I'm sorry, but this moderator action does not result in more inclusiveness, rather it makes the OP less likely to want to post threads since it shows the staff's willingness to hijack and retcon threads. Such action does not promote inclusiveness, in fact it discourages conversation and causes people to feel excluded.To be more inclusive as you mentioned
As a reminder, the thread topic is whether or not Green tools are acceptable to the users of this site, NOT a general discussion of tools. If you or another staff wanted a general tool discussion thread, you should have made your own thread instead of hijacking mine.
That's not very nice or inclusive. It sounds like you're angry about nothing and probably don't even know the first thing about tools. It's interesting how your post got edited by a modeerator though. It's almost as if this whole site is nothing but a fake North Korean city, a mere illusion of scale and prosperity.Because you're a ten pound sack full of dog shit.
@Catministrator I'm deeply disappointed. I didn't want to believe all the bad words they wrote about you on the bird site but I'm starting to wonder if the supremacists have a point. Please show me this isn't the case.