Donald Trump



Donald Trump indicted for 2nd time, in classified documents investigation: Sources​

The former president faces at least seven charges, sources tell ABC News, which include willful retention of national defense information, conspiracy to obstruct justice, withholding a document or record, corruptly concealing a document or record, concealing a document in a federal investigation, scheme to conceal, and false statements and representations.

Maximum sentences for the respective charges, per their statutes, range from five up to 20 years, although any eventual sentence should Trump be convicted would likely be much lower.

Trump is set to be arraigned in federal court in Miami on Tuesday at 3 p.m. ET
Get it together Donnie.

I was in the middle of writing a long thoughtful response to this, but I'm so tired of debating and analyzing Trump at this point in my life I think I'm done. Instead, I'll remind you all that rich Biff Tanner from BTTF2 is a loving parody of Mr. Trump. I'm sure we all wish we could be like Marty and have a man like that as a father figure.
seven charges, sources tell ABC News, which include willful retention of national defense information, conspiracy to obstruct justice, withholding a document or record, corruptly concealing a document or record, concealing a document in a federal investigation, scheme to conceal
What are the Fourth and Fifth Amendments?
false statements and representations.
What is the First Amendment?
@Empresa @brapplebees
Fourth Amendment said:
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Do you fags also need me to explain what each of the words in the amendment mean? Too bad, this is all the help I have to spare for degenerates.
Do you fags also need me to explain what each of the words in the amendment mean? Too bad, this is all the help I have to spare for degenerates.
soyglasses.png nah i just wanted to give you a trash can smug.png

Maximum sentences for the respective charges, per their statutes, range from five up to 20 years, although any eventual sentence should Trump be convicted would likely be much lower.
I love when retards say this, they literally convicted George Floyd's killer on 3 different murder charges, for killing the same singular person. Heather Hayer's killer got 1000 years. most of the Jan 6th convicts got hit with the maximum sentence allowed for the 18th century misdemeanor they got their lives destroyed on. We all know whatever nigger judge they pick will hand out the max for whatever the jury convicts on. why do you think MJ never plea'd out any of his charges? At a certain level of infamy a judge will throw the book at you no matter how bullshit it is. literally happened to Cosby and polanski.

Trump's frying. it doesn't help that they're putting his own words in as evidence when we all know trump talks the way niggers rap. its stream of consciousness and even if they admit something it could be completely untrue. Having said that, couldn't happen to a better person, dipshit knew the government was fucking with him during the obama era and still thought he could get away with failing to drain the swamp. he'll be behind bars in less than 18 months. the RNC certainly will have some bullshit law about not allowing convicted felons on the primary ticket too.

If i were melania i'd divorce and flea with her kid. just in general the family should all run for it, they're fucked.
hiding documents everywhere like its a game of clue lol
Kind of like how your mother hid her head down while she crossed the Rio Grande. Except that was an actual illegal act, not under some unconstitutional alleged "law" that supposedly bans an ex-President from keeping documents that were given to him. Fuck off.
he deserves it for abandoning his people after the capitol
I kind of semi-understand this sentiment, but going after him while the Biden criminals are in stolen office helps nothing.
Donald Trump being put into prison.
He'll be put in prison on the same day that the Russians decide to drop a few nukes on DC. After that, all remaining American citizens under the new provisional government will realize who the real President was all along. We'll make sure to let him out of his cell, after declaring all acts of the Biden administration and Congress made since January 2021 illegal and void.