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Community Featured Submissions: Last Update January 28, 2025

Gothic Lolita Street Japanese Fashion.


"I'm not the guy to look up to, I'm cuttin' lines just to cut loose. Now I'm seeing God in the bathroom, she thinks I'm cool, but she gave me some bad news. I'm gonna change the world in the worst way."
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Now that I can actually post about stuff that genuinely interests me and I can be myself I wanted to make a thread about Gothic Lolita Japanese Street Fashion since it's always been a passion of mine. While it's an expensive hobby I've always loved how regal and pretty the aesthetics can look, like living dolls. I sometimes wish I didn't end up getting a whole bunch of tattoos to pull off the more pure look of gothic lolita street fashion but it's still something I find to be pretty. For those who don't know Gothic Lolita style is deeply connected to the popular street fashion movements around the Harajuku district of Tokyo. This is a well-known place, a home to all things extraordinary and kawaii ( for those who aren't fucking weebs, kawaii meaning "cute". ) Cute is a very pure emotion in Japan where it symbolizes a pure feeling of just wanting to appear wholesome, though there's also the gothic side of things which can lead to gothic lolita fashions which are really pretty in my opinion. I've always chosen to go for darker themes and colors rather than pastels because I like how darker colors look more than brighter colors, but from time to time I still enjoy wearing colors of white and pink. There's something about gothic lolita street fashion that sometimes reminds me of games like final fantasy, or infinity nikki. I'm not sure if anyone else will share these interests of mine, but what are your thoughts on these types of fashion movements?

There's something about Japanese street fashion that I just love, I don't know. I think with the way I look, which has been show numerous amounts of times now on this site lmao, it just works for me. Bandages, dresses, medical themed things, and just everything that's cute, pure or even darker in tone. I've dabbled in yami kawaii fashion in the past, but I just like to look completely out there.
