people who are too slow? If you get the the spot closest to the in supermarket parkinglot, that's because you were there first and the fastest. This is quite literally reversing the reward-consequence scale and empowering the the losers. Karl Marx would be proud.
Thirdly, if you're in a wheelchair why are you even driving? You should be taking the tard bus if you leave your disabled den. Parking spots are for the adults, and the upfront parking spots are for the more capable adults.

In summation, disabled parking spots are a communistic scheme to devalue good driving skills well empowering tards.