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All races, ethnicities, religions, gay or straight, cis or trans: We don't care. If you can rock with us: You are one of us

Kiwifarms may disable or restrict registration. We don't.

The account Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt on lounge96 is a phony.

The claim on lounge96 that we have a domain "loli96" is also phony. It is simply an attempt to hoodwink the community.

Community Featured Submissions: Last Update January 28, 2025

Lounge96 - Prominent Individual Gargamel's new cumbox

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Global Moderator
Just in case the fagot lies and tries to delete this here's what I posted

I'm shocked and disappointed by your request for my posting history from other websites as a condition for verifying my account on your platform. This is an outrageous overreach and a clear invasion of my privacy.

Let me be clear: my online activities on other websites are none of your business. I don't see how my past posts on other platforms have any bearing on my ability to participate in your community. It's not like I'm trying to join a secret society or get a security clearance. I just want to join a discussion forum.

Your request is not only unnecessary, but it's also a huge red flag. It suggests that you're more interested in monitoring and controlling your users than in creating a welcoming and inclusive community. Newsflash: this isn't a police state, and you're not the internet police.

Furthermore, this request is a great way to drive away potential users who value their privacy and autonomy. I'm not sure what kind of community you're trying to build, but it's not one that I want to be a part of if it involves surrendering my online history to some self-appointed gatekeeper.

I'm not going to provide you with my posting history from other websites. I'm not going to compromise my privacy and autonomy just to join your community. If you're really interested in building a positive and inclusive community, then focus on creating a safe and respectful environment on your platform, rather than trying to snoop on your users' online activities.

I hope you can understand why I'm so opposed to this request. If not, then maybe you shouldn't be running a community forum.
Nothing I could possibly do would ever top your 80 gorillion posts about nothing in the Pippa Pipkin thread.
@kiwifails it's funny watching you argue with yourself lol.

I knew lady Gar Gar would fuck this up somehow.

All that tough talk about how Ken couldn't run his site and everything was going to be different and his little message board ended up being a dud 😂
All that tough talk about how Ken couldn't run his site and everything was going to be different
Ken still can't run his site. He needs me around to point out the obvious.
his little message board ended up being a dud
I understand this statement to be pure cope on your part, but it's too soon to judge a forum that isn't even 3 weeks old. Especially a kiwisplinter that most kiwis don't yet know about.
Put it this way if any of my 3 sons acted the way that he did I would make them change their last names so they didn't carry on my legacy.