this is the site your looking for
Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.
come to my discord then jkI'm not saying it isn't welcome, it's just linked to the lolcow community, kiwifarms aka the most toxic and autistic part of the internet and I don't feel safe to share my personal projects here considering that we are being watched by power tripping trannies and kiwifaggots as well.
Then use The Lounge. That's why I created it. It's private and the criteria for gaining access to it is so restrictive than anyone who shouldn't be there won't make it in there.I'm not saying it isn't welcome, it's just linked to the lolcow community, kiwifarms aka the most toxic and autistic part of the internet and I don't feel safe to share my personal projects here considering that we are being watched by power tripping trannies and kiwifaggots as well.
Title, share places that still have the good old day legacy where you can free to expression & share passions, hobbies and thoughts without having to deal with cliques of safe space snowflake. I know you might just say "here" but OF isn't really free considering it's linked with the lolcow community, and I'm still struggling to find a good place as everything these days is either dissolved into reddit or discord servers where you aren't allowed to be honest and can get banned for messing with the wrong tranny.
I'm pretty sure they mean this oneAccording to this tweet there's a "forum renaissance" happening right now, with zoomers discovering, appreciating and maintaining their own web fora:
View attachment 31241
I personally hate lolcows and would never recommend them to anyone. I have never heard of and am not familiar with "Armanates" (I can't seem to find a link) or "Tunis Bay", but you might wanna go over and have a look:
BTW, shouldn't this thread be merged with this one? @Emp @Sailfish what do you think?
KiwiFarms alternatives???
are there any? otherwise, what forums would you recommend?
wtf does Armanates, means?According to this tweet there's a "forum renaissance" happening right now, with zoomers discovering, appreciating and maintaining their own web fora:
View attachment 31241
I personally hate lolcows and would never recommend them to anyone. I have never heard of and am not familiar with "Armanates" (I can't seem to find a link) or "Tunis Bay", but you might wanna go over and have a look:
BTW, shouldn't this thread be merged with this one? @Emp @Sailfish what do you think?
KiwiFarms alternatives???
are there any? otherwise, what forums would you recommend?
I have no idea, like I said, I am not familiar with that forum. Maybe if you have a Twitter account, you can DM the person who posted the tweet I screengrabbed and ask them what it does Armanates, means?
The Lounge is no longer a section on the site. Didn't feel any sense of community here besides some comradery about how awful the jannies on KF are. Besides that it was just schizoposters spamming with sock accounts and retarded glowie usernames. Since even void left the forum, its quite telling how there is a real lack of community here.Then use The Lounge. That's why I created it. It's private and the criteria for gaining access to it is so restrictive than anyone who shouldn't be there won't make it in there.
All of the Staff agree with me that OnionFarms should be a community, Not like Kiwifarms. You're going to get capped and made fun of no matter where you post if a kiwifarmer finds it and decides to make fun of you. There's nowhere that's safe. Not even discord servers. I like making sock accounts on twitter and getting into private discord servers run by furfags and/or trannies to pull the logs and laugh at them. Nowhere is safe lmao.
However; I doubt people on other forums not related to lolcows will go to bat for you if you get fucked with. Not so on Onionfarms. The last batch of threads that have gone up have gone up in no small part due to the fact that the people they're about decided to try to fuck with users of this site.
We're a community.
Kiwifarms is a group of autistic individuals who are all trying to stab each other in the back if they can.
We want onionfarms to be the opposite of that.
Thx for replying to something 5 months laterThe Lounge is no longer a section on the site. Didn't feel any sense of community here besides some comradery about how awful the jannies on KF are. Besides that it was just schizoposters spamming with sock accounts and retarded glowie usernames. Since even void left the forum, its quite telling how there is a real lack of community here.
And other than our meta discussion thread you're right there's nothing going on there , I can't help if people treat this like a dirty couch in between shitting up kiwi , might as well be a sinking ship , but for the 12 that are here and want to have a good time I'll enjoy their company until they leave as well. Nobody is forcing us to be here, tbh if Josh let us alog him without interference we would have no purpose . That's our community buddy, rejected retards to wild for kiwi and the disenfranchised .The Lounge is no longer a section on the site. Didn't feel any sense of community here besides some comradery about how awful the jannies on KF are. Besides that it was just schizoposters spamming with sock accounts and retarded glowie usernames. Since even void left the forum, its quite telling how there is a real lack of community here.
Void left? When? Do you know if he's finally doing that homesteading thing with his wife and son he always talked about?Since even void left the forum, its quite telling how there is a real lack of community here.
Void left? When? Do you know if he's finally doing that homesteading thing with his wife and son he always talked about?
No. My reasons for retiring essentially revolve around the chudbud leaks. I've been inactive for the last few weeks reflecting on everything and I don't like where I see lolcow culture heading. The chudbud leaks remind me of the Kraut and Tea / RageAfterStorm drama, and I've been reflecting on my last few years on the internet, from the ILJ saga to now and everything in between and I'm just not interested anymore. Chris Chan isn't coming back and the golden days have been over for years. This reminds me, kind of, of when imageboard culture started dying in the late 2000s, and it reminds me of when GirlVinyl took a sledgehammer to ED, I'm 31 and I just don't want to participate anymore.
Oh yeah, very creative I'm sure. Didn't read any of it. Seemed a bit self important to me. And he says lots of things.Void said he was retiring in this post
Well " former staff" doesn't look as nice on a tag.his avatar ribbon now says "retired staff":
LMFAO onionfarms is supposedly named after onions when really it means order of fascists a nazi troll farm like kiwifarms 8chan 4chan etc
I asked about that: Wrongplanet doesn't use Xenforo. It uses BBPress. WrongPlanet was built with a lot of custom coding work that cost around $4,000. this is the site your looking for